LEA Self-Assessment LEASA: Presentations:
Update March 10, 2014 …this is our work… …this is the work… …this is your work… RDA INDICATOR 17 = State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)
Jan 2013Dec Evolution of NCDPI Results Driven Accountabililty IDEA reauthorization SSIP Goal: Improve SWD Graduation rate by improving supports pk-12 EC Division shares RDA work during OSEP visit Inventory of Core, Supplemental, & Intensive Support for LEAs Identification of core elements Report progress on student outcomes LEA Self-Assessment results drive LEA support LEAs submit Continuous Improvement Performance Plans (CIPPs)
SSIP Data Analysis: Data Disaggregation, Infrastructure Analysis of Compliance Data Impact on Outcomes Strategic Vision Summary & Analysis Root Cause Is the Infrastructure we have the Infrastructure we need? Improvement plans drive strategic ECD support & PD ECD Self- Assessment & Improvement Process SSIP Phase I Collaboration Effective General Supervision SSIP Phase I & II Improvement Plan Determine Package of Interventions Plan for implementation in an MTSS framework Identify outcome measures Building ECD capacity Evaluation Examine outcome and implementation data Implementation of Customized Continuum of Support ECD Staff training & Support Strategies/Interventions Fidelity Measures Data for monitoring implementation SSIP Phase III LEA Capacity Customized Support SSIP Phase I SSIP Phase II & III
General Supervision SPP/APR Data Collection Dispute Resolution System Policies, Practices and Procedures Monitoring Activities Improvement, Correction, Incentives, & Sanctions Targeted Technical Assistance Fiscal Management
Academics Continuum of Transitions Behavior SSIP: Focus for Improvement Engagement
This Professional Learning Supports Improved Graduation Rate for Students with Disabilities by: Active implementation of evidence-based instruction, preK through secondary Local capacity building Technical and adaptive leadership Comprehensive and efficient assessment system Student, Family, Staff, and Community Engagement Academics Active implementation of evidence-based behavioral programming, preK through secondary Local capacity building Culturally responsive instruction Positive school/class climate Comprehensive and efficient assessment system Student, Family, Staff, and Community Engagement Behavior Active implementation of evidence-based transition practices, preK to post- secondary Local capacity building Systemic and coordinated supports (including wraparound), preK to post-secondary Consistent attendance Extracurricular and/or employment opportunities Student, Family, Staff, and Community Engagement Continuum of Transitions Engagement
Indicator Data Profile Compliance (Policy & Fiscal) Practice Profile Summary & Analysis Identify problems in Academics, Behavior, Engagement Improvement plans drive strategic ECD support & PD LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process DPI LEA with DPI TA Research-Based Instruction & Communication & Collaboration LEA with DPI TA LEA Improvement Plan Select from Package of Interventions Plan for implementation in an MTSS framework Identify outcome measures Evaluation Examine outcome and implementation data Implementation of Full Continuum of Support For Students AND Teachers Strategies/Interventions Fidelity Measures Data for monitoring implementation LEA with DPI TA Problem-Solving for Improvement IEP Development & Implementation Data Collection
Indicator Data Profile Compliance (Policy & Fiscal) Practice Profile LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process DPI Research-Based Instruction & Communication & Collaboration LEA Problem-Solving for Improvement IEP Development & Implementation Data Collection
Indicator Data Profile Compliance (Policy & Fiscal) Practice Profile LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process DPI Research-Based Instruction & Communication & Collaboration LEA Problem-Solving for Improvement IEP Development & Implementation Data Collection
LEA Indicator Data 1.Graduation Rate 2.Dropout Rate 3.Student Participation and Performance on Annual Assessments by subgroup 4.Suspension/Expulsion Rates 5.LRE placements: school- age 6.LRE placements: preschool 7.Preschool Outcomes 8.Parent Involvement 9.Disproportionate Representation - Child with a Disability 10.Disproportionate Representation - Eligibility Category 11.Timely Evaluation 12.Early Childhood Transition 13.Secondary Transition 14.Post-School Outcomes
Indicator Data Profile Compliance (Policy & Fiscal) Practice Profile LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process DPI Research-Based Instruction & Communication & Collaboration LEA Problem-Solving for Improvement IEP Development & Implementation Data Collection
Core Element 1: Policy Compliance and Monitoring For this Core Element, consider the way the LEA monitors and ensures compliance with federal and state policies regarding students with disabilities. Critical ComponentLEA Notes 1.1 LEA provides training on the legal requirements of IDEA, Article 9 and NC Policies Governing Children with Disabilities. 1.2 LEA has an effective system for internal monitoring & general supervision, to include IEP implementation. 1.3 LEA uses effective methods and practices for resolving complaints/disputes (formal and informal) within required timelines.
