Editor’s Viewpoint Jeff Craven Science and Operations Officer NWS Sullivan/Milwaukee WI WCM/SOO Conference Feb
Ideally, an Editor Wants Proper format of manuscript Topic Relevant to journal submitted to Paper has been reviewed by peers at local office and CRH. Thus, grammar, format, and content are appropriate and have been “pre-screened” and mentored
Editor Wish List Editor’s and reviewers should focus on scientific content and merit, figures Other problems on format and grammar should be fleshed out beforehand in local review (S00) and CRH Met Sciences Division This is being done effectively in some offices, as some high quality submissions are just about ready to go as submitted. Great!
Editor Wish List Pre-screening and mentoring (such that could be accomplished with PAT-Publications Assistance Team) also avoids brutal/brunt reviews that could severely discourage a fledgling author It also helps mold the manuscript for the appropriate medium (Conference presentation, Preprint, Tech Attachment, Tech Memo, Electronic Journal, Fully Refereed Journal)
Questions ? ….Answers ??
This sounds great, but… Plan for Web-based compendium soon, weather.gov/fgf/?n=lsr2pub check: weather.gov/fgf/?n=lsr2pub - with these Powerpoints - with related checklists - with related links Please Provide the Content !
From the LSR …to the PUB!!