ADEQ Headquarters, North Little Rock, Arkansas The Green Building Initiative & Green Globes®
Green Building Initiative: Introductions Vicki Worden, President, Worden Associates, Inc. Commercial Programs, Green Building Initiative Worden Associates, Inc. is an environmental consulting firm specializing in the creation and launch of innovative environmental programs. We help industries, corporations, and non-profit organizations position their products and programs within the green marketspace.
The Green Building Initiative (GBI) practical and affordableA 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing green design and operation by offering practical and affordable approaches to green building assessment and certification Owns the U.S. license for Green Globes® Environmental Assessment and Rating System
How it Works: On-line Tool Assessment and Certification Guidance +
Green Globes-US/CAN Brief History of Green Globes ® BREEAM UK BREEAM Canada BREEAM GreenLeaf 100,000 buildings certified Green Globes USA is on track to become first American National Standard for commercial green buildings. 950 buildings certified
ANSI Technical Committee IndustryUsersThird-Party U NIVERSITY OF M INNESOTA
State Laws Recognizing Green Globes Green Globes RecognizedTrending positive
Green Globes Projects Registered ProjectsUniversity UsersCompleted Projects
Green Globes Projects
Inclusion in Obama Platform
Private Sector Recognition Recognized by commercial insurance companies
Third-Party MOUs/Partnerships
Green Globes – a Life Cycle Approach to Sustainability Defines Measures Analyzes Implements Improves Green Globes for Continual Improvement of Existing Buildings Establishes the baseline, gives a current performance report, guides improvement. Green Globes for New Construction Guides the Integrated Design Process at each stage of project through delivery. 21
Green Globes Strengths Emphasizes energy & introduction of CO2e metrics Benchmarks against Energy Star and ASHRAE 90.1 Incorporates LCA Minimizes point chasing Requires third party site visits for certification Cost effective and scalable
Green Globes ® Environmental Assessment Areas 1 Management 2 Site 3 Energy 4 Water 5 Resources 6 Emissions 7 Indoor Environment 5% New Construction = 1000 points available 10% Continual Improvement of Existing Blds = 1000 points
Survey Tool Uses Plain Language and Tooltips
Green Globes ® LCA Credit Calculator Winner of awards
Third-Party Assessment Complete On-line Survey Highly Qualified Third-party Assessor Document Review On-site Visit & Interview
Introducing CO2e Metric New ANSI version has Performance Path A Requires modeling and calculation of carbon dioxide equivalency (CO2e) Requires 50% of points be achieved in energy Prescriptive Path B rewards use of high- efficiency features Opportunity for every building to strive to achieve best energy performance possible Requires 35% of points be achieved in energy
Every Project Has a Dashboard: CIEB Dashboard Automatically calculates predicted rating based on points out of 1000
New Construction Dashboard
Actual Performance Data is Required for CIEB
One Way to Compare A Portfolio: Green Globes-CIEB – Using Green Globes environmental assessment areas and points achieved, owners can extrapolate from the results to compare top performers and determine why. Building 7 scores highest in energy and is eligible to achieve 4 Green Globes
Completing Survey: Two Formats – Online and PDF Walk-through building using PDF print out Answer questions on-line
Immediately View Your Report OR View summarized printer friendly version Click to review a detailed on-line report
Recommendations, Supplemental Information & Hotlinks Report details Recommendations, Supplementary Information, and provides hotlinks to more detailed information.
“I’ve been impressed with Green Globes-NC’s built in education as well as on-site third-party assessment. It’s a flexible yet comprehensive tool that encourages learning while working toward specific performance goals.” Eric Truelove, P.E. Director, Sustainable Design, Renschler, Inc., Wisconsin “Green Globes-CIEB is very user-friendly. What I really liked is that property managers can work with their chief engineers to gain a better understanding of how they measure up and where they can focus and improve on greening their properties.” Ashley McGovern, Property Manager, ABM Industries Incorporated for USAA Real Estate Company
Contact: GBI – Kristi Martin, Worden Associates, Inc., - Vicki Worden, President, (o), 202=