Income Surveys 101 Madison County Community Development Frank Miles, MPA, Administrator
Welcome and Introductions
Overview How 2010 Census Data was determined Determining to use Census Data vs. Survey Identifying an eligible project area Income survey cost Income survey methodology Who is responsible for conducting the income surveys? Timing of income surveys
How was 2010 Census Data Determined? The statistical information used in the calculation of estimates identified in the 2010 Census data sets are based on data from the American Community Survey (ACS). This information was then forwarded to us by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Source:
Why is Census Data Used? The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program requires that each CDBG funded activity must either principally benefit low- and moderate-income persons, or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, with respect to activities that benefit all the residents of a given area, at least 51% of the area’s residents must be low and moderate income. Census data is used to determine low/mod income eligibility. Source: CDP
Updated 2010 Census Maps Now Available! MCCD has worked with the County’s GIS Department to create 2010 Census Maps for each Township in Madison County Census Maps and data sets are located at lopment/CommunityDevelopment_2010Cens usLow-ModMaps.shtml lopment/CommunityDevelopment_2010Cens usLow-ModMaps.shtml
Steps to Determining Income Survey Need Determine the project Determine project area Is the project area eligible via the 2010 Census? If the project area is not eligible via Census, what is the low/mod percentage? If the project area is around % low/mod, your community may be a good candidate for an income survey.
Determining Survey Need in HUD Terms… A community within Madison County decides to apply for Community Development Block Grant funds to complete an eligible activity. The community determines that the project or target area does not meet the low to moderate income level at the levels of aggregation that characterize the available Census data. However, the Community believes that the project or target area at lower levels of aggregation do reflect the characteristics of a low to moderate income area. The Community requests permission from Madison County Community Development (MCCD) to conduct an Income Determination Survey. Source: CDP
Madison County Community Development will review the proposed project area to confirm that it is currently not defined as a LMI area by census data. If it is suspected that the area may indeed meet LMI criteria, the request to complete an Income Determination Survey will be approved. MCCD Income Survey Requests
What Communities Need to Provide After a Survey Request is Approved … A map of the project area in an aerial view highlighting parcels that will benefit from the project. (Madison County GIS Viewer, Google Earth…) A listing of names and addresses for all residents in the project area. – Properties must be labeled as 1) occupied residential, 2) commercial, or 3) vacant. – All multi-housing locations must include an individual address for each apartment or unit. – Make sure to include the PO Box number if no mail receptacles are available. (However, we need the physical address, and PO Box number if applicable)
Cost Responsibility Communities requesting income surveys will be responsible for covering the cost of postage. We ask communities to provide the required amount of stamps prior to each mailing. MCCD will mail all surveys. Communities will be asked to print letters and envelopes on their municipality’s stationary. Merged documents will be ed for printing. MCCD will cover the cost of all other printing.
Madison County Community Development will approve all requests in writing. Madison County Community Development will also provide the necessary tools for the inquiring community to carry out the Income Determination Survey: A sample cover letter for the inquiring community to send to survey participants residing within the intended project or target area. A copy of the HUD-approved survey tool. A self-addressed, stamped return envelope directing contents to MCCD. The envelope will be clearly marked “Confidential” to emphasize privacy. Income Survey Methodology
1.Community requests an income survey 2.MCCD sends letter of inquiry to community as a response to the community request 3.Determine the survey size, if it is a total census, or a random sample 4.MCCD works with Mayor/Supervisor to develop an Income Survey Letter 5.Income survey size is determined Income Survey Methodology
6. MCCD will determine a schedule for income survey mailings, and door-to-door surveying 7. MCCD will track income survey results The income survey methodology that MCCD uses was created by MCCD, and approved by HUD statisticians at HUD Headquarters, in Washington D.C.
Sample Letter to Inquiring Community
Random Sample or Census? A census will be conducted on all populations consisting of less than 100 households. A 75% response rate will validate the survey results from this population size. A Random Sample: For populations consisting of greater than 100 households, the size of the random sample population will be determined using Table A, “Required Sample Sizes for Areas of Various Sizes.”
Survey Size/Response Rate Column A Number of Households in Area Column B Required Sample Size as Percentage Needed to Validate the Survey Column C Equivalent Sample Size Range to Validate the Survey % % % % % % % , % ,201-2, % ,701 or more17 %450 *Totals reflect an oversampling to ensure a 75% response rate. Table A
Sample Income Survey Letter
Sample Income Survey Tool
Sample Return Envelope
Income Survey Distribution There will be 3 mailings. Mailings will occur approximately every 2 weeks. Door-to-door interviews will start 6 weeks after the initial mailing, and after 3 mailings have occurred. Door-to-door surveys will be conducted at a randomly selected time, and will be the responsibility of the surveying community. Interviewers will follow the provided guidance explaining how to conduct a door-to-door survey.
How to Conduct Door-to- Door Visits
Income Survey Results MCCD will record Income Determination Surveys as they are received and track the number of households, number of persons, and number of persons meeting LMI standards. Once the sample size of the intended project or target area population has provided survey results, MCCD will determine if the community meets LMI standards. If the community’s Low/Mod income area is greater than 51%, MCCD will inform the inquiring community that their project or target area satisfies the LMI requirement. If the income survey yields 51% or higher LMI, the community’s application will be pointed during the next CDBG Competitive Application Process. Income surveys must be completed to be considered for the next CDBG Competitive Application Process.
Income Survey Life Income Surveys will be valid for 5 years from when the first income survey letter was mailed. Please note that income surveys are only good for the specific project area. If a project area/ location changes in subsequent years, the income survey will not be valid for the new project.
Income Surveys for FY 2015 If you would like to have an income survey conducted (started) for your community for FY 2015, all materials, (maps, resident addresses, postage) must be received by MCCD NO LATER THAN 3pm, Friday, December 19, FY 2015 Income Surveys will run concurrently with the Competitive Application Process. Income surveys must be completed by the CDBG Application deadline.
Income Survey for FY 2015 Please note: your income survey could be found ineligible for 2 reasons: 1.Not meeting the 51% low/mod threshold; 2.Not meeting the minimum threshold of responses needed to validate the income survey.
How do I request a survey? Call Community Development! Lisa Mersinger is the income survey staff person, and will help determine if your project would be a good survey candidate