Faculty of Education ► Staff 300 (incl.100 in Teacher training school) ► 20 professorships ► 80 lecturers ► 9 senior assistants ► 12 assistants ► 2400 Master-students ► 170 Doctoral students Department of Teacher Education Department of Educational sciences: ► Education and Adult Education ► Early Childhood Education ► Special Education ► Institute of Educational Leadership
2007 ► National centre for educational research ► Multidisciplinary research institute ► Mission: Developing education through scientific research ► Five areas of research strength ► Involved in doctoral education Institute for Educational Research
2007 Educational Policy in Finland ► Equality of education has high priority ► Education for all – 140 years old tradition – comprehensive school 1970 – well-educated parents -> promotes motivation for life-long and life-wide learning – social and regional equality
2007 Teacher education in Finland ► Teacher’s profession has a high status ► Popular field of study > high qualifications of enrolled teacher student ► Master degree necessary also for primary level teachers ► Integration of theory and practice (Teacher training school) ► Pedagogical knowledge and subject knowledge integrated ► Teachers are life-long learners ► Teacher education is research-based
2007 Teacher Education in the Faculty Kindergarten teacher Primary school teacher (=class teachers) Subject teacher Special education teacher School / Study Counsellor Principals Adult education teachers Sign language class teachers and subject teachers
2007 Training programme includes: ECTS credits 1) Language and Communication Studies 25 2) Basic Studies in Education * 25 3) Intermediate Studies in Education * 35 4) Advanced Studies in Education ** 80 5) Multidisciplinary School Subject Studies 60 6) Minor Subject Studies 60 7) Optional Courses 15 TOTAL 300 * Including 12 ECTS credits Teaching Practice ** Including 16 ECTS credits Teaching Practice Master’s degree programme of primary school teachers
2007 Excellence in research High quality of education Social responsibility and innovations Department of Teacher Education Department of Educational Sciences Shared aims Faculty of Education –
2007 I Learning communities, collaboration, and social interaction within schooling and working life contexts II Educational cultures, childhood, and well-being III Professional growth and guidance of life-wide and life-long learning Areas of Research Strength 2006–2010
2007 I a) Learning communities and the construction of individual identities
2007 I b) Different forms of collaborative and cooperative learning; cultural mediation of learning
2007 I c) Various learning environments and pedagogical practices; structures and processes of teachers’ and students’ participation
2007 a) Cultures and policies of childhood b) Parenthood, family and child-rearing II Educational cultures, childhood, and well-being
2007 a)Professional identities and learning communities b) Teacher's professional growth and development c) Life-wide and life-long guidance III Professional growth and guidance in life-wide and life-long learning
2007 Our research is characterized by ► collaboration and networking nationally and internationally ► multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research ► networking and collaboration with schooling and working life We aim to promote life-long learning and high quality of education at all levels of schooling.
2007 ► The mission of the institute is to develop a leadership function in the educational sector so that the educational organisations succeed in their task as well as possible. ► Strong international collaboration, e.g. visiting professors and International Master and Doctoral Programmes starting from Institute of Educational Leadership
2007 Programmes of the Institute of Educational Leadership ► Principal preparation programme for teachers ► Advanced leadership programmes for leaders and superintendents ► PhD programme in educational leadership for senior leaders and administrators ► International Master’s programme (started 2007) ► International PhD programme (started 2007/2008)
2007 Guidance and Counselling Education & Research Unit ► Provides education for school / study counsellors working at different levels in the educational system ► Research is focused on: –Guidance and counselling in higher education –Multicultural guidance and counselling –Working life guidance and counselling –Philosophical and theoretical foundations of guidance and counselling
2007 Institute for Educational Research (IER) ► A national, multidisciplinary research institute ► Staff: 80 employees, of which 50 are researchers Five areas of research strength: ► International and national evaluation of education ► Links between education and working life ► Higher education ► Educational use of information technology ► Developing research methods
2007 ► Assessing Learning Outcomes (PISA Studies) ► ICT in Learning and Working Environments ► Learning, Education and the Changing Working Life ► Higher Education Studies ► Learning and Teacher Identity in the Academic Community ► International Development in Education and Training ► School Community and the Teacher Profession ► Methods and Data Management Research teams in IER
2007 Future aims in research and doctoral training ► Promoting excellence of research ► Increasing publishing in international refereed scholarly journals ► Strengthening the collaboration between the Faculty and the Institute for Educational Research ► Enhancing international research collaboration (foreign visiting professors, international conferences) ► Internationalisation of education: International Master’s Programme and International PhD Programme in Educational Leadership (2007–2009) ► 12–15 doctoral dissertations yearly: article dissertations ► Increasing research funding from external sources (Academy of Finland, EU, etc.)