Ensuring access to adequate food and water supplies Georgina Wong Jed
The Issue Food Security- having physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs Water Security- having physical and economic access to safe, potable water and sanitation Availability- Having adequate food and water within the country available for use and consumption Accessibility- The ability for people within a country or area to obtain food and water supplies
Key Players (NGOs) -World Food Programme -UNICEF --JMP (with WHO) -FAOUN -- Rome Declaration on World Food Hunger --World Food Summit Plan of Action -WHO -UNESCO -- UN Water --World Water Assessment Programme
Things to Focus On -Address not only the availability but the accessibility of food and water supplies -Tackle the issue with long term objectives by going to the root of the problem -Initiatives that involve local governments, institutions and markets for sustainable development -Take into account social factors affecting access to food and water -Possibly try to solve issue by region- all encompassing global approach might be ineffective- every country has a different set of problems
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