The Use of Census and Other Data in Australian Catholic Education Presented by Crichton Smith at the ABS Census Analysis Conference Canberra, July 2006
Australian Catholic Education The School Sector (Government, Catholic and Other Non-Government) 3.3 million students 9,600 schools $27 billion annually from State and Commonwealth funding Non-Government Schools 1.1 million students 2,700 schools $5.2 billion annually from State and Commonwealth funding Catholic Schools 677,000 students 1,700 schools $4 billion annually from State and Commonwealth funding $1.52 billion from fees and other income Employs nearly 75,000 people
Australian Catholic Education NCEC & State Commissions Policy negotiation State Commissions & Dioceses Service provision Funding distribution State Commissions Religious Congregations & Dioceses Conduct schools Employment Religious Congregations & Dioceses
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database To assist with planning and policy, understanding, research and identifying questions and issues relevant to students in Catholic education The Australian Catholic Education Statistics database has been entirely initiated, designed and developed through the NCEC to: Placing information in the national context Providing access to information for ALL states and dioceses To analyse large amounts of data and observe trends in seconds Using a simple web-based interface Brings together large databases relevant to Catholic education With data available at many geographic levels
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database ‘ASGC-based’ hierarchy School location (physical location) Student addresses (physical location) Census Collection District (CD) Sub-SLA ASGC regions Main and Special Purpose ASGC Electoral regions Parish Student catchments (contiguous and non-contiguous) School Funding (SES Index) Statistical Local Area (SLA) Main ASGC structure (LGA, State, etc.) Dioceses Geocode to Census Collection District CD ASGC and Catholic areas
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Annual DEST School Census Data for Individual Catholic Schools, 1985 to 2005 Data about Schools Name and Location Level (Primary, secondary, combined, special school) SES score of school ASGC identifiers (CD Code all ASGC Codes and names) Catholic boundaries (Diocese and Parish codes and names) Data about Staff Teaching and non-teaching included Head count and Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Male and Female Split by primary and secondary Religious and Lay staff Data about Students Students by grade and sex Includes full-time and part-time students Includes categories of students by level and sex – Boarding students – ESL / LBOTE – FFPOS – Indigenous – Students with a Disability (SWD)
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Basic Community Profile Thematics from BCP at CD and SLA levels, 1996 and 2001 Censuses Population (B01, B03) Total population by sex Single year by sex for 0-19 years 5 year age groups by sex Data was included/excluded to enable non-users access to most useful Census information Male/female categories where significant differences between males and females in Census Students (B11) School level and sector by sex TAFE (total) and University (total) by sex Qualifications (B23, B24) Level of post-school qualification by sex Field of qualification by sex Religion (B10) Catholic by sex Christian, Non-Christian by sex No Religion + Not Stated by sex Christian denominations (total) Non-Christian religions (total) Ethnicity (B01, B05, B06, B07, B08) Australian / Overseas born (MESC, NESC) NESB (1996 Census) Regions and Countries of Birth Languages Dwellings (B22, B18, B19) Population ‘stability’ (1 year / 5 year) Dwelling type Dwelling occupancy by dwelling type Tenure Dwelling population (1996 by type of dwelling) Work (B25, B26, B27) Employment / unemployment by sex Industry by sex Occupation by sex Not included but initially planned Family, and household Income Financial (mortgage, rent, housing stress)
Cross-tabulation of students x parental religion x school sector and school level x family income SLA and CD levels (CD level excludes income cross-tabulation) 1986, 1991, 12996, 2001 Censuses The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Customised Tables Students from Catholic FamilyStudents from Non-Catholic Family Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Students from Catholic FamilyStudents from Non-Catholic Family Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income What schools do children from Catholic families attend?
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Students from Catholic FamilyStudents from Non-Catholic Family Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income What schools do Catholic children attend in terms of income?
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Students from Catholic FamilyStudents from Non-Catholic Family Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Who attends Catholic schools in terms of religion?
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Students from Catholic FamilyStudents from Non-Catholic Family Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Who attends Catholic Schools in terms of family income?
