Housing LIN 2014/2015 (1st Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director Housing LIN
Housing LIN update Web developments: New planning webpages by Tetlow King Planning launched to reflect latest National Planning Policy Guidance and recent planning viewpoints from the Housing LIN Small pump-priming grant from the Welsh Government to establish a dedicated Housing LIN Cymru resource on latest policy, funding, research and practice developments on housing for older people in Wales Updates to to reflect latest Census Data and related prevalance rates
Housing LIN updates Policy news: Liaison with DLCG Contestability Funded programme looking at the evidence base of housing for older people and future policy development. Due to report autumn 2015 Working with NHS England, Public Health England, DH etc on a Health and Housing Partnership Agreement to drive better links locally between CCGs and providers. Due to be launched at ADASS annual conference in October (Housing LIN to lead on exemplification)
Housing LIN update Funding news: HCA/GLA Approved Housing Programme announced, with some emphasis in housing for older and vulnerable adults (HCA deadline 30 April) Still awaiting announcement of Phase Two of CASSHF (no news!) £3.8b Integration Transformation Fund (now called Better Care Fund) published and outlines plans submitted for expenditure from April Includes capital housing component ie DFGs £220m and further £130m capital (awaiting scope of allocation arrangements by NHS England/DH)
Housing LIN update New CIH/Housing LIN briefing on new approaches for older people’s housing Co-production Community-rooted housing Self-build housing Co-operatives Co-housing Leasehold schemes for older people Other housing choices for older people Extra care housing/Very sheltered housing Sheltered/retirement housing/senior living Retirement Villages Lifelong neighbourhoods Community hubs/core and cluster
Housing LIN Update Mixed tenure in extra care housing: A comprehensive review of the principal ways of achieving mixed tenure in extra care housing Extra caring times? Marketing social value in your offer to older people A selection of new Housing LIN Reports:
Housing LIN Update Will the private extra care market take off in 2014? Getting off the ground: Bungalow living – an attractive alternative for downsizers? Independent living – safe as houses? A selection of new Housing LIN Viewpoints:
Housing LIN update New Housing LIN Case Studies Putting dementia into the heart of Extra Care Housing in Wales: A case study from Mold Getting it right for rural communities in Cumbria Going for broke with personalisation – new approaches to housing with support for people with disabilities Promoting independence: an evaluation of Camborne Public Rooms, Cornwall
Housing LIN Update Bringing care home: promoting independence through integrated working Jointly commissioned with Skills for Care, three 5 minute films on Family Mosaic, Guinness Care & Support and SEQOL and how housing, care and support staff in three different organisations skilfully work to respond to the needs and wishes of residents and clients to deliver tailored care and support across a range of homely environments. 3 ‘Oscar’ quality short films
New activities/resources Extra care housing factsheet being refreshed A series of regional Housing LIN meetings and regional conferences, including South and South West event in Swindon Response to draft consultation on the Care Act Update the Housing LIN Care and Support Technical Brief Working with SITRA and the University of Worcester on new dementia leadership programme. Leaders’ course in July 2014 Housing Design Awards, HAPPI category and announcement EAC Housing for Older People awards entry now open! Next Housing LIN annual conference, 17 February 2015 Other activities:
Connecting with the Housing LIN Over 40,000 subscribers but still the ‘best kept secret’! Sign up to receive our free newsletter, Housing with Care Matters, and information on forthcoming regional and national events Check out our comprehensive online resources Get involved in our discussion fora Post relevant information on our regional noticeboard Follow us on twitter Host a regional Housing LIN meeting Write a case study or viewpoint Sponsor our website or an event
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