Team Beds and Luton & Podium Partners Crowdfunding Workshop
Introduction to Crowdfunding Crowdfunding is a system whereby the “crowd” donate/invest small amounts in projects via the internet: Predominantly for business finance. From early beginnings in 1997 when Marillion raised $60,000 to tour USA, today “alternative finance” has grown exponentially 2011 £492m, 2014 £1.74b and predicted 2015 £4.4b.. NESTA and Uni of Cambridge (2014) found a significant use for projects with a social aim. Once people back a social project, they become the biggest promoters with social media being the most effective way of finding backers People often use crowdfunding for projects others could benefit from It provides funds to those who would otherwise struggle to find them elsewhere Fundraisers are likely to return again and again
Podium Partners launched the first sports crowdfunding platform with Wiltshire and Swindon Sport CSP in Oct Other CSPs are following WASPs example. To date we the following, with many more in the pipeline; Berkshire Northamptonshire Shropshire Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Sussex Cornwall Buckinghamshire Cornwall Somerset
Crowdfunding for sport Podium Partners is the ONLY sports crowdfunding CHARITY dedicated SOLELY to sport in UK, although there are others operating in this space: Crowdfunder UK Local Giving SportsPledge Just Giving Through local young athletes and any organisations or initiatives that support them, can now raise much needed funds from Bedfordshire residents (people, companies, organisations etc)
What makes a good Campaign Do make a plan - Before you go live make sure you have everything ready Do make it personal - Introduce yourself and tell people why it’s important to you and what it costs. Add a breakdown if possible. You know all about it, but they won't Do make a video - If a picture tells a thousand words, then what does a video do? Do start your campaign in advance - Tell people what your intentions are and why. Do keep communicating - Never stop communicating with your supporters. Training updates, donation updates, good news and bad. Always say thank you and give everyone a round up after the campaign has finished. Do create momentum - Build up support and donations over time, keep them engaged so that they want to share your journey. Do use your supporters - You will have an initial circle who will support your project-use them. Build on their circle and their circles circle and so on. Do keep your campaign short and sweet months, or possibly 3 at a push. Do use PR - Local press (newspapers and radio) are always looking for local content. Communicate with relevant bloggers and others on the internet which share your passion, hold launch events. Do use the contacts & partners – Schools, Colleges, CSP, NGB, TBL other organisation you think can help spread the word.
How to promote your campaign 4 phases: Pre launch: Launch: Campaign: Post Campaign: Promotional tools/channels: Social media Direct mail / e-newsletters Posters Leaflets Events PR
Without a doubt social media is the way to go for maximum effect. Six degrees of separation is the basis upon which social media works. Let’s have a look at this VideoVideo To show you the growing importance of social media and how it affects donations here is a summary of how people find us %ReferralDirectOrganicSocial 1/1-30/6/ /7-30/9/ / /12/ /1-8/2/
Who can help make promote your campaign Friends and family Club Members Employers School Other clubs CSA NGB Internet influencers Other entities Other entities YOU
How can we Help TBL & Podium Partners can help amplify your campaign by broadcasting to a wider audience within Bedfordshire and beyond… Internet/Social media: Add tweets and posts to TBL’s social media when campaigns are launched. Raising awareness of your campaign amongst our partners & contacts. Highlight a couple of campaigns weekly and broadcast these on twitter and Facebook. Feature your campaign on our website during the campaign We will share, like and favourite tweets and posts you mention us in. So please follow and tag/mention: TBL on twitter and Facebook - and Podium Partners on and Facebook - Podium Partners. Partners. Issue a mass reminder mid-campaign period to highlight all campaigns
PR Issue a press release at launch of campaign and request radio interviews with campaign leads. Team Beds an Luton will support you and promote where possible any fundraising events you may hold. Access to our network across all our local partners and contacts. Issue second press release to support any specific events activities or post campaign to report on success. Sport England tells us that 205,000 people participate in sports once a month. We need to reach out to these people. One last word on the crowd herehere Thank you for your time ……….. and Good Luck!