Bell Ringer On the first page of your Social Studies Notebook, write the title (as seen above) at the top of the page, followed by the date in the left-hand margin, and then the following questions with their correct answers: 1.What is the state capital of South Carolina? 2.In which SC landform region do we live?
South Carolina Regions South Carolina is located in the southeastern United States.
- South Carolina covers approximately 31,113 square miles. - It is ranked 40 th in size. (Alaska is 1 st with 570,380 sq. miles.)
S.C. is roughly shaped like a triangle and is about the same size as Scotland.
There are 6 geographic regions in S.C. The Blue Ridge Region is found in northern Greenville, Pickens, and Oconee Counties. It covers 600 sq. miles; it is 30 miles wide at its widest point; it makes up only 2% of the state’s total land area.
Sassafras Mountain, located in Pickens County, is the highest peak in S.C.(3,554 ft.)
The Piedmont region (where we live) is characterized by hills that gently rise and fall.
The soil in the piedmont is red because it has a high iron content. It also contains a lot of clay; it’s not very fertile. The Piedmont region contains monadnocks or inselbergs, which are free-standing, isolated mountains. Ex. Paris Mt., Roper Mt. Glassy Mt., King’s Mt., Table Rock
The Sand Hills region consists of low, rolling, sandy hills with an elevation no higher than 500 ft. The Fall Line runs from Augusta to Columbia and then on to Camden and then to Fayetteville, N.C. At the Fall Line, the land drops and becomes flat as you approach the ocean.
The Inner Coastal Plain is where the land begins to become level with no elevation higher than 250 ft. above sea level. The Outer Coastal Plain is where the land becomes a flat, sandy plain. The soil is rich due to large deposits of phosphates left behind by the receding ocean.
The Coastal Zone region is at sea level. It is 10 miles wide and 185 miles long. The 3 different areas of the Coastal Zone are the following: The Grand Strand: stretches from NC border to Winyah Bay (60 miles) Santee Delta: stretches from Winyah Bay to Bulls Bay (20 miles) Barrier Islands: stretch from Bulls Bay to the Savannah River (100 miles)
Costa Questions and Summary Write 3 Costa questions about our lesson on South Carolina’s landform regions When you finish your questions, write a response to the following statement in the summary section of your C-notes: “Explain why someone could say that South Carolina has a diverse landscape.”
Instructions for Completing the Map Activity 1.Using the map on page 628, label each of the six landform regions of SC and color each region a different color. 2.Using the map on page 629, label the following bodies of water: - Port Royal Sound- St. Helena Sound - Charleston Harbor- Atlantic Ocean 3. Using the map on page 630, draw a dot for the location and label each of the following major cities: - Charleston- Columbia(*)- Greenville - Anderson- Orangeburg- Camden