Mgr. Miroslav Pech Structure of the Educational System in the Vysočina region Mgr. Miroslav Pech Head of Department of Education, Youth and Sports at regional office of the Vysočina region
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Školský zákon Municipality: obligation to provide compulsory education for children in the municipality compulsory school education – primary schools municipality establishes or cancels kindergartens, primary schools /6- 15 years/ and school facilities – catering furthermore, municipalities can establish - art schools, leisure time centres other schools or school facilities usually established by the region or state
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Education Act Region: obligation to provide secondary and higher vocational education obligation to arrange education for handicapped children arranging conditions for language, art and leisure time education Region establishes and cancels: secondary schools, higher schools kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools for handicapped children and also primary special schools schools – parts of hospitals and other health institutions school dormitory and catering language schools art schools Children‘s homes
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Education Act Schools and educational institutions can be established by : municipalities or associations of municipalities region state church private entities
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Financování školství v České republice
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Schools and educational institutions in the Vysočina region School/institution Established by the Vysočina regiontotal Kindergardens1341 Primary schools12280 Primary schools by hospitals22 Secondary schools 53 (47 + 6)68 Higher specialised schools914 School farms22 Art schools127 Leisure time centre122 School dormitory11 Children‘s homes910 Children‘s homes with school02 Educational and psychological counselling centres55 Special pedagogical centre23 Zdroj dat: statistické výkazy UIV
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Trend in number of fifteen year old pupils in the Vysočina region Min = r fifteen year old Max = r fifteen year old Zdroj dat: ČSÚ k
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Secondary schools in the Vysočina region in the school year 2010/11 Type of secondary schoolfounder Number of schools Number of pupils in full time study programmes Grammar schools (gymnasium) region private entity1172 church2653 total Secondary vocational schools region private entity church1236 total Secondary schools, apprentice schools region private entity2325 church1206 municipality1211 total Secondary practical schools region6181 Total Total regional schools
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Secondary schools in the Vysočina region Types of schools in the Vysočina region Number of pupils at different types of secondary schools in the Vysočina region
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Number of pupils in different study programmes
Mgr. Miroslav Pech Thank you Mgr. Miroslav Pech, Head of Department of Education, Youth and Sports at regional office of the Vysočina region tel.: mob.: