CIRTL Network Meeting Thursday June 18, :00-12:30 ET/ 10:00-11:30 CT/ 9:00-10:30 MT / 8:00-9:30 PT This meeting will be recorded Begin by running the Audio Setup Wizard Select : Tools>Audio> Audio Setup Wizard Call-in Number: 1 (571) Passcode: Agenda Fall in-person Network meeting, sign-up, basic logistics Cross-Network update - Fall course offerings TAR Presentations at Network Meetings Institutional Portrait Questions? - Due June 30, 2015 Scope of work questions? Due July 15, 2015 (early submissions welcome) Collecting Expansion Contacts Topic 1: Expansion Update & FAQs
Course registration opens July 20
CN Learning Community Fall Offerings Course: Effective Teaching with Technology Course: Diversity in the College Classroom Course: An Introduction to Evidenced-based STEM Teaching (MOOC) Course: Service-Learning in STEM Classrooms: Introduction to Pedagogy and Practice Course: Developing a Teaching Portfolio Short Course: Assessment Short Course: Students reading real science: bringing primary literature into the undergraduate classroom
CN Learning Community Fall Offerings CIRTLCast – Creating an Inclusive STEM Research Environment – Creating an Inclusive STEM Teaching Environment – Effective and Inclusive Research Mentoring – Assessing what Students are Learning Need Oct, Nov, Feb series organizers – Career development, the academic job search – Active, evidenced-based teaching – A focus of your choosing
CN Learning Community Fall Offerings Online Learning Community for International TAs – Discussions, blogs, and monthly synchronous session CIRTLReads Journal Club
TAR Presentations TAR Presentations at Network Meetings
Summer 2015 Network Date & Deadlines 6/30/15 Institutional Portrait Summary, Program and Product Forms Due 7/15/15 NSF scopes of work, budget and budget justification (or sooner) 9/30/15 (or earlier if invoices are in) GLHEC scopes of work, budget and budget justification TBD MOU Amendment – Data sharing agreement CIRTL Central Deadlines 7/31/15 NSF Annual Report Due 8/31/15 GLHEC Report Due Other dates 7/6/15 Teagle Concept Papers due 10/12/15 Full Teagle proposal due Nov/Dec - CIRTL Network Commons Launch TBD Summer Evaluation Interviews
2015 IPs – Questions that have come up Q15 on Summary Form: Please upload a brief summary report of the year's accomplishments and challenges. If you were not able to reach the original target number of Associates, Practitioners and Scholars submitted to GLHEC please include a short discussion of why the target numbers were not attained and a description of the adjustments that will be made in order to reach the combined year-1 and year-2 target numbers by the end of year 2, August 31, Please prepare this text as if were going directly to the Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation You may have accomplishments and challenges related to your NSF-funded work that may not be appropriate to include in the report to GLHEC. New text added to Q15: If there are additional accomplishes or challenges associated with your NSF-funded that would not be appropriate to include in a report to GLHEC, please feel free to add a separate section to your summary report describing those details. Just be sure to make sure the sections are clearly indicated.
2015 IPs – Questions Program Form: Please submit this form for all local programs that have been created or revised to reflect the CIRTL Learning Outcomes and incorporate at least 3 of the CIRTL Learning Outcomes. For example, you may have created a brand new program targeted toward the CIRTL Learning Outcomes or you may have expanded an existing program that is aligned with CIRTL to focus on STEM students. New text: Please do not report Cross-Network events organized or hosted by your university, unless you hosted a local version of a particular cross-network event. In that case, report only the number of local participants at that event. (It would be appropriate to report activities such as hosting a local viewing of a a CIRTL-cast, or hosting a MOOC-MCLC) The Cross-Network events are tracked by CIRTL Central. We do not want to require additional reporting on your part and we want to avoid multiple collaborations reporting the same participant numbers for the same event. CIRTL Central will create a summary report of Cross-Network events.
2015 IPs - Questions Program Form: Q32: Please include any additional comments or explanatory notes regarding this program. Summary Form: Q21. Please feel free to add any comments or clarifying remarks. Please feel free to use these final comment fields on the IP forms to tell us anything we need to know. We realize that the IP forms may not align well with every program.
NSF SOWs The deadline for submitting the SOW materials for the NSF subcontract renewal is July 15 th. If avoiding a gap between when year-2 ends and year-3 begins, you may submit your materials sooner than July 15 th. We will do our best to turn review and submit the documents ASAP. We will not submit SOW materials to our research office until your institutional portrait has been submitted.
Expansion Contacts: Collecting Expansion Contacts (Link to form on today’s agenda and Network Group home page.) Distributed about 100 folders to date. Most materials also posted at:
Expansion documents under development Application - Status: Done, to be posted Review criteria - Status: Done, to be posted FAQ page- Status: draft FAQ prepared – shared at June Network meeting Expansion Plan (A Growth Plan for Sustained Impact) - Status: Ver2 almost ready for review Selection of campus profiles - Status: draft information fields identified, UAB draft prepared MOU – Status: TBD Invitation letter, with instructions on letter of intent - Status: Not started Application Support page - TBD Other resources needed Snail-mailing list for invitations Status: 2015 Forum list available (Grad deans and provosts) Updated list for invitation Status: 2015 Forum list available (Grad deans and provosts) List of prior contacts, to the extent available Status: Contact list, Forum attendees, others? List of faculty, staff, Center Directors at R1s - Status: TBD Review rubric - Status: TBD Letter of Intent submission form - Status: TBD Instructions for how to register and join a virtual Q&A session – Status: posted Other: ?
Breakouts Blackboard will automatically distribute people to breakout rooms. Turn on your video camera when you get into the breakout room. CIRTL Central will move the instruction slide into each breakout room (This may take a moment.) Identify the 2 nd person in the participant list to serve as “reporter” when we return to the main room. Use the google doc for your breakout room to capture notes / ideas. (The link will be on the whiteboard. The links are also available to today’s agenda page.) Return to the main room when the timer rings. (Kitch will bring everyone back about 30 seconds after the timer rings.) When we return to the main room, we will use a round-robin style to gather and discuss questions.
Breakout Instructions When you hear the timer go off, please return to the main room. Kitch will pull everyone back to the main room approximately 30 seconds after the timer rings. Link to notes page: Link to FAQ’s: The 2nd person in the breakout room participant list (excluding the CIRTL Central person) should be prepared to verbally share the questions that your group determines should be included on a FAQ page for potential Network members. Breakout Session Steps 1)Please take a few minutes to review the categories and types of questions on the draft Expansion FAQ page. 2)As a group, generate a list of questions that you would recommend be on an FAQ page for potential members. 3)As a group, identify your high priority questions. 4)As time allows, draft a response to your high priority questions. (This may be a bulleted list of points to mention.)