Overview of education statistics in Denmark Christian Vittrup Peter Bohnstedt Anan Hansen Education Statistics Statistics Denmark
Basic information on the students Who Where What When A simple model 2
Inter-connection of basis registres 3 Education statistics registres -Intergrated student register -Attainment register -Etc. Education statistics registres -Intergrated student register -Attainment register -Etc. Education statistics registres -Intergrated student register -Attainment register -Etc. Education register Unique identification of educational programme Institution register Unique identification of institution CPR register Unique identification of individual
The CPR-number covers a range of information about every individual Name, address and if possible position marital status birth registration information (eg, information about place of birth) citizenship or any basis for residence other relationships (for example, information on parents and parental responsibility) membership to the national church historic data on residence The CPR register is hosted by the Ministry of Domestic Affairs CPR register Unique identification of individual 4
Education register Unique identification of educational programme 5 The Education register covers all educational programmes in Denmark from the early 1970’s till present. The register covers detailed information about programme content and meta-data, and classification. Name and formal acknowledgement Qualification Minimum duration Placement in education system based on total cumulative years of education Classification (level + Field of Education) Responsible ministry The Education register is hosted by Statistics Denmark
6 Specialization #1Specialization #4Specialization #2Specialization #3 General bakery education UDDUDD_TEXTAUDDAUDD_TEXT 4161Bager og konditor4440Bager 4161Bager og konditor4412Brødbager 4161Bager og konditor4441Konditor 4161Bager og konditor4444Chokolade- og konfektureassistent Reality: Statistics Denmark: Education STARTS Education ENDS
The Institution register covers all units in Denmark that provide education. The register contains detailed information about the educational institutions, local counseling centres etc. Name and location CVR-number (link to detailed information in external business register) Institution leader and contact information Classification by institution type Classification by institution geographical unit Ownership (private, public) Local authority responsible for institution (if public) The Institution register is hosted by the Ministry of Education Institution register Unique identification of institution 7
Educational institutions in Denmark 8 Primary school Special schools etc. VET intro. VET main courses Upper secondary education general Upper secondary SNE maritime educ. Business Academies University Colleges Universites Police and defence Arts Academies
Danish Education System PersonTime Ministries legislation, regulations Institution register Education register Statistics Denmark Data collection CPR register Student register Adult education register PhD- register Educational attainment register Data warehouse
Registers in Education Statistics: Basic registers Activity registers Qualification registers Attainment Register Edited student registers Grades Special need educ. ECTS Attain- ment Reg. Qualifi- cation Reg. Course Particip.Reg. Student Reg. (Raw data) Educati on Reg. Inst. Reg. Popula -tion Reg. Harmo- nised Student Reg. Additional data: Ph.D. AES, CVTS, mobile students
The Student Register: education from cradle to the grave Contents: Education code Start date End date Institution Established in the early 1970's as a longitudinal register
Kvalifiklations- registret The educational attainment of the Danish population. Elevregistret Folketælling 1970 Personnummer Institutionsnummer Uddannelseskode Startdato Slutdato Kilde Befolkningens uddannelse Voksen uddannelse Autorisations registre Styrelsen for Internationale uddannelser Indvandres Medbragte Udd. Grønland UDD_ ALMUDD UDD_ ERHUDD UDD_ HFUDD UDD_ SENUDD Phd
Educational Institutions Validation Recoding to format used by DST Control of mayor fluctuations etc. System suppliers Delivery of data It system support for Search for errors, corrections and recoding
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