Cross-tabulation of family type x school sector SLA and CD levels 2001 Census Customised Tables The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Catholic schools Only Government schools only Other Non-Government schools only Catholic & Government schools Catholic & Other Non-Government schools Government & Other Non-Government schools Catholic, Government & Other Non-Government schools Total Families Families with children in: Single-Parent Families Two-Parent Families
Cross-tabulation of family type x school sector x family income SLA and CD levels (CD level excludes income cross-tabulation) 2001 Census The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Customised Tables Families with 1 ChildFamilies with 5 or more children Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Low Income Medium Income High Income Not Stated Total Income Catholic schools Only Government schools only Other Non-Government schools only Catholic & Government schools Catholic & ONG schools Government & ONG schools Catholic, Government & ONG schools Total Families Families with: 1 child4 children 2 children5 or more children 3 children
Cross-tabulation of Indigenous students x school sector x religion SLA level only 2001 Census The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Customised Tables All Students (BCP) Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2) Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Indigenous Students (Customised Table 1) Non-Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2)
Is the proportion of Indigenous students in Catholic schools representative of the broader Indigenous community? The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database All Students (BCP) Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2) Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Indigenous Students (Customised Table 1) Non-Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2) Compare the overall Indigenous proportion (B01) with
Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary What proportion of Indigenous students are in Catholic and non-Catholic schools? The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database All Students (BCP) Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2) Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Indigenous Students (Customised Table 1) Non-Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2)
Primary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Primary What proportion of Catholic Indigenous students are in Catholic schools? The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database All Students (BCP) Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2) Secondary Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Secondary All Students Government Catholic Other Non-Government Total Students Indigenous Students (Customised Table 1) Non-Catholic Indigenous Students (Customised Table 2)
Both Parents Cross-tabulation of Teachers x teaching sector x school sector Commonwealth and State Electoral Boundaries 2001 Census Customised Tables The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database Catholic schools Only Government schools only Other Non-Government schools only Catholic & Government schools Catholic & Other Non-Government schools Government & Other Non-Government schools Catholic, Government & Other Non-Government schools Total Families Families with children in: Teachers in Government Schools Teachers in Non-Government Schools Both ParentsOne Parent
The Australian Catholic Education Statistics Database – Statistics on Catholic Schools section
Some Tasters Catholic families in government schools High and low income families High-income Catholic families Growth in Catholic students Family size Teachers in government schools Indigenous students Catholic Indigenous students More than half (51%) are in Government schools More than three-quarters (77%) are in Government schools 86% are in Government schools 85% of all families have one or two children at school More than half (54%) of high income families are in Government schools More than half (52%) of high income Catholic families are in Catholic schools 46% of the growth in students from Catholic families has been in Other Non-Government schools 24% of Government school teachers send their child(ren) to a non-government school
Applying the Data Geocoding Student Addresses
Applying the Data Non-Contiguous Catchments
Applying the Data Demographic Planning LGAs where at least 15% of the working population are employed in Education or Health and Community Services
Applying the Data Electoral Australian Electoral Commission DEST ABS Census BCP ABS Census Customised
Applying the Data Electoral Sydney Morning Herald, 7 November 2003, Page 1
OccupationEducationHousehold Income Family Income +++ Applying the Data SES 14 variables Labourers Administrators Production/Process Workers Professionals Tradespersons Service, Sport, Recreation (Females) Elementary clerical/ sales /service (Females) Administrators (Male) Clerical (Male) Sales (Male) Unemployed 5 variables Degree/Diploma Trade or other Certificate No Qualifications Left school by Year 9 Never attended school 2 variables Income < $41,600 Income > $90,000 2 variables Income < $36,400 Income > $90,000 Census Questions 32, 42 and 34 Census Questions 25, 26 and 27 Census Question 31 Census Questions 5 and 31
Applying the Data Unpacking the Data Low Income < $ 36,400 High Income > $90,000 The National Distribution Income of Families with Children
Applying the Data Unpacking the Data “Our school isn’t typical – we only get the low income families in the high SES CD” Identify the CDs from which students are actually drawn from Exclude the high income CDs with no low income families (BCP at CD level) ABS custom dataset (students in Catholic schools by family income) for aggregated CD Calculate the possibility and probability of the hypothesis
Issues 2001 Census BoundariesSydneyBrisbane Total Population4 million1.6 million No. of SLAs49224 SLAs with less than 15,000 population1205 (92%) SLAs with more than 150,000 population16Nil SLAs with less than 10 CDsNil99 SLAs with more than 100 CDs301
The Use of Census and Other Data in Australian Catholic Education Presented by Crichton Smith Catholic Education Commission, NSW (02)