Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Navigating the WBDG Richard R. Paradis, P.E. Federal Buildings Program Manager Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Washington, DC Steven Winter Associates, Inc.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council The Whole Building Design Guide Bldg. 33, Washington Navy Yard Federal Bldg. Oakland, CA Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Forest Glen, MD
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council To Do a Job Well It Takes the Right Tools Building a Home Planting a Garden Baking a Cake If You are planning, designing, constructing, operating or maintaining a building …
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council The Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) as a Tool Your Complete Internet Resource to Integrated, ‘Whole Building’, Design Information and Tools. The WBDG condenses the vast amount of Web-based data on building design, products, & systems Into usable, up-to-date information.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council WBDG/CCB Contributors Development of the WBDG is a collaborative effort among federal agencies, private sector companies, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. Its success is based on industry and government experts contributing their knowledge and experience to better serve the building community.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council What is Whole Building Design? It is an Integrated Design Approach and a Integrated Team Process to achieve high- performance buildings
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council ‘Whole Building’ Approach Materials, systems, and assemblies reviewed from many different perspectives Building components, sub-systems and materials are interdependent, can impact the total performance of the whole, and can perform ‘double duty’ NREL Solar Laboratory Golden, CO
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Integrated Project Team Comprehensive Stakeholder involvement throughout the building’s life cycle Evaluation for cost, quality-of-life, future flexibility, energy efficiency, overall environmental impact, productivity, creativity, and how the occupants will be enlivened Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse Portland, OR
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Applying the Integrated Team Process Who needs to be at the table at the outset of your project to ensure an integrated team process? Architect Landscape Architect Owner, Client, Tenants Engineers Programmers Interior Designer Contractor Specialists (Security, Telecom, Acoustics) Community Members or Other Stakeholders Operations and Maintenance Personnel Others???? (Real Estate Buyer)
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council w/ DIRECT LINKS to Other Resources & Pubs. Labs21 Design and Planning of Research and Clinical Laboratory Facilities WBDG Building Type Page on Research Laboratory w/ direct links to: Govt. Lab; Vivarium; Therapeutic Envi. RP; Sustainable Lab Design RP, Security & Safety in Labs RP, etc. CCB Documents VA Research Laboratory Des. Guide NIH Design Policy and Guidelines HHS Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories NGS ISEA Z358.1—Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment ANSI/AIHA—Z9.5 for Laboratory Ventilation NFPA 45—Fire Protection for Laboratories using Chemical WBDG Goal … to provide centralized access and use of facility information in a knowledge based management environment, from a ‘whole building’ perspective.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Tools Operations & Maintenance Project Management Documents & References Products & Systems General Products & Systems Pages Specific Products & Systems Pages Design Objectives Principles Pages Design Objective Pages Building Types Space Type Pages Space Types Resource Pages Whole Building Design Guide Federal Mandates Publications Case Studies Participating Agencies Industry Organizations Related Links Project Delivery Teams Project Planning and Development Project Delivery and Controls Commissioning Level 1 Homepage Level 2 Category Pages Level 5 General Building Types Pages Specific Building Types Pages Level 3 Level 4 Design Guidance Design Disciplines Design Discipline Pages
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
Design Guidance
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Design Objectives
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Secure/Safe Branch
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Resource Pages Concise summaries Written by industry experts Format: –Introduction –Description –Application –Relevant Codes & Standards –Additional Resources
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Sustainability- and Security/Safety- Related Pages in WBDG Glazing Hazard Mitigation High-Performance HVAC Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) Low Impact Development Technologies Mold and Moisture Dynamics Security and Safety in Laboratories Sun Control and Shading Devices Sustainable Laboratory Design Sustainable O&M Practices Threat/Vulnerability Assessments and Risk Analysis Water Conservation Windows and Glazing Achieving Sustainable Site Design through Low Impact Development Air Barrier Systems in Buildings Air Decontamination Balancing Security/Safety & Sustainability Objectives Building Integrated Photovoltaics Cost Impact of the ISC Security Criteria Daylighting Designing Buildings to Resist Explosive Threats Distributed Energy Resources Electric Lighting Controls Energy Efficient Lighting Evaluating and Selecting Green Products
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Tools and Resources in WBDG Green Construction Guide for Federal Specifiers
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Impact of WBDG as a Tool In February ,049 page views (July 07 highest 1,070,216) 434,040 visitor sessions (June 07 highest 541,020) 227,471 unique visitors (March 07 highest 237,529) 189,361 visitors who visited more than once March 07 highest 198,593) 1,652,510 pdf downloads from the WBDG website (All time high by almost 300,000) For 2007, pdf downloads exceeded 12.6 million. For 2008, pdf downloads could exceed 18 million
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Sustainable Design Objectives Optimize Site Potential Optimize Energy Use Protect & Conserve Water Use Environmentally Preferable Products Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Optimize Operational & Maintenance Practices EPA's New England Regional Laboratory (NERL)EPA's New England Regional Laboratory (NERL) achieved a LEED Version 1.0 Gold rating. From conception the project was charged to "make use of the best commercially-available materials and technologies to minimize consumption of energy and resources and maximize use of natural, recycled and non-toxic materials." Chelmsford, MA LEVEL 3 - SUSTAINABLE
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council LEVEL 3 - SUSTAINABLE
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council SUSTAINABLE LEVEL 4 – OPTIMIZE ENERGY USE
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council RELATED RESOURCE PAGES
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Sustainable Buildings Industry Council RESOURCE PAGE
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council RESOURCE PAGE
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
E.O Technical Guidance Five Guiding Principles The five Guiding Principles address: Employing integrated design; Optimizing energy performance; Protecting and conserving water; Enhancing indoor environmental quality; and Reducing the environmental impact of materials. To build from this and other accomplishments and to pave the way for future success, President Bush signed Executive Order "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management" on January 24, The new Executive Order (EO) consolidates and strengthens a number of prior EOs by establishing new and updated goals, practices, and reporting requirements for environmental, energy, and transportation performance and accountability. In the area of sustainable design and high performance buildings, the new EO makes mandatory the five Guiding Principles of the MOU for all new construction and major renovations and sets an aggressive goal for applying these practices to existing capital assets over the next decade.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Coordinate WBDG Sustainable D.O. With E.O Technical Guidance And Federal Green Constr. Guide for Specifiers
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
Whole Building Design Charrette Idea: Use WBDG for your next Design Charrette or Project Planning Meeting
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council A High Performance Approach to Building Design, Construction and Operations Beyond Green TM Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
2-Day Course for both Federal Personnel and Contractors to Federal Agencies involved in building design, construction and operations Beyond Green: A High Performance Approach to Building Design, Construction and Operations Course Description & Content Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Architects, engineers, building owners and managers in both the public and private sectors have come to realize that an integrated design approach is critical to achieving truly high-performance buildings. This approach is premised on a ‘whole building’ understanding & requires an analysis of the interdependencies of systems. This workshop will help you meet the sustainability objectives in Executive Order "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management" Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and The Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Beyond Green: A High Performance Approach to Building Design, Construction and Operations Course Description & Content Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Along with an introduction to high performance buildings using the whole building approach, developing the owner’s project requirements, and total building commissioning, key topics will include: Site planning and design: energy, sustainability, accessibility and security; Building form and envelope: energy, sustainability, accessibility and security; Renewable energy: PV, solar thermal, passive solar design strategies, getting to ‘zero energy’ and seeking carbon neutral; Lighting: daylighting, efficient electric lighting and controls, lighting for security; HVAC: low energy strategies, sustainability, control strategies, security issues; Water: conservation, energy use, sustainability and security; Environmentally preferable materials; Indoor environmental quality: acoustics, glare, air quality; Discussion of green building rating systems; and Tools and resources: ENERGY-10 energy-efficient design software and the Internet-based Whole Building Design Guide
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Beyond Green TM SBIC’s 2008 High Performance Building Awards Call for Entries Category A: High Performance Buildings Category B: High Performance Initiatives July 1, 2008 – Call for Entries October 15, 2008 – Submissions due to SBIC November 12, 2008 – Judging complete, Winners notified January 27, 2009 – Awards Reception in Washington, DC
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Let’s check out the WBDG! w w w. w b d g. o r g Be sure to visit the site when you start your next project!