MOSCOW URBAN FORUM 2 The Moscow Urban Forum is an annual international conference on urban development, architecture, economics, and strategic urban planning The Forum is being held annually since 2011 under the auspicies of the Moscow Government The Forum has proven itself as a respected international platform for discussions among the world's leading urbanists, city managers, and representatives of the business community At the Forum the opportunities and challenges related to modern megacities are discussed openly, and their development prospects are considered not just in the context of economics and effectiveness of governance, but through the prism of the person – city residents Mayors and city governments Non-governmental organisations Investors, developers, and businessmen Experts, urbanists, planners, architects, and young professionals FORUM PARTICIPANTS
3 MOSCOW URBAN FORUM is an anniversary year not only for the Forum: this October marked the 5th anniversary of Sergey Sobyanin's election as the Mayor of Moscow. Therefore, the Moscow Urban Forum's agenda was focused on the capital's experience in urban development for the past five years, in particular, aspects of the usage and adaptation of the best international practices for megacities as well as new projects and prospects to be debuted in the immediate future. "The city has been gaining dynamics and now holds a leading position. In Moscow we only had a couple of years to introduce reforms that took European cities decades to implement. Creating a truly comfortable city involves a standard set of efforts. It means to maintain coherent development and advanced transportation capabilities, comfortable public spaces, and a whole range of other actions that we are not going to get into right now, but they are also extremely important." Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow "Large cities have all but exhausted their ability to grow by infill development. The scope of engineering capacities is limited, and most construction sites are already in use. Integrated development projects make it possible to meet the development challenges large cities face by creating a modern high-quality urban environment for residents and avoid problems associated with high-density development." Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction, Housing, and Utilities of Russia
4 KEY SPEAKERS OF MOSCOW URBAN FORUM 2015 CHRIS MOORE (CANADA) Founder of the World e- Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments VICENTE GUALLART (SPAIN) Chief architect of Barcelona (2011–2015), head of Guallart Architects, and founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia LUIS GOMEZ (SPAIN) International Director of the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona LAWRENCE BARTH (GREAT BRITAIN) Professor of Urbanism in the Housing and Urbanism Programme at the Graduate School of the Architectural Association, member of the Academy of Urbanism, UK
5 RUSSIAN FEDERATION GOVERNMENT SPEAKERS MIKHAIL MEN Minister of Construction, Housing, and Utilities of Russia MOSCOW GOVERNMENT SPEAKERS SERGEY SOBYANIN Mayor of Moscow MARAT KHUSNULLIN Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Planning and Construction Policy ANASTASIYA RAKOVA Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Chief of Staff to the Moscow Mayor and Moscow Government MAXIM LIKSUTOV Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Moscow Government, Chief of the Moscow Department of Transport and Development of Road Infrastructure PETR BIRYUKOV Deputy Mayor of Housing, Utilities, and Amenities for the Government of Moscow KEY SPEAKERS OF MOSCOW URBAN FORUM 2015
6 Heads of Foreign Cities: Burkhard Jung, Mayor of Leipzig, Germany Mayors and Heads of the Administrations of Russian cities Yevgeniy Royzman, Yekaterinburg Alexander Moor, Tyumen Irek Yalalov, Ufa Delegations from the administrations of foreign cities: O Thuang Key, Director for Potential Development and the Provision of Information, Ministry of National Development, Singapore REPRESENTATIVES OF FOREIGN AND RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT DELEGATIONS
7 MOSCOW URBAN FORUM ATTENDEES The Forum was attended by over 3,000 delegates, including 18 international experts from countries including the UK, Spain, the USA, Italy, Belgium, Canada, and Germany. The total coverage of the Moscow Urban Forum by popular bloggers, urbanists, news makers, speakers, and participants included content from over 4 million users. Forum news on Facebook and Vkontakte was linked by more than 2,000 users. 40,000 subscribers followed the news from the Forum online via Facebook and VKontakte.
8 MEDIA COVERAGE OF NEWS FROM MOSCOW URBAN FORUM 2015 Over 6,500 Social media publications Over 500 Journalists Over 30 Media partners Over 2,700 Information materials (15–20 October 2015) Over 50 Media Over 80 On-site interviews
MOSCOW URBAN FORUM 2015 IN SOCIAL MEDIA 9 The news from the Moscow Urban Forum 2015 was rated among the top 5 most trending topics on Russian Twitter and Russian Live Journal, and was at the top of both the Yandex and Rambler newsfeeds. The Forum's official hashtag, #MUF2015, was top rated on Russian Twitter, as well as in Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Samara, Novosibirsk and other Russian cities with over a million dwellers
MEDIA PARTNERS OF MUF AND FESTIVAL 2015 MUF Media Partners Project Russia Moslenta Urban Magazine Urban look Urban Report Real Estate Showroom The Mayor's United Editorial Board GK Mall Speech BRICS Foreign Media Partners Business New Europe Financial Newspaper Archdaily Business Partner REPA Industry Media Partners Investors Association of Moscow Proestate GUD 11 General Media Partners of the Festival General Radio Partner of the Festival MUF General Media Partners MUF General Radio Partner
13 THE FORUM'S OPEN PROGRAMME The Festival was held in 2013 for the first time and immediately became a full-fledged third day continuation of the Forum. It features an open programme that is available to a wider audience than the Forum's typical agenda. Events Physical activities Child entertainment programmes Urban Talks Open pavilion Exhibitions Open lectures by international experts Workshops Concerts
14 The central part of the exhibition is the architectural model of the Moskva River, which showcases the work and plans for the development of the main waterway's embankments in Moscow, and other leading projects slated to change the face of the city in the upcoming years. FORUM EXHIBITIONS 2015
15 FORUM EXHIBITIONS 2015 Complexes of the Government of Moscow were presented as part of the "Moscow: a Comfortable City to Live in" programme, that summed up the experience, knowledge, plans, and future vision of the city's development. So-called “business quarters” were devoted to the exhibitions of the Forum’s partners A mobile city: Development of the transportation system and highway infrastructure A comfortable urban environment: Urban planning policy and construction Utility and housing services Department of Natural Resource Management and Environmental Protection The New Moscow Economy: Moscow Economic Policy and Land and Property Relations
"The Dream of a New Moscow" Description The comprehensive research prepared by Strelka experts at the initiative of the Moscow Urban Forum Directorate addresses the following questions related to the territorial expansion of Moscow: What are the historical and economic reasons for the modification of the capital boundaries? How did the market and the society respond to the accession of new territories? What are the prospects of territory development? What should be considered and what measures should be taken for the New Moscow territory not to lose its value? The micro-research and considerations are followed by exerts’ comments sharing their expectations, dreams, and fears regarding the development of this space. RESEARCH IN