Global Food Security
The problem… Hunger. The world’s greatest solvable problem
1996: World Food Summit (Rome) goal: halving the number of undernourished people by 2015 2000: Millennium Development Goals Goal Nr. 1 goal: halving the proportion of undernourished people by 2015
4 pillars of food security access (to sufficient, safe and nutritious food) availability Stability (of its supply) use Complexity – food security affects and is affected by health problems environmental problems political situation
Global architecture of health governance Global architecture of food security governance International organisations and programmes (WTO, FAO, WFP, …) UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food (created in 2000) Civil society organisations and networks(Oxfam, ActionAid, etc.) Foundations Private actors (food industry) International norm: human right to food Actors and mechanisms …
Global Food Crisis in 2007/08 – increase in food prices Financial speculation Financial crisis Increase in the price of oil Climate change / environmental degradation (floods, droughts, …) Harvest losses Outdated production mechanisms in agriculture Subsidised agriculture in rich countries (US, EU) US: cotton EU: sugar
What to do ? Solutions …? UN High-Level Panel on the Future of Food Security New ways of governing …. New ways of seeing the world o The Committee on World Food Security How does the Committee try to tackle global food (in)security? (role of the state, civil society, power)
Food security and climate change What about us? What about our influence?