Technical workshop on dairy value chain development in Eastern Africa Michael Waithaka 29 March 2016 Nairobi 1 Regional dairy policy work
Dairy sector in eastern Africa Uncertainties caused by climate change and variability, shrinking land sizes, urbanization Projected livestock revolution already playing out: population boom, rising incomes A very large informal sector: source of livelihoods and employment Growing regional markets Slow pace of policy change
Regional dairy policy work : focus on integration of informal sector led by ILRI From 2011: development of tools and procedures led by National Technical Working Groups (TWGs) Ethiopia TWG: standards under dairy processing Kenya TWG: Animal registration, breed performance evaluation, movement of heifers/germplasm, AI delivery Tanzania TWG led animal feeds and forages Uganda TWG: export/import documentation - dairy processing
Addressing barriers to informal milk marketing (ILRI) Scheme Integrated in Kenya through KDB and piloted with ASARECA support in Tanzania. Same process supported by EADD project in Uganda and Rwanda using ASARECA training guides (8) in Swahili and English Support to EADRAC has led to reduction in NTBs in dairy trade
Harmonