1: GETTING STARTED WITH POWERPOINT 1.Ribbon: customize ribbon – right click on ribbon and customize ribbon opens 2.Quick access toolbar – I always add print preview 3.Slide view and outline view 4.Zoom control 5.Scroll bar 6.Backstage view a)Info- opens to this by default – set permissions, presentation notes b)Recent – this page is where you find ppts that you have worked on – use tack for ppt that you use all the time c)New – look at all templates already made d)Print – print preview and print preferences e)Save & send – saving choices and pdf production- video and handout choices f)Help button g)Options – customize ribbon and quick access toolbar Notes – left click anywhere on text to open up text options
2: SLIDE BASICS 1.Slide layouts – chose type of slide when adding new slide Change layout by going to slide section and click on down arrow of slide layout icon, Deleting placeholder, Adding text box, Using blank slide, Insert new slide 2.Working with slides – Insert new slide, copy and paste slide, duplicate slide, delete slide, move slide 3. Slide view – bottom of window pane by zoom 4. Section s – this makes navigating a long ppt easier. 5. Notes - at bottom of slide – can print these off for presentation
3: TEXT BASICS Adding text – if place holder is present, just click and type or add text Deleting text – backspace to delete text to left of insertion point or delete when text is right of insertion point Highlight and select text– click and hold mouse Hover toolbar – select text and hold mouse over test and small toolbar will open Copy and paste – cut and paste – drag and drop to move text Find and replace – click on find and type in word then type in word to replace Adding, moving and resizing a placeholder Formatting text-
4: APPLYING A THEME Themes Theme elements, element fonts, element styles, theme and slide layouts Apply a theme
5: INSERTING IMAGES Go to insert tab Inserting image from file Clipart Screenshot – new - will insert the whole desktop window – you need to have the window open that you want to copy Screen clipping of a window – take s a picture of what part of screen you want to insert Resizing and moving images
6: APPLYING TRANSITIONS Slide Motion effects – use transitions tab – use down arrow to see the many choices – preview In the transitions tab, timing can be set up for the slide show Advancing slides automatically – this is done by clicking on the advance slide and click on after and set time
7: CHECKING SPELLING Spell check is done through the review tab – can ignore or change If line is red underline – right click and spelling options will show up If there is a word that you use the a lot but keeps showing up as spelling error, can add to dictionary To change proofing options, go to backstage tab and click on options – can choose the different proofing option – this will change for all ppt presentations
8: PRESENTING SLIDE SHOW Starting slide show – use the slide show tab and choose the option you want or else the small icon slide show icon at bottom of window next zoom. Once you are in presentation, advance or reverse slides by clicking on small opaque icons in lower left corner or right click and choose next or previous To quit, click esc or right click and chose end show or right click and chose end show Use pen or highlighter – right click and chose pen/highlighter and make changes, can keep annotations if you want Go to non adjacent slide – right click and click on go to slide Can white slide, black slide and switch programs by right clicking and going to screen Ctrl P for (pen) and ctrl M for keyboard
9: SAVING AND PRINTING Save and save as Autorecover – if ppt crashes or close before saving –go to info tab off of file tab and version should show – ppt saves every 10 minutes Save as option has 97 – 2003 or template or other choices To save pdf version – go to save & send tab Printing – the print tab off of file tab shows all the options
10: MODIFYING LISTS Bullet styles – there are many different options – under home tab To see different styles - hover over the chose and you will see live preview ©Changing number start – can change what number a list starts at – click on 123 icon on paragraph section and go to bullets and numbering – this is where you would change color and size and other options – you can use pictures and symbols - choose customize to see symbols
11: INDENTS AND LINE SPACING Indent by using tab key – put tab at insertion point and hit indent – if part of bulleted list, the whole paragraph will indent Using the paragraph section – you can make changes to how paragraphs are indented and spaced.
12: MODIFYING THEMES Theme is the predefined combination of colors, fonts and effects. Use Design tab for this – for colors, go to colors and hover over the combinations – can do with fonts and effects also Upload sample file to try these choices
13: FORMATTING PICTURES Use the insert tab for pictures Crop an image – when you click on an image, the picure tools tabs shows above the format tab, click on this and the different picture shows up – click on crop and see the many choices Adding borders Image adjustments Artistic effects Compressing pictures so ppt is not so large – in picture tools, click on icon to the right of corrections Remove background – new – in picture tools, click on remove background – will highlight in magenta what part will be removed – click save and it is removed.
15: ARRANGING OBJECTS If working with many object, can align and arrange them using picture tools (pink above format tab) can rotate To select more than one element – make box around all the elements and now they will be highlighted together, then go to arrange section of picture tools Arranging by level – it is possible to move elements to back or forward – especially nice when working with text around pictures Grouping – can group elements into one picture – draw a box around all elements and then go to arrange section and click on group icon and make choices.
16: ANIMATING TEXT AND OBJECTS This is done in animation section -Text and objects can be animated so they move in and out of the presentation. 4 types entrance, empahsis, exit and motion path To apply animation- select object and click on animations - to see all choices, click on arrow next to animation, there are effect options Animation painter can put animation on more than one object Can rearrange by going to animation pane or reorder animation section Can preview and change as you want Can set animation to go by click or automatically by time in timing section Animate text by click on outside of text box and then go to animation and chose which animation and trigger – in animation pane, can chose animation timing and options by clicking on down arrow next to animation
17: INSERTING VIDEOS Inserting video from a file on computer –go to insert tab, locate video and double click – be sure that if you are moving presentation to another computer, to copy video file also To insert from website – locate the video (click share button and then embed to get code) and copy the embed code – then click insert, go to media section and click on down arrow and chose insert from website – be sure to copy the old embed code – there are size choices. The video looks like black box when not playing. Can resize by clicking on box
17: INSERTING VIDEOS Can also edit length of video – click on video box inserted and then click on video tools that highlights over format and click playback but cannot do this to embedded videos Chose start time and stop time to shorten video, can also fade in and add bookmarks Frames for video – click on video box and then click on format tab and make choices on options for frame
18: INSERTING AUDIO Go to insert and click on audio – can record right there to add or insert file or clip art audio Can edit the audio by clicking on audio icon and clicking on playback Change audio icon- -right click on icon and chose change picture and now when you click on picture, it will play
19: SMARTART ILLUSTRATIONS See website for more info -