WELCOME Welcome to the 2016 DIAA/NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Clinic
DIAA STAFF - Kevin E. Charles Executive Director -Thomas E. Neubauer, CMAA Coordinator of Officials/Events -Tina M. Bates Secretary The DIAA Staff consists of only 3 people. If you need information, Please use the websites shown in this Clinic first. Then if you still need Help; Coaches contact your Athletic Director. Officials contact your Association President or Interpreter. If they cannot help you, they will call our office. Please do not call or the office directly, we just cannot handle all of these calls. Thank You
Clinic Handout All websites covered tonight are listed on the Clinic handout
DIAA: Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association Very Important Websites #1 = DIAA Your starting point for ALL DIAA information and related Links
DIAA website Handbook link Important Links
NFHS Website The Resource Site for Playing Rules and NFHS information Click on the Activities & Sports link Click on the name of YOUR SPORT All of the resources for YOUR SPORT will be posted
US Lacrosse website / Click on RULES Then click on GIRLS RULES
DIAA: Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association Very Important Websites: Arbiter Sports The starting point for all Officials’ Information; Assigning, Testing, Training Resources
DIAA: Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association Very Important Websites: Your School Site WebSites4Sports.com The most important site for Coaches and A.D.s to keep updated and accurate information
websites4sports Coaches & A.D.s need to keep your schedule page up-to-date, with accurate schedule information and contest results posted as soon as possible after each contest. This makes the Tournament Committee work much easier and more accurate. THANK YOU
DIAA: Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association Very Important Websites: NFHS Learning Center NFHSLEARN.COM The essential site for ALL NFHS Course work
Free Courses on NFHSLearn.com Heat Illness Prevention Concussion in Sports REQUIRED FOR ALL COACHES & OFFICIALS Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment Coaching Pole Vault NCAA Eligibility Engaging Effectively with Parents Positive Sport Parenting Sports Nutrition Coaching Unified Sports Sportsmanship Sudden Cardiac Arrest Strongly Recommended
Interscholastic Officiating Introduction to skills and concepts used as an official Ideal for new officials or those in first few years of officiating minutes to complete Topics include: basics of becoming and staying an official, science of officiating, art of officiating, how to combine these skills for successful officiating Course is FREE to any NFHS Officials Association member Non-members course is $20 Contact NFHS Officials Department for details ( )
Coaching Course User Lookup $65. Fee Discount for US Lax members
DIAA Concussion Protocol 1- If an athlete Shows Signs or Symptoms of head injury a-Remove from play – by the Official or Coach b- MUST BE Evaluated by a Qualified Healthcare Professional [QHCP] 2- Qualified Healthcare Professional [QHCP] is defined as a MD, DO, School Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant or Certified Athletic Trainer 3- IF CLEARED BY QHCP THEY MAY RETURN TO PLAY
DIAA Concussion Protocol 4- If NOT cleared by QHCP CANNOT RETURN ON THE SAME DAY Then they must have “Written Clearance from a QUALIFIED Physician to return to practice or play. 5- Failure to comply = INELIGIBLE athlete 6- Parents and Athletes must read and sign PPE Concussion information sheet 7- ALL Coaches and Officials must take the NFHS Concussion Education Course [See the NFHS Learn website]
School Responsibility for SCA The Gracie Firestone Act recognizes the threat SCA poses to high school athletes. What does your School [& YOU] need to do? Please ensure that… -All students must have annual PPE & answer the 12 AHA approved heart history questions. -All Students MUST sign the SCA Fact Sheet [on PPE form] What is DIAA doing? -DIAA provides annual SCA awareness for Coaches. -DIAA has SCA information on our website. -ALL Coaches must hold valid CPR certification. STRONGLY RECOMMEND THE FREE NFHS SCA COURSE
Sudden Cardiac Arrest [SCA] SCA is the leading cause of death for high school athletes NEW!!!!! Free Course from NFHS Learn
Emergency Action Plan [EAP] Coaches/A.D. -Have an ACTION PLAN and PRACTICE it 1. Call Start chest compressions [CPR] 3. Get an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 4. Turn it on and follow the voice prompts -Sample Plan on DIAA websiteDIAA website Plan Books were distributed to ALL member schools
Practice Policies DIAA Regulation 1008/ These are in effect for ALL practice days (school day and non-school day): -One day of no activity per seven day period -A minimum of 21 calendar days of practice prior to the first competition date [ ] -Student must practice at least 7 calendar days prior to participating in a contest
Practice Policies DIAA Regulation 1008/ [Practices] These are in effect for NON-SCHOOL days -A limit of no more than 2 practices with physical activity -No practice can be longer than THREE (3) hours in length -A Grand Total of FIVE (5) hours of physical activity daily -When having 2 practice sessions in a day; there MUST be a one hour minimum cooling period between the two practice sessions - Heat Index requirement must be adhered to**
PPE – Medical Card [page 4] COACHES: You MUST carry every athletes’ Medical Card with you at ALL times. PRACTICES & GAMES This is page 4 from their Physical Forms [DIAA PPE]
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES GAME EJECTION PROCEDURE - INCIDENT REPORT FORM Found on either Website, MUST be sent to Incident Chair by next morning [ASAP] If you Eject someone the DIAA Office/Incident Chair MUST be notified by noon of the next day !!! So the School A.D. can be notified too.
