MISSION What conditions must be met to ensure that the digital world of work is humane? EntriesTotalBalance Data Protection High and safe standards of data protection (10-0)10 work-life balance have privacy and off time, not be online at all times (10-0)10 Teamwork Employees should still have face to face interaction. Work should not be reduced to home and online work. (9-0)9 Adapt machines to humans, not the other way round Interfaces and interaction must be geared to the human being; take into account different user groups (older people, less educated people, people with handicaps) (8-0)8 Train skills to manage the limits (time, information, autonomy...)(7-0)7 equality of persons with disabilities in work life(7-0)7 user friendly interface that makes the worker the decisionmaker, not the computer take away stress etc (7-0)7 Labour Laws must remain relevant Constant and prompt review to ensure workers continue to be adequetly protectede (6-0)6 Avoid exluding women and/or senior workers. There is already a gap in getting new skills... Those groups may not be furhter exluded. (6-0)6 Leadership change from managers to leaders (6-0)6 keep interpersonal relationships facilitate social relationships at work, face to face meetings, provide platforms and time to keep in contact, integrate personal and digital contacts (6-0)6 human work - system should adapt to you and not vice-versa(6-0)6 Raising awareness of new risks e.g. risks of 3D printing (toxicity of materials, lack of labelling, fine dusts). Suppliers have a huge information responsibility, but they don't do it at the moment. Who is the manufacturer of 3D-printed PPE or machine parts? Who is responsible for making the products safe? Need for research into new risks. (6-0)6 Employers as motivators(5-0)5 strengthen the workers competence regarding new techniques(5-0)5 Transparency flow of information - every one in the process should have the same information (employer, worker, subcontractor) - persons must be in the center and not the work (5-0)5 social standards for freelancers/cloud workers/croud worker etc.(5-0)5 Self employed workers - How to implement OSH? No classical employer existent. New way of implement OSH required. (4-0)4 trust between all the partners because often you are not in a face-to-face relation this is not always easy (4-0)4 looking at individuals not forgetting that people are different (4-0)4 A clear separation of working time and private time. The employer should support this. (4-1)3 Avoid self-exploitation Modern technology has to protect human beings in an intelligent, balanced way. (3-0)3 Sufficient level of control for the workers themselves(3-0)3 Respect of private life Rules are needed for reachability (24/7?); data protection (3-0)3 The human beeing still needs to be at the center of workplace design and task organisation.(3-0)3 Back-up system for basic human knowledge Make sure that human knowledge, values, skills will not be lost in several generations in case of a global technology meltdown. (3-0)3 what is the role of the labour inspectorate? how can labour inspectors be enabled to do their work and identify (new) riks? which workplaces are they going to inspect: home office? shared offices? "cloud offices"? (3-0)3 ensure feedback and appreciation personal feedback and appreciation can be strong motivators. Is that the same when an app or a robot praises you? (3-0)3 We need rules to ensure high quality jobs for employees. An appropriate framework agreed by governments, employers and workers is needed to ensure a high standard of health and safety. (2-0)2 describe hazards and regulate or give individuals knowledge and power to steer their processes needs communication, trust and selfresponsibility (2-0)2 Technology should not be able to create its own world Human beings should be the highest decision-making body. Technology should only assist. (2-0)2 Use the strength of the digitalization in itself to spread knowledge inbetween the users(2-0)2 EntriesPriority Data Protection High and safe standards of data protection 19 the level of data protection makes a difference of acceptance of digital change But don´t forget the human factor. 85 % of data lost is caused by human failure: So regulations and training is needed. and there needs to be protectzion of the systems work-life balance have privacy and off time, not be online at all times 18 Technology must be used to benefit all parties. Do work smarter and better. On/offline by choice not by must! the times of working hours during the day will change with the digital transformation. 9 to 5 is no more applicable The framework should ensure the workers to be able to disconnect without any negative consequences. correct equality of persons with disabilities in work life14 digital tools might give opportunities to people with handicaps Raising awareness of new risks e.g. risks of 3D printing (toxicity of materials, lack of labelling, fine dusts). Suppliers have a huge information responsibility, but they don't do it at the moment. Who is the manufacturer of 3D-printed PPE or machine parts? Who is responsible for making the products safe? Need for research into new risks. 14 Must be integarted in project management Teamwork Employees should still have face to face interaction. Work should not be reduced to home and online work. 13 For creative work face-to-face contact is still needed. VTC doesn´t fix it. Online interaction can never replace the human touch. Adapt machines to humans, not the other way round Interfaces and interaction must be geared to the human being; take into account different user groups (older people, less educated people, people with handicaps) 13 Humans must be able to predict and understand robot behaviour The digitalisation should not set a too strong framework for labour. Labour Laws must remain relevant Constant and prompt review to ensure workers continue to be adequetly protectede 11 The laws must be equipped to ensure good protection and adress the new risks. the core of labour law stays to be relevant Train skills to manage the limits (time, information, autonomy...)8 essential to enable people in coping with new challenges Self employed workers - How to implement OSH? No classical employer existent. New way of implement OSH required. 7 OSH can´t be limited to "big" companies. Also for "1 man" or "family"-companies. keep interpersonal relationships facilitate social relationships at work, face to face meetings, provide platforms and time to keep in contact, integrate personal and digital contacts 6