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Pilgrims are people who are always traveling to find something they love, or to find a land where they can be happier.
Pilgrims left England Nearly four hundred years ago, many people in England were very unhappy because their king would not let them pray to God as they liked.
The Journey on the Mayflower There were one hundred people on board of the Mayflower. (a big ship that took the pilgrims to America)
Plymouth Rock Two months later, the tired Pilgrims landed from the ship on a spot now called Plymouth Rock, and the first house was begun on Christmas Day. But they got very sick and they suffered a lot that first winter. The weather was very cold, the Pilgrim fathers had no one to help them cut down the trees and build their church and their houses. 普里茅斯港的巖石 (在美國麻州,傳說清教徒於一六二零年登 陸之處
The Indians Fortunately, some friendly Indians stayed with the Pilgrims, and showed them how to plant their corn, and wheat and barley.
The harvest When it was autumn the fathers gathered the food that they had planted, and found that it had grown so well that they would have quite enough for the long winter that was coming. "Let us thank God for it all," they said. "Then," said the Pilgrim mothers, "let us have a great Thanksgiving party, and invite the friendly Indians, and all rejoice together."
The first Thanksgiving So they had the first Thanksgiving party, and it was a great one!
Each year Americans around the world celebrate Thanksgiving Day. How much do you know about this celebration?
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Each year Americans around the world celebrate Thanksgiving Day. How much do you know about this celebration?
1.Thanksgiving is a national holiday in _____. a) the UK b) the USA c) Europe
2. It is celebrated on the ____ in November. a) 4 th Thursday b) 4 th Friday c) 5 th Thursday
3. On this Day, Americans give thanks ___. a) for being so powerful b) to the Statue of Liberty c) for the good things in their lives.
4. ______ wanted to thank God for all the food. a) the President b) The Indians c) The Pilgrims
5. The Pilgrims weren’t the first people to live in America. The _____ were. a) British b) English c) Indians
6.On Thanksgiving Day families get together _____. a) to watch the Parade b) for a special meal c) to exchange gifts
7.On this day, Americans eat ___ and pumpkin pie. a) turkey b) roast beef c) hamburgers