Royal Mail Mailmark ® Software Supplier Accreditation March 2016
Purpose Currently Royal Mail list suppliers of sortation software on its website 2
Overview We are offering a similar level of accreditation for organisations supplying Mailmark software This is intended to be a simple and low cost process However, it needs to be thorough enough to allow us to ensure that the software does what it is supposed to do We are assuming that at this stage the software supplier will already be registered on and using the eManifest test environment 3
What are we checking? eManifest population eManifest upload Sorted versus Unsorted* Mailmark (barcode) creation * Royal Mail Retail only 4
eManifest population Royal Mail will supply two data files – one for sorted and one for unsorted Software supplier creates eManifest (with two batches if required) and arranges for it to be uploaded to the test environment All web service calls to be used as part of the upload process Software supplier provides data from eManifest as a text or excel file and sends to Royal Mail separately Royal Mail confirms that the eManifest has been uploaded successfully Royal Mail confirms data in extract file is accurate and error free 5
eManifest creation (2) The following web services are to be tested CreateManifest CreateBatch AppendToBatch CancelBatch ConfirmManifest 6
eManifest Upload We can only test the population and upload of an eManifest as a single activity Therefore we will ask whether as a supplier you are seeking accreditation for population, upload or both As long as a test eManifest is successfully uploaded and all web service calls are successfully used, we will acknowledge population and/or upload capability 7
Royal Mail Retail versus Network Access There are some minor differences between eManifest requirements for Retail and Network Access supply chains Therefore test eManifests should be uploaded against both supply chain types in the eManifest test environment
Data files to be used The files are available as text and comma separated text files There is one in each format for the Sorted and Unsorted eManifest/batch to be sent to us They can be downloaded from Click on the Product Documentation button and then the Software Supplier Accreditation button
Barcode Creation There are two things we can test for: - creation of the barcode data string - production and printing of the barcode 10
Barcode Data String Software supplier to provide the data string for the first 10 records in the test data file 11
Barcode production and print Software supplier to provide 10 barcode samples per barcode type to be tested, using first 10 records from the test data file Data string held within each barcode to be provided at the same time Royal Mail will scan the barcodes and confirm accuracy of data content 12
Barcode Creation We will also check Barcodes contain correct number of modules All data fields complete and in the right location Characters in the Royal Mail fields comply with C40 character set Barcode is within minimum and maximum sizes 13
Who to contact For further support please
Royal Mail, the cruciform and the colour red are registered trade marks of Royal Mail Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Thank you