1/20/2016Minimizer Confidential1
1/20/2016Minimizer Confidential2
31/20/2016Minimizer Confidential
41/20/2016Minimizer Confidential Step 1. Clean rim using a scotch brite pad or steel brush, remove any excess paint and rust. Once complete give a thorough cleaning of lose particles from the rim.
1/20/2016Minimizer Confidential5 Step 2. Apply the larger outer ring “Tire Mask” to the hub edge, securely tape the Tire Mask to your rubber tire. Apply the Hubb Capp to your axle hub. Using primer, paint your entire inner hub first. Let drive, then go back over using your choice of color and finish painting.
1/20/2016Minimizer Confidential6 Step 3. Apply the smaller inner ring – “Rim Shield” over your axle hub and lug nuts, firmly press tight against the inner hub wall. Remove the Hubb Capp cover. Using your primer paint your entire hub and lug nuts first. Let drive, then go back over using your choice of color and finish painting.
71/20/2016Minimizer Confidential Final Step. Remove Rim Shield, stand back and admire your finished work. Wipe Tire Mask & Rim Shield clean so future use can be had. Keep your rims looking fresh and new at all times with the simple quick process of Minimizer Tire Mask.
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1/20/2016Minimizer Confidential9 Tire Mask Part# Kit Breakdown Wheel Size
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1/20/2016Minimizer Confidential11 Info Demonstration