How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Photoshop I used Photoshop to make a multitude of different products. From answering evaluation questions to creating my poster and album cover designs. Throughout the course, I have had to use Photoshop for many different purposes which has allowed me to develop my skill and improve the quality of the work I produce in it. From working on my album cover and poster I have learnt many different new skills on how to edit images successfully. This includes things from changing the Hue and Saturation of specific layers to change their colour, altering the settings of the brush tool to create amazing effects and also, how to create layer masks to make images sharper and more vibrant.
Word, Power point, Prezi, Powtoons With these softwares, I used them for presenting large amounts of written work or information on my blog. Due to the fact that they are very standard and basic programs, I already had a lot of experience using them so I didn’t really develop any new skills. However, I did learn in more depth how both PowToons and Prezi work and how to make them look more professional and aesthetically pleasing.
Camera During the course, I was able to gain a greater understanding of how not only my camera works, but how most cameras work. I shot a lot of my shots multiple times, messing around with exposure, framerate and focus, to try to get the most varying and interesting shots possible. This meant I gained a greater understanding of what settings look good in what situations. For example, for fast paced action scenes I would use a higher framerate so that the footage didn’t look blurred or jumpy. I also used the camera on a variety of mounts, including both a tripod and a scorpion.
Sony Vegas Sony Vegas is the software I used to edit all of my video content. This includes my preliminary task, all my Drafts of my music video, my video question responses and my final video. I worked with both Sony Vegas 11 and Sony Vegas 12 pro. Luckily, before I started the course, I had some experience with this software, as I own a copy of it and also had had a years experience with it from AS. Though this was the case, I still learned new shortcuts and techniques to smoothen out my videos. The primary concept I learnt was the use of the Event trimmer, which was especially useful for cropping my video to the beat of the music.