Cestrum diurnum extract Poultry & Livestock Feed Supplement A promising step forward In Veterinary feed supplement from NATURE
SuperChic Genova’s Patent Natural feed supplement to accelerate Your profit weight
About us Genova Biotech was founded in Our business model is B-to-B and manufactures these products on a P-to-P basis. First and only company in the world producing Calcitriol & D derivatives from natural source We make affordable Calcitriol which is safe & effective R&D Completed for human & veterinary applications. Exact dose can be dispensed. Patents awarded for Process and Products. In 2012 introduced Human & Veterinary products
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin ) ? Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D 3 ) ? ? Calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin ) ? Calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 ) ? Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin ) ? Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3 ) ? What do I need?
Vitamin (Cholecalciferol) is one of the five forms of Vitamin D Vitamin D 3 (Cholecalciferol) is one of the five forms of Vitamin D 25-hydroxyvitamin (Calcifediol) Inactive Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is hydroxylated in the liver to become 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 (Calcifediol) Inactive as hormone 25-dihydroxyvitamin (Calcitriol) Inactive Calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D3)) is hydroxylated in the kidney and becomes 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3 (Calcitriol) Inactive as hormone This is active Superchic
Metabolic Pathway Next comes the KEY? In Broilers, before 18 days, 1- α-hydroxylase is insufficient
Cholecalciferol & Calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) are inactive hormones. Only Calcitriol (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) is metabolically active that is why it is called active Vitamin D3 The enzyme required to convert CC to its active form of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 is not fully active in chickens under 14 days of age The economy of Ca utilisation is under the control of Vitamin D(3), particularly its active metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitaminD3. Supplementation of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) has been shown to increase specific gravity, shell thickness and shell weight of the egg.cThe data suggest that incorporation of Cestrum diurnum (CD) leaf powder in the feed of poultry layers. increased the egg shell thickness, which in turn would decrease the economic loss due to breakage of eggs _Vitamin_D_3_improves_egg_shell_thickness The supplementation of CD leaves enhanced the serum Ca, body weight, tibia weight, density and strength resulting in the disappearance of tibial dyschondroplasia. The results suggest that the incorporation of CD leaf powder in poultry feed could be beneficial to the poultry. Why Calcitriol [1,25-(OH)2D3]? What are the Proofs?
Hepatic synthesis of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol is only loosely regulated, and blood levels of this molecule largely reflect the amount of amount of vitamin D produced in the skin or ingested. In contrast, the activity of 1-alpha-hydroxylase in the kidney is tightly regulated and serves as the major control point in production of the active hormone. The vitamin D receptor binds several forms of cholecalciferol. Its affinity for 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol is roughly 1000 times that for 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, which explains their relative biological potencies. Even 50.0 mg/Kg cholecalciferol was not as effective as fluorescent lights or 1,25- Dihydroxycholecalciferol in reducing the incidence and severity of TD 6 micrograms/kg 1,25-(OH)2D3 is effective for decreasing TD under practical rearing conditions. These findings suggest that aged laying hens are responsive to dietary vitamin D source, and calcitriol supplementation of their diets could improve performance and eggshell quality. nutrition/1578-comparative-effect-of-vitamin-d3-and-calcitriol-on-performance-and-bone-and- eggshell-mineral-quality-in-aged-laying-hens/file Why Calcitriol [1,25-(OH)2D3]? What are the Proofs?
The effects of the addition of 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol to the D3-supplemented diet in the absence or presence of Disculfiram caused dramatic increase in bone ash and a decrease in most of the criteria used to measure development of Tibial Dyschondroplasis in Broiler Chickens. There is a significant increase in plasma 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 of birds producing good versus poor eggshells. Feeding purified 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 improves the shell quality of these inferior layers, suggesting a potential inherent problem with metabolism of cholecalciferol. cies_in_poultry.html The addition of 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 alone to the diet resulted in greater 9-d weight and bone ash, lower incidence of rickets, and greater retention of total calcium and phosphorus and phytate phosphorus Why Calcitriol [1,25-(OH)2D3]? What are the Proofs? The one stop solution is to give Natural Calcitriol
Birds fed on natural Calcitriol in feed supplement have lead over rest of the flock & develop stronger bones and better nutrition from day one. Calcitriol It is Calcitriol that prevents Tibial Dyschondroplasia in young broilers. Calcitriol In end layers Calcitriol is superior to α D3 in preventing Tibial Dyschondroplasia, lameness and increasing egg shell thickness. The Evidence Our studies with CSIR & ICMR CSIR ICMR You may also find papers published by
What happens to D3 in Supplements in broilers under 18 days? To increase calcium and phosphorus absorption, following steps are suggested by the industry: To add Vitamin D3 and Liver enzymes to the feed Give Phytase that releases bound calcium & phosphorus To give more Calcium and Phosphate in the feeds Other methods are mostly ineffective As an example lets take D3: Commercial dosage of vitamin D 3 in broiler nutrition is min 3’000 IU / kg feed Absorption loss due to fat soluble form: 50% or 1’500 IU Metabolic loss in liver: 50% or 750 IU Metabolic loss in kidney: 50% or 375 IU NRC recommendation: 300 IU / kg feed In chicks under 18 days 1-α–Hydroxylase is absent, as a result, no conversion to calcitriol takes place.
Benefits of Superchic Benefits of Superchic Saves DCP Reduces flock mortality to bellow 1% Increases shell thickness & reduces breakages Delays soft eggs in end layers (approx 12nos) Increases bird weight and improves FCR Prevents Tibial dyschondroplasia Prevents field Rickets & cage fatigue Reduces phosphate output Improves immunity Calcitriol being in natural source is highly stable Produces an active and robust broiler
Superchic trial results Increased weight by 250 gms (in 42 days in commercial broilers) Decreased feed consumption of 290gms Improves FCR to 1.70 (Using standard feed & farming conditions)
Superchic trial certificates
Dosage Genova feed supplement is used at 100g/Ton of feed 100g/Ton of feed from week 60 onwards This delivers not less than 12 ppm of Calcitriol or 12 μg/kg. This is free flowing powder Moisture content is less than 10 % & it is insoluble in water It is easy to mix in standard feed It is free from pathogens and heavy metals Product
Other Livestock Swine: Currently Genova natural Calcitriol based supplement is being successfully used in: Piglets at weaning Farrowing sows Prevention of Rickets R&D: Results of applications in other livestock would shortly be available.
Genova Farms First & only captive commercial cultivation of Cestrum diurnum in the world Over 100 acres of Cestrum diurnum farming supports our production with 5.5 tons of raw material Farms are placed in 5 areas for geographical advantages. To make sure uninterrupted raw material supply 365 days per year. All these farms are supervised by experienced farmers and monitored by best agriculture scientists
Clinical studies completed for Psoriasis, Scalp Psoriasis, dandruff and other dermatological applications. Extensive field trials on 3,00,000 birds and Toxicology for poultry application were done at RRL (CSIR) & National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR). Acute oral toxicity, Sub chronic oral toxicity, Acute dermal irritation, Acute dermal irritation / corrosion and mutagenicity- Salmonella reverse mutation were done at Indian Institute of Toxicology, Pune. Product Development
Analysis Certificates
Genova Biotech Private Limited Corporate office: /1/A Jivi Towers, Road No. 7, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad Telangana. Operations: C, Moosapet, Hyderabad – Telangana, India Tel: and you can have it ! Calcitriol Calcitriol is the Master Key