Day 2 Session 3 Data Sources Cathy Mulhall South East Public Health Observatory Dec 2009
Learning objectives The differences between record-level and aggregate data Some examples of record-level data Simple sources of aggregate data
Record-level data Only available under confidentiality agreements to appropriate organisations Each line is one patient / episode of care May be anonymised
ONS Death Registration Data Record-level data Examples
Hospital Episode Statistics Record-level data Examples
Aggregate data A summary of individual data Rates may be already calculated Quick for standard queries
Aggregate data Sources: Vital Statistics
Aggregate Data Sources: Compendium of Clinical and Health Indicators complete and historic data sets (only from NHS computer) Comprehensive data on mortality, morbidity and risk factors No ward-level data
Aggregate Data Sources: Compendium of Clinical and Health Indicators
Aggregate data Sources: Census ONS Statistics website Neighbourhood Statistics website NOMIS website
International Classification of Diseases Alpha-numeric codes (A00.0 – Z99.9) Incorporates new medical knowledge 1994 – 10 th revision, over 13,000 possible codes
Data Sources Exercise 1. Which PCT had the lowest diabetes practice prevalence in South Central SHA in 2007/08? Data Source: Quality Outcomes Framework
Data Sources Exercise 2. Which local authority in the South East GOR had an under 18 conception rate of 57.7% in 2007? Data Source: Under-18 conception statistics
Data Sources Exercise 3. In the South East, which ethnic group had the highest proportion of people aged 65 and over, reporting a limiting long term illness in 2001? Data Source: Census 2001
Data Sources Exercise 4. How many more women got breast cancer in 2004 compared to 1993 in England? Data Source: Compendium of clinical indicators
Data Sources Exercise 5. What cancer has the worst 5 year survival rate for both men and women, according to latest survival rates? (England and Wales, diagnosed ) Data Source: Cancer Research UK Statistics
Data Sources Exercise 6. Which PCT had the highest rate of alcohol- related admissions in 2006/07? Indicator NI39 Data Source: NWPHO – alcohol profiles, NI set
Data Sources Exercise 7. If someone was admitted with the ICD-10 Code X37, what would they have been a victim of? Data Source: International Classification of Diseases – 10 th revision
Data Sources Exercise 1. Which PCT had the lowest diabetes practice prevalence in South Central SHA in 2007/08? Data Source: Quality Outcomes Framework Answer: Isle of Wight PCT 4.1%
Data Sources Exercise 2. Which local authority in the South East GOR had an under 18 conception rate of 57.7% in 2007? Data Source: Under-18 conception statistics Answer: Portsmouth UA
Data Sources Exercise 3. In the South East, which ethnic group had the highest proportion of people aged 65 and over, reporting a limiting long term illness in 2001? Data Source: Census 2001 Answer: Bangladeshi - Asian
Data Sources Exercise 4. How many more women got breast cancer in 2004 compared to 1993 in England? Data Source: Compendium of clinical indicators Answer: 8293
Data Sources Exercise 5. What cancer has the worst 5 year survival rate for both men and women, according to latest survival rates? (England and Wales, diagnosed ) Data Source: Cancer Research UK Statistics Answer: Pancreatic cancer
Data Sources Exercise 6. Which PCT had the highest rate of alcohol- related admissions in 2006/07? Indicator NI39 Data Source: NWPHO – alcohol profiles, NI set Answer: Liverpool
Data Sources Exercise 7. If someone was admitted with the ICD-10 Code X37, what would they have been a victim of? Data Source: International Classification of Diseases – 10 th revision Answer: Victim of cataclysmic storm
Data Sources Exercise
Summary The differences between record-level and aggregate data Some examples of record-level data Simple sources of aggregate data