Core Element 2: Fiscal Management For this Core Element, consider the way the LEA monitors fiscal resources and ensures compliance with federal and state policy. Critical ComponentLEA Notes 2.1 LEA fiscal management policies and procedures comply with federal and state regulations, policies, and procedures for appropriate use of funds. 2.2 LEA Timely and accurately completes and submits eligible grants, funding applications/reimbursements, and required amendments/supplements. 2.3 LEA implements effective practices for fiscal accountability.
Talk Together How familiar are you with your LEA’s: Indicator Data? Policy Compliance and Monitoring practices? Fiscal Management procedures?
Indicator Data Profile Compliance (Policy & Fiscal) Practice Profile LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process DPI Research-Based Instruction & Communication & Collaboration LEA Problem-Solving for Improvement IEP Development & Implementation Data Collection
Critical Component Expected Implementa tion Developmental Variation Needs Improvement LEA Rating (0, 1, or 2) 4.1 LEA collects and analyzes data to problem- solve and develop improvement strategies for any student not meeting IEP goals. LEA has documentatio n of problem- solving process applied to 80% of IEPs where students are not meeting IEP goals LEA has documentation of problem- solving process applied to 50% - 79% of IEPs where students are not meeting IEP goals LEA has documentation of problem- solving process applied to less than 50% of IEPs where students are not meeting IEP goals
Core Element 3: IEP Development and Implementation 3.1 Data indicate that students with IEPs are making progress towards grade level standards in the general education curriculum. 3.2 Data indicate that students participating in the Standard Course of Study are making progress on IEP goals. 3.3 Data indicate that students participating in the Extended Content Standards are making progress on IEP goals. 3.4 Data indicate that students with disabilities are graduating. 3.5 IEPs are developed based on each student’s unique needs and relevant progress monitoring data that clearly documents student growth. 3.6 IEPs are implemented at a high level of fidelity.
Core Element 4: Problem-Solving for Improvement 4.1 LEA collects and analyzes data to problem-solve and develop improvement strategies for any student not meeting IEP goals. 4.2 LEA collects and analyzes disaggregated data about groups of students with disabilities to establish priorities for improvement. 4.3 LEA collects and analyzes aggregated data about students with disabilities to establish priorities for improvement. 4.4 LEA uses data analysis and identified priorities for decision-making and continuous improvement of LEA EC Program at least annually.
Core Element 5: Research-based Instruction and Practices 5.1 LEA has a clear data-driven procedure for identifying needed research-based initiatives, practices, and/or instructional methods to ensure students’ mastery of common core and essential standards. 5.2 LEA develops effective implementation plans to support improved outcomes for SWD. 5.3 LEA purposefully carries out implementation plans, monitoring progress and making adjustments to improve outcomes. 5.4 LEA implementation plan includes strategies that support improvement, sustainability, and actively build capacity over time
Core Element 6: Communication and Collaboration 6.1 LEA has effective vertical and horizontal communication processes in place to support policy and practice. 6.2 LEA facilitates meaningful parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities (e.g., rights and procedural safeguards, specific disability information, instructional practices, etc.). 6.3 LEA partners with community stakeholders (including preschool, mental health, etc.) to enhance service provision to students and families 6.4 LEA collaborates with SEA to support program and initiative improvement
Summary & Analysis Identify problems in Academics, Behavior, Engagement LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process LEA with DPI TA
Analysis Identifying Priorities: After the data has been thoroughly reviewed and some possible areas for improvement have been identified, the next step is prioritizing areas for improvement. Consider not only needs, but also strengths that can be built upon.
LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process LEA with DPI TA Improvement Plan Select from Package of Interventions Plan for implementation in an MTSS framework Identify outcome measures
Improvement Plan Connected to or embedded in LEA Strategic Plan Problem statement (what, when, where, who, why) Goal and actions/interventions Person/position responsible Timeline for completion Method for measuring fidelity Method for measuring the effectiveness Documentation of the outcome(s) and next steps
Talk Together In your role, how might you contribute to your LEA’s improvement work?
Improvement plans drive strategic ECD support & PD LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process
LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process Implementation of Full Continuum of Support For Students AND Teachers Strategies/Interventions Fidelity Measures Data for monitoring implementation
LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process Evaluation Examine outcome and implementation data LEA with DPI TA
Indicator Data Profile Compliance (Policy & Fiscal) Practice Profile Summary & Analysis Identify problems in Academics, Behavior, Engagement Improvement plans drive strategic ECD support & PD LEA Self- Assessment & Improvement Process DPI LEA with DPI TA Research-Based Instruction & Communication & Collaboration LEA with DPI TA LEA Improvement Plan Select from Package of Interventions Plan for implementation in an MTSS framework Identify outcome measures Evaluation Examine outcome and implementation data Implementation of Full Continuum of Support For Students AND Teachers Strategies/Interventions Fidelity Measures Data for monitoring implementation LEA with DPI TA Problem-Solving for Improvement IEP Development & Implementation Data Collection