8 June 2016Identification of cattle 1 BARTLOW COMBINE RESEARCH STATION S’phamandla Ngcamu Animal Science, North Region, Bartlow Combine
8 June 2016Identification of cattle2 Introduction What is Bartlow Combine? It is one of six agricultural Research Station in KZN situated 40 km from Hluhluwe, 46 km from Mkuze. The mission of Bartlow Combine is to maintain a nucleus of pure–bred Nguni cattle.
8 June 2016Identification of cattle3 Fencing The station is approximately 2200ha. Internal camps, 8 camps system, approximately 350 ha each camp. 3 Sick bay camps for keeping sick animals.
8 June 2016Identification of cattle4 Water The station is well resourced with water – 3 boreholes pumps water for cattle to drink. The station is also equipped with 2 water tankers (6000 litres ) for collecting water.
8 June 2016Identification of cattle5 Cattle management Carrying capacity of the farm is 200 AU. The station is currently conducting research trial on Nguni cattle: {Establish the effect of having unrestricted breeding season on the fertility and productivity of Nguni cattle in system with no fencing (free ranging) animals vs a restricted Breeding season at Bartlow Combine}
8 June 2016Identification of cattle6 Conclusion Responsibility of the farmer is to collaborate & complement all major discipline in Animal Production. We are still following our mission of producing pure Nguni breeds.
8 June 2016Identification of cattle7
NGUNI OXEN 8 June 2016Identification of cattle8
8 June 2016Identification of cattle9
8 June 2016Identification of cattle10
8 June 2016Identification of cattle11
8 June 2016Identification of cattle12
8 June 2016Identification of cattle13
8 June 2016Identification of cattle14
8 June 2016Identification of cattle15
8 June 2016Identification of cattle16
8 June 2016Identification of cattle17