5 common causes of accidents in the shop.
1. Fooling around Horseplay in the shop.
2. Not wearing safety glasses
3. Grease and oil on the floor.
4. Equipment breaking.
5. The feeling that it can’t happen to me.
2. Jewelery
A. Jewelry is nice but does not belong in the shop. Avoid wearing Rings,watches,and Neclaces.
B. It is very important all jewelry is taken off prior to working on a vehicle because, its not uncommon to come across wire leads with insulation worn off and Current passing through them. If you should touch one of these bare wires with a Ring or watch, and it becomes grounded, you will not only short out the wire, but that wire in turn will heat up and badly burn your skin.
Clothing A. The easiest way to avoid problems with clothing is to remember not to wear anything that hangs or dangles. Don’t wear Ties if you have long hair, tie it up or wear a hat. Any type if lose clothing can be caught in moving pieces of equipment.
B. Always remember to keep your clothes as clean as possible. If you spill any type of chemical substance on your clothing it should be cleaned immediately.
Fire safety Fires will spread very quickly in a shop because most shops contain flammable liquids such as Gassoline, oils, and Paints. Probably the single greatest safety precaution in a shop is to Prevent Fires. Many people don’t realize this but one cup of gasoline has the same potential as a stick of dynamite.
How a fire starts
For a fire to start three components must be present Heat, Fuel, Oxygen. Simply removing one of these components can put out a fire, and that’s basically what fire extinguishers do.
Class Type A Wood, paper, ordinary textiles. B Gas, Grease, oil, Paint. C Electrical components/motors Extinguishing Action Cooling, quenching Smothering, Blanketing Nonconducting, Smothering
Extinguishers and types Extinguisher type Foam Carbon Dioxide Multipurpose dry chemical Dry Chemical Soda Acid Halon Gas Fire Type A-B B-C A-B-C B-C A B-c
A. Every Student must be aware of the locations of all fire extinguishers. Students should also know what types of fire extinguishers are best for the various types of fires. Students should know that a Multi purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher will put out all types of fires.
II. Color and application of federal Safety color code
A.Red Basic color for the identification of: 1.Fire protection equipment and apparatus. 2. Portable containers of flammable liquids. 3. Emergency stop bars, stop buttons, and emergency electrical stop switches on machinery.
B. Yellow Basic color for identification of: 1. Caution and for marking physical hazards. 2. Waste containers for explosive or combustible materials. 3. Caution against starting, using, or moving equipment. 4. Identification of the starting point or power source of machinery.
C. Orange Basic color for Designating: 1. Dangerous psrts of machines. 2. Safety starter buttons. 3. The exposed parts (edges only) of pulleys, gears, rollers, cutting devices & power jaws.
D. Purple basic color for designating: 1. Radiation Hazards
E. Green Basic color for designating: 1. Safety 2. Location of first –aid equipment (other then fire fighting equipment.
F. Black And White color for designating: 1. Traffic Flow 2. House keeping purposes
Personal Safety-Only affects you.
General Safety- Affects the whole class.