1.Target sheet (3 targets/TML/TAL) 2.Assessment grid 3.Level descriptive 4.(Classroom phrase list) Order of flyers (KS3)
1.Target sheet (3 targets/TMG/TAG) 2.KS4 assessment grid 3.EDEXCEL GCSE speaking topics 4.EDEXCEL GCSE writing topics 5.EDEXCEL new GCSE speaking 6.EDEXCEL new GCSE writing 7.EDEXCEL GCSE speaking criteria 8.EDEXCEL GCSE writing criteria 9.Vocab list (stick in planner for learning +reference) Order of flyers (KS4)
I will: 1.sit in my allocated seat at all times 2.put my hand up to give an answer 3.come appropriately dressed to lessons (tie/shirt/blazer) 4.listen when the teacher or a fellow pupil is talking and when the CD player is being used 5.stand silently behind my chair to start and end the lesson Rules on classroom behaviour:
` I will: 1.write in blue or black ink only 2.always use a ruler 3.stick worksheets into my exercise book ASAP 4.not graffiti anywhere in or on my book 5.not use tipex Rules on presentation of work:
Autumn: 1.To speak as much German in class as possible 2.To complete all homework and home learning on time 3.To learn 10 new words every week KS3 Targets
Autumn: 1.To always complete all HomeLearning and Homework to the best of my ability and on time (45 minutes x2) 2.To include at least 3 tenses and a justified opinion in all my work 3.To remain on task to achieve my TAG KS4 Targets
1.To complete all Home Learning to the best of my ability and on time 2.To stretch myself by always looking to extend my answers 3.To speak as much German/French in class as possible always giving an opinion 4.To include present and past in my written work 5.To improve on my past tense to achieve level 5 in my writing 6.To include 3 tenses and a justified opinion in every piece of written work 7.To achieve level ___ in my listening/reading by understanding specific details 8.To put my hand up at least 3 times every lesson 9.To spend 30 minutes actively learning 10 new words/phrases every week 10.To adapt my learning method to my learning style (Visual...) Language Learning Targets Did I achieve my targets from last term? (√)
Name 7L1Fr (A33) Français Monsieur Bellworthy (lundi/mercredi) Madame Dulais (jeudi) Exercices et devoirs
Name 8LaFr (tutor room) Français Monsieur Bellworthy (lun/mar/ven) Madame Dulais (mer) Exercices et devoirs
Name 8GdFr (tutor room) Français Monsieur Bellworthy Exercices et devoirs
Name 8GdDe (tutor room) Deutsch Herr Bellworthy Übungen und Hausaufgaben
Name 9LaFr (tutor room) Français Monsieur Bellworthy (mar/mer) Madame Maples (lun) Exercices et devoirs
Name 10AFr3 Français Monsieur Bellworthy (merc/jeu) Monsieur Starmer (lun) Exercices et devoirs
Name 10BDeX Deutsch Herr Bellworthy Übungen und Hausaufgaben Name 10BDeX Deutsch Herr Bellworthy Grammatik Name 10BDeX Deutsch Herr Bellworthy Wortschatz
EDEXCEL GCSE French Speaking Writing Listening Reading 60% 40% Media and Culture Sport and Leisure Travel and Tourism Business, work and employment Out and About Customer Service and Transactions Personal Information Future Plans, Education and Work VocabularyGrammar Pronunciation discourse Culture
EDEXCEL GCSE French Assessment (4 pieces + 2 exams): - Listening (20%) and Reading (20%) = End of year exam in year 11 - Writing (30%): 2 pieces of controlled essays (200 words minimum) - Speaking (30%): 2 recordings of 4-6 minutes long Open-ended interaction (unscripted role-play scenario) Picture-based free-flowing discussion (student provides picture) Presentation followed by a discussion (3 minutes maximum and Q+A) Expectations: Attendance and Punctuality All HomeLearning and HomeWork is completed by the deadline 100% effort is given at all times