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES All documents can be found in the DIAA Forms Section When sending Ejection Reports by , Please use abbreviations or punctuations marks for profane words. Most firewalls [especially the state’s] will block s containing spelled out profanity. E.G – S$%T, F#$K etc.
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES APPEAL OF GAME EJECTION For NON-SPORTSMANSHIP related removals or disqualifications. This is only to be used when TECHNICAL violations occur, [there are not many of these] not Sportsmanship related incidents.
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES BENCH PERSONNEL RULE -Players DO NOT leave the Bench (or playing area) to enter playing area to get involved in a confrontation. ( PRACTICE what to do) HEAD COACH ENTERING PLAYING AREA DURING ALTERCATION -Only the HEAD COACH may enter unsolicited to break up an altercation.
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES Coaches’ Cumulative Unsportsmanlike Conduct Policy = One Game Suspension Girls’ Lacrosse Three (3) Yellow Cards
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES Lightning Policy - Have an Emergency Plan ready - Get under cover, wait 30 minutes to resume. NO HEROICS – If you see it, If you hear it STOP & Get Under cover !!!
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES PROHIBITION AGAINST USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS -Very Simple – DON’T SMOKE, DON’T CHEW DON’T DIP Special Accommodations Requests - Medical, Religious, Other follow procedure NFHS/NOCSAE Marked VARSITY Game Balls - Must have NOCSAE branded logo - Must have NFHS branded logo
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES * MOUTH GUARD RULE * Must be worn by ALL who have METAL braces. Must cover top brace and separate biting surfaces. Must extend to shield lower Braces. Guard must have color in it, can’t be all clear or white
DIAA POLICIES & PROCEDURES Recommended Contest Assignment Guidelines -Read the Code of Ethics -Read and Follow the Hand Out Guidelines -Do NOT put yourself in a situation where your Integrity, Ethics and Character are questioned – Avoid them.
DIAA Rules Adoptions/Modifications of NFHS Rules Refer to the DIAA website Sports link, DIAA Approved Polices and Procedures
NFHS Network “Live” Web streaming Of DIAA Final Events
Student Broadcast Program The School Broadcast Program is available to high schools nationwide. The program allows schools to leverage PlayOn! Sports extensive and proprietary technology, services and support to build their school’s digital network on the NFHS Network. Schools can produce and distribute high quality events throughout the year including regular season sports, graduation, band, cheer events, as well as other school activities. Broadcasting these events is a great way for a school to showcase their students and activities while strengthening the connection with parents, coaches, players, boosters and the community. Fans can watch all the events on the school’s branded portal on the NFHS Network. The School Broadcast Program has several options for participation to fit a school’s needs. Schools can participate in the License Fee Model, providing free fan access to streamed events, or join one of the new no-cost options (Subscription or Franchise Model) and partner with the NFHS Network to optimize ad sales and viewer subscriptions to support school programs. For more information on the program and to find out which option best matches your school’s needs, please contact the School Broadcast Program at or visit
Inclusion of Students with Disabilities Guidelines for Schools and State Associations for Consideration of Accommodations
Please Support our Officiating Sponsor: Kevin Hawkins 19 Crown Circle Dover, Delaware Phone (302)
Rules Interpreter Bob Jones Jill Fitzcharles
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2016 NFHS / US Lacrosse Rule Changes
US Lacrosse website / Click on RULES Then click on GIRLS RULES
US Lacrosse website / Go to the US Lacrosse website and watch the Rules Changes 2016 video See previous screen for the links. Then return to this screen and finish the Clinic
Rule 1, Section 9 Two small circles/dots shall be added to the field marking and placed five yards below the goal line in line with the 8-meter mark on goal line extended. These marks will designate the spot for the ball to be put in play when a foul occurs in the critical scoring area below the goal line
Rule 2, Section 5 The ball may be lime green in addition to yellow or bright orange in color
Rule 2, Section 8 Mouthpieces shall be any color other than clear or white and must not have graphics of white teeth. This adjustment makes it easier to determine if a player is properly wearing a mouthpiece. NOTE: DIAA mouth guard policy for players’ With metal braces.
