TdBench 7.2 – Utility Script
2 Created for TdBench 7.x release to consolidate tools Open architecture – looks for scripts in the./tools directory with formatted comments – For customer engagements, allows installing customer specific benchmark execution scripts Communicates with via pipes – provides tested interface for stopping/killing test Runs macros for manipulating the TestTracking table – Add notes or condition descriptions to completed tests – Close out test that didn’t end gracefully by updating ActualStopTime – Can wrap execution of other tools (brand-x query drivers) with TestStart/Teststop macro executions Installed automatically as part of TdBench Overview
3 Default is to run interactive – Top menu to select a submenu of function. – Submenu prompts for parameters, the runs shell script in./tools menu Example interactive prompting for parameters: After prompting, it shows command that will execute You can execute that command directly in a batch mode, e.g../ tpcds_1_gen "1" "" "y“ Example of running another “query driver”:./ testrun "bteq logon sbox2/acme_Benchmark,TempPw1 < t.sql" "tdb_Demo" "Show running a test” Execution Interactive or Batch Enter parameters for tpcds_1_gen: Optional size in GB (default 1, or enter 1, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000, ) (or quit or help): 1 Optional target name (default tools/tpcds) (or quit or help): Optional Y for foreground (default will run in background) (or quit or help): y the command that will execute:./ tpcds_1_gen "1" "" "y" Enter Y to execute, edit to fix your responses, or quit to cancel Enter your answer: (or quit or help): y Initiating the data generation in foreground
4 Main Menu 1.Commands for any query driver 2.Monitor or control 3.Tools to prepare benchmarks 4.Benchmark (TPC) load and execute 5.Help on tdbench setup, getting started 2 Level Menu Structure in for TdBench 7.2
5 1.Commands for any query driver Main 1. teststart - Initiate a test, optionally providing name & description of test, creates RunID teststop - Terminate a test, optionally providing RunId and timestamp testrun - Initiate a test, then run another command or query driver, then end the test note - Add a note or observation to the recent or prior RunID condition - Add specific description of the conditions to the recent or prior RunID title - Set or replace the title of the recent or prior RunID list - List out the tests, specifying the range of RunIDs report - List out statistics for a RunID... Enter a number between 1 and 8 (or quit or help): Options To Maintain TestTracking Table Outside Can be used to launch “Brand-X” query drivers or use TestTracking table to simplify analysis of arbitrary script execution (e.g. bteq serial execution of all queries or shell script of all initial loads)
6 2.Monitor or control Main 1. status - Analyze if a test is running and if it is, request the queues to summarize query counts and timings 2. watch - Watch execution via Active.Stats file 3. stop - If is running, will ask if you want to kill or stop current or all tests Enter a number between 1 and 3 (or quit or help): Options to Monitor/Stop execution Puts status/stop/kill commands into pipe for tdbench. Status output appears on tdbench console. (May be on nohup.out if running disconnected)
7 3.Tools to prepare benchmarks Main 1. backup_work - Backup the dictionary definitions below a user or database 2. namesql - Apply comments or query_bands with filename as queryid numbersql - Apply comments or query_bands with numbered query IDs speedtest - Run a series of load, export and backups to test dbms and client speed splitsql - Transform 1 SQL file into.lst file and directory of sql scripts 6. tableview - show columns from delimited file tptload - Load 1 file to one table tptunlock - Unlock table locked by failed tpt load wrapup - At end of benchmark, save dbql/resusage from tests + benchmark db... Enter a number between 1 and 9 (or quit or help): General Utility Tools An assortment of tools for preparing SQL scripts, testing the speed of utilities and hardware, loading data, backing up DDL, and archiving DBQL/Resusage rows within bounds of tests.
8 4.Benchmark (TPC) load and execute Main 1. tpcds_1_gen - Generate a TPC-DS set of data tpcds_2_define - Define Tpc-DS tables and create data loading script tpch_1_gen - Generate a TPC-H set of data in background tpch_2_define - Define Tpc-H tables and create data loading script... Enter a number between 1 and 4 (or quit or help): Standardized Benchmark Setup Script %_1_gen runs the tpc data generator for a given size of data to load. Script %2_define creates tables inside database you’ve defined and creates scripts for loading and executing benchmark.
9 5.Help on tdbench setup, getting started Main 1. tdbench_getting_started_info - Simple examples with explanations of using and 2. tdbench_reference_info - Complete help output from tdbench 3. tdbench_setup_info - How to setup and install tdbench and related tools Enter a number between 1 and 3 (or quit or help): General Help Information