EDEXCEL GCSE French Year 10 Themes: Autumn 1: Module 1 – Personal Information: Family and Friends (Moi) Autumn 2: Module 2 – Personal Information: Leisure Activities (Mon temps libre) Spring 1: Module 3 – Out and About: Where I live (Là où j’habite) Spring 2: Module 4 – Out and About: Local Amenities/transport (Allons-y) Summer 1:Module 7 – Out and About: Holidays (Tourisme) Summer 2:Module 7 – Out and About: Holidays (Tourisme) Year 10 Controlled Assessments: Autumn 1: Listening and Reading/Speaking? Autumn 2: Writing Assessment: Freetime Spring 1: Speaking Assessment: Presentation- my town Spring 2: Listening and Reading Summer 1:Writing Assessment: Holidays Summer 2: Speaking Assessment: Picture-based- Holidays OR Listening and Reading
EDEXCEL GCSE French Year 11 Themes: Autumn 1: Module 6 – Future plans and Work: Jobs and money (Il faut bosser) Autumn 2: Module 5 – Education: School and work experience (Le collège) Spring 1: Module 8 – Out and About: Lifestyle, dealing with problems (Mode de vie) Spring 2: Module 9 - Out and About: Environment (Le monde en danger) Summer 1 and 2: Revision and catch up: All topics Year 11 Controlled Assessments: Autumn 1: Speaking Assessment: Picture-based - Holidays Autumn 2: Writing Assessment: Work experience Spring 1: Speaking Assessment: (roleplay)Young people’s lifestyle + health Spring 2: Writing Assessment: a letter to the newspaper Summer 1 and 2: Revision and catch up on Listening and Reading
EDEXCEL GCSE German Speaking Writing Listening Reading 60% 40% Media and Culture Sport and Leisure Travel and Tourism Business, work and employment Out and About Customer Service and Transactions Personal Information Future Plans, Education and Work VocabularyGrammar Pronunciationdiscourse Culture
EDEXCEL GCSE German Assessment (4 pieces + 2 exams): - Listening (20%) and Reading (20%) = End of year exam in year 11 - Writing (30%): 2 pieces of controlled essays (200 words minimum) - Speaking (30%): 2 recordings of 4-6 minutes long Open-ended interaction (unscripted role-play scenario) Picture-based free-flowing discussion (student provides picture) Presentation followed by a discussion (3 minutes maximum and Q+A) Expectations: Attendance and Punctuality All HomeLearning and HomeWork is completed by the deadline 100% effort is given at all times
EDEXCEL GCSE German Year 10 Themes: Autumn 1: Module 1 – Media and Culture: The Media Today (Die Medien heute) Autumn 2: Module 3 – Education and Work: School Life (Mein Schulleben) Spring 1: Module 4 – Personal Information: Child, Friend (Kind, Freund) Spring 2:Module 9 – Sport and Leisure: Freetime (Die Freizeitstunden) Summer 1:Module 2 – Travel and Tourism: Holidays (Ich habe Reiselust) Summer 2:Module 5 – Sport and Leisure: Health (Gesundheit) Year 10 Controlled Assessments: Autumn 1: Writing Assessment: Media Autumn 2: Speaking Assessment: Presentation- School Spring 1: Listening and Reading Spring 2:Speaking Assessment: Picture-based- Freetime Summer 1:Writing Assessment: Holidays Summer 2:Listening and Reading
EDEXCEL GCSE German Year 11 Themes: Autumn 1: Module 6 – Future plans, Work: The world of work (Die Arbeitswelt) Autumn 2: Module 7 – Out and about: My surroundings (Meine Umgebung) Spring 1: Module 8 – Out and About: Environment (Die Umwelt und ihre Zukunft) Spring 2: Speaking Assessment: Open interaction (role-play) Summer 1 and 2: Revision and catch up All topics Year 11 Controlled Assessments: Autumn 1: Speaking Assessment: Picture-based - Holidays Autumn 2: Writing Assessment: Work experience Spring 1: Writing Assessment: Web report about local town and amenities Spring 2: Speaking Assessment: Open interaction (role-play) – Lead an interview/employee of tourist office, sports centre, au pair agency Summer 1 and 2: Revision and catch up on Listening and Reading