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Presentation transcript:


Running Head: Traditional Marriage  In Defense of Traditional Marriage  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary marriage is defined as; ”one: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law two : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage.” The definition of the word marriage is a topic that often comes up when discussing same sex marriage. The topic on whether to legalize such marriages or not remains a source of debate as far as social issue, religion, political, and civil rights go. In this ethical dilemma, there are two sides: people are either in favor of same sex marriage or they are opposed. For those same-sex couples and for those individuals who are for Same-Sex marriage the legalizing of this union means so much more than its definition, for these couples marriage is a chance at equality, being able to declare and share their love for one another in front of their friends and family. It’s much more than just a piece of paper, but what ethical issues and problems do these couples face due to their way of life? In this paper I will present an argument opposing same sex marriage and a counterargument from the view of those who are for same sex marriage.


 Argument: Same Sex Marriage and Reproduction  What is marriage? What purpose does marriage serve? Why should the government make it legal? Many opponents of Same-Sex marriage often utilize such questions to probe the heart of the marital institution, analyzing its essential form and function to demonstrate that marriage is and should be an inherently heterosexual institution.

Running Head: TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE  “In a recent piece in The New Yorker commenting on the two cases on same-sex marriage currently under consideration by the United States Supreme Court, Jeffrey Toobin wrote, "There are really only two reasons that gay marriage is still illegal in more than three-quarters of the country: that's the way it has always been; and the very idea of same sex marriage makes some people, well, uncomfortable. But courts, even the current Supreme Court, usually require that laws be justified by something more than tradition and bigotry." These words reflect a growing belief among many that there could not possibly be any reasonable arguments against same-sex marriage.” (Same-sex marriage - what is really at issue? para 1) Marriage as most would argue is an institution created and celebrated for the sole purpose of beginning and maintaining a healthy environment to have and raise kids. James Q. Wilson, author of The Moral Sense, says that: “A family is not an association of independent people; it is a human commitment designed to make possible the rearing of moral and healthy children. Governments care or should care about families for this reason, and scarcely for any other.” Meaning that children should have a mother and father and should be raised in a heterosexual household with the influence of a man and woman or mom and dad, not two moms or two dads. If the purpose of marriage is to procreate then same sex couple should not be allowed to because they are clearly unable to fulfill this basic function of this institution. So the conclusion to this argument is plain and simple, the purpose of marriage is to have and raise children. Gays cannot procreate there for they should not be allowed to marry.Jeffrey Toobin


 Argument: Same-Sex Marriage is Prohibited in Religion:  So many arguments that involve same sex marriage stem from the debate that this union is frowned upon in many religious groups. With this argument unlike the debate on same sex couples and procreation this argument is simple and does not require a detailed explanations as to why same sex marriage and same sex couples are prohibited in religion. Same sex marriage is the single most frequently cited reasoning for opposing the validation of same sex marriage.

Running Head: TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE  Counterargument: Same Sex Marriage and Reproduction  There are no real reasons why same sex marriage should not be allowed, other than people and their opinions and one's own bias reasoning. Many people are uncomfortable with homosexual relationships and are completely against them getting married because they believe that this is "unnatural" because marriages are a legal and moral foundation designed to encourage and protect reproduction and the raising of children. Whoever believes that same sex couples should not be allowed to marry because they cannot reproduce should also fight against men and women who are infertile being married as well. Not being able to procreate should not determine whether we are allowed to marry and who we are allowed to marry. The first flaw in this reasoning is that regardless of what people think or how they feel about the subject, gay people can, and do, raise children. Some gays and lesbians have children born from a prior heterosexual relationship, others adopt children, and many go the route of artificial insemination or surrogate parenting. Indeed, what many refer to as the “gayby boom” is no small phenomenon figures place the number of lesbian mothers in the United States at 1 to 5 million and the number of gay fathers at 1 to 3 million. In our society today there are many people that marry just to gain money, social status, or citizenship. What makes them any different? Why are these people allowed to marry? Marriage is a commitment, a partnership between two people who love and cherish each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, so who are we to try and control that. We try and control why things happen but we can't, so gay marriages shouldn't be any different.

Running Head: TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE  Counterargument: Same Sex and Religion  Most people who are against gay marriage are religiously conservative, and this is reflected in how they interpret Bible verses pertaining to homosexuality. Many religiously conservative people like many I know believe that homosexuality is nurtured rather than nature meaning that this life decision is just that a to be gay and they believe that these homosexual individuals can be retrained. Homosexuals on the other hand believe that they are born this way and no matter how hard they try be something they’re not or hiding who they are or trying to push their true feelings aside to please everyone else. All human beings have certain needs that they should not be denied. It is unethical to not allow part of the population to meet this basic need for love just because the person they want to marry is of the same sex.  Believing that God says homosexuality is wrong or claiming that the Bible tells us that homosexual relationships are wrong is not a strong argument. Where in the Bible does God tell us that homosexuality is wrong? “Different people interpret the Bible differently, but even if everyone did agree on what the Bible said, not everyone would believe in it. These arguments just do not stand up. Back in Medieval times the population might have been easily convinced that someone understood God's will. Now, despite being a fairly religious country, not everyone is going to fall for this argument that those who just happen to also be homophobic are against gay marriage because they know that God's will is for gay marriage not to occur.” (An Ethical Defense of Same-Sex Marriage 2011 para. 2)

Running Head: TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE  Counterargument: Same Sex and Religion  Most people who are against gay marriage are religiously conservative, and this is reflected in how they interpret Bible verses pertaining to homosexuality. Many religiously conservative people like many I know believe that homosexuality is nurtured rather than nature meaning that this life decision is just that a to be gay and they believe that these homosexual individuals can be retrained. Homosexuals on the other hand believe that they are born this way and no matter how hard they try be something they’re not or hiding who they are or trying to push their true feelings aside to please everyone else. All human beings have certain needs that they should not be denied. It is unethical to not allow part of the population to meet this basic need for love just because the person they want to marry is of the same sex.  Believing that God says homosexuality is wrong or claiming that the Bible tells us that homosexual relationships are wrong is not a strong argument. Where in the Bible does God tell us that homosexuality is wrong? “Different people interpret the Bible differently, but even if everyone did agree on what the Bible said, not everyone would believe in it. These arguments just do not stand up. Back in Medieval times the population might have been easily convinced that someone understood God's will. Now, despite being a fairly religious country, not everyone is going to fall for this argument that those who just happen to also be homophobic are against gay marriage because they know that God's will is for gay marriage not to occur.” (An Ethical Defense of Same-Sex Marriage 2011 para. 2)


  References  Miami Archbishop: ‘Gay Marriage,’ Moral Relativism – Society ‘On Its Way To Totalitarianism’ - See more at: archbishop-gay-marriage-moral-relativism-society-its-way- totalitarianism#sthash.qpZsfKs5.dpuf by Michael W. Chapmanhttp:// archbishop-gay-marriage-moral-relativism-society-its-way- totalitarianism#sthash.qpZsfKs5.dpuf  Gay Marriage: Theological and Moral Arguments by Fred Parrella, associate professor of religious studies at Santa Clara University, and Gerald Coleman, S.S., President of St. Patrick's Seminary, offered these remarks as part of a panel on Gay Marriage held Jan. 28,  Same-sex marriage - what is really at issue? By Andrew Errington ABC RELIGION AND ETHICS30 APR 2013  Regarding “Gay Marriage” By Father John F. Harvey July 07, 2009  An Ethical Defense of Same-Sex Marriage October 27, 2011