Student Teaching Placement Meeting May 2011 Office of Clinical Experiences Fran Umerski & Kathy Watson (320)
Today you will receive: Data Sheet: Update if needed Student Teaching Contract Sign all copies, keep white CBC attached if required (Criminal Background Check)
Husky Net…..Check Regularly for updates, etc
Contact OCE… (320) We will contact you with placement information as soon as we know your placement!
ORIENTATION is Mandatory Fri., August 24, 2012 Ritsche Auditorium Stewart Hall 8:00 AM-3:00 PM
Professional Development Conference Attend only if you are a Fall 2012 graduate (Blk 3 & CFS 1 st ST attend your final semester) Thurs. Nov. 8, 2012, Atwood Get this on your calendar! Let your CT know!
CBC (Criminal Background Check): Required for MANY Districts Read your attached District Requirements and FOLLOW
CBC… Required documents are attached to your data sheet Fill out and return to OCE OR to the District…read directions! Some districts will accept a CBC performed by another district, if it’s less than 1 year old. Contact both districts to see if this is possible.
Go directly to the district website if it’s listed on the handout. Download the CBC document(s), complete the document(s) and submit it/them along with your check to the District Office, or as directed on the website.
If personal addresses or phone numbers are provided, contact them if you have questions, to get forms, etc. You must carefully read the information provided by your assigned district, as procedures and requirements vary among districts.
Your placement will be cancelled by the school district if this CBC information isn’t provided in a timely manner.
Complete this CBC process TODAY….or TOMORROW DO NOT WAIT
First Aid & CPR Required for CFS Infant & Child (through age 8) Required for KHPE PE: Child & Adult Health: Adult Bring signed card copies to OCE **Required BEFORE you can ST!
Liability Insurance REQUIRED $25,000 Liability coverage Ed MN (Education MN) Student Membership ($25 Academic Yr) Sign up ONLINE! Liability Insurance: Education MN “Student Members” “Join or Renew” (need credit card)
Liability Insurance Confirmation: COPY TO OCE! OR copy of check to Education MN PRIOR TO Student Teaching Effective for School Year Sept 1 - Aug 31 Spring/Fall only: Purchase again for following Fall if needed
ST Handbook Download Student Teaching; Handbooks Wait to download until Mid July for newest version Purchase at Copies Plus: call & reserve a copy ($10) (320)
Register for Student Teaching! OCE sent you a letter; SPED sent you a letter… Please Register OR placement may be CANCELLED
Fall 2012 Semester: SPED, K-12, 5-12: Full Time Student Teaching First Day of Student Teaching : August 27, 2012 SPED, K-12: 2 placements, generally 8 weeks each 5-12: 1-2 placements
CFS PreK Methods Classes Aug. 27- Oct. 19 Equal to 2 days per week in field placement during Methods, beginning Aug. 27 th ! ST: Oct. 22-Dec. 19, 2012
Elem Ed & K-3 ST Aug. 27-Sept.7 (workshop week through first week of school) Methods classes start Sept. 10 for 8 weeks In field placement on Mondays (ELED) during Methods ST resumes Nov. 5-Dec 19 (6 more weeks)
Urban Block: ELED Check over summer Placements in process; CBC info attached Suggest schedule a time to visit CT during workshop week (Mpls WS week Aug ; 1 st day of school Aug. 27) Methods Classes will be held at Sheridan
ST Dates Mandatory ORIENTATION Fri. Aug 24 SPED Aug 27-Oct 19 Oct 22-Dec 19 K-12, 5-12 Aug 27-Oct 19 Oct 22-Dec 19 El Ed (+CFS K-3) Aug 27-Sept 7 & Nov. 5-Dec 19 Spring 2012: Mid-March to early May CFS (PreK) Oct 22-Dec 19 Spring 2012 K-3 Mid-March to early May
Contact your CT ASAP! Today! Or Tomorrow!
University Supervisor You will find out your University Supervisor at Orientation Most supervisors will be at Orientation to meet with you
Placement Information Follow the school calendar and CT schedule!!!! (Not SCSU) Schools have the right to cancel your placement/remove ST: Lack of initiative Poor performance Unprofessional behavior We are GUESTS in the school!
ABSENCES Contact your CT & your supervisor; days may need to be made up
Outside Job ? This is discouraged due to the many requirements of student teaching An outside job can NOT interfere with your student teaching schedule or requirements! Coaching is considered a job…
Student Athletes Have you met with OCE staff to discuss practice and event/game schedules and accommodations needed?
Need to Withdraw from Student Teaching? Let OCE know ASAP Fill out cancellation form OCE will move you ahead to the next semester OR to whenever you have indicated on the form
Eligibility Issues? See Jolene in OCE
Still Need Your Placement? OCE will you… Check your Husky Net!
Placement Packets Sign Contract (all pages) Keep white copy Update & sign data sheet May have partial placement today…OCE will contact you with more info TURN IN: Data Sheet, Buff Contract CBC: Follow your instructions!!!
We wish you success!