Rule 2, Section 9 Eyewear used in 2016 may meet the ASTM standard of F803 or F3077. The new ASTM standard (F3077) shall be in effect on January 1, 2017
Rule 2, Section 10 Effective January 1, 2017, the only optional headgear allowed for use must meet the new ASTM standard, F31317
Rule 2, Section 15 Effective January 1, 2018, home team jerseys shall be light in color visitor jerseys must be dark in color
Rule 2, Section 17 Effective January 1, 2018, visible undergarments (long or short sleeve) must correspond to the team’s predominate jersey color, or be light in color with a light jersey and dark in color with a dark jersey.
Rule 2, Section 18 Eye black must be one solid stroke with no logos/numbers/letters and shall not extend further than the width of the eye socket or below the cheekbone.
Rule 3, Section 9 Beginning January 1, 2017, the game must be officiated by at least two certified officials. Three officials are recommended.
Rule 4, Section 7 Overtime play shall be sudden victory (first goal ends the game). In overtime, there shall be no substitutions during the changing of ends.
Rule 5, Sections 1, 2, 19 Rule 5, Section 1 and Rule 5, Section 19: The goalkeeper must remain below the restraining line on the draw. Rule 5, Section 2 and Rule 5, Section 19: The goalkeeper may not draw, shoot or score for her own team. .
Rule 5, Sections 1, 2, 19 Rule 5, Section 1 and Rule 5, Section 19: The goalkeeper must remain below the restraining line on the draw. Rule 5, Section 2 and Rule 5, Section 19: The goalkeeper may not draw, shoot or score for her own team. .
Rule 5, Section 20 The throw shall be eliminated and replaced by a procedure of alternate possession. The winner of the coin toss shall have the option of choosing ends of the field or having the first possession that occurs.
Rule 5, Sections 23 & 28 Rule 5, Section 23: The penalty administration for an illegal player discovered after a goal and before play is restarted shall be at the center. Rule 5, Section 28: Stick check requests must include the number of the player whose stick is to be checked.
Rule 6, Sections 1 & 1j Rule 6, Section 1: A new foul for dangerous contact has been added. Dangerous contact shall be any action that thrusts or shoves any player, with or without the ball, who is in a defenseless position. This includes blind side, head down, or from behind. Rule 6, Section1j: The free position for a three seconds violation will be the spot of the ball.
Rule 7, Section 28 The delay of game progression has changed. The first violation remains the same. On the next delay of game, the official will show a green and yellow card to the offending player and award the appropriate penalty (major foul). The offending player must leave the field for two minutes of elapsed playing time. No substitute is allowed. Any subsequent delay of game calls will result in a yellow card for misconduct.
Rule 7, Section 31 On a goalkeeper misconduct, if a second goalkeeper is dressed, she must enter the game. A field player may not substitute for the goalkeeper.
Rule 8 Rule 8, Definition of Terms: The Critical Scoring Area shall be defined by the 12-meter fan in front of the goal and the area behind the goal between the 12-meter marks at the goal line extended and extending to the end line.
NFHS – U.S. Lacrosse Partnership
-Uniform -Flag -Be on time TEAMWORK
Overtime Procedure 5 minute rest Meet with Captains, Coin Toss, Visitor Calls, Choice of End 3 Minutes on Clock- Clock will stop on every whistle If no goal; Change ends (no subs/no coaching) 3 minutes on Clock- Clock will stop on every whistle In no goal: 3 minute rest This procedure repeats until a winning goal is scored
Crosse in the Sphere p.16/a
Don’t Penalize Good Defense
Important Dates First day of Practice – March 1 First date of Competition – March 22 Last date of Competition – May 18 Tournament: Round 1 – May 21 Tournament: Quarters – May 24 Tournament: Semis – May 26 Championship – May 31
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2016 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rule Presentation Thank you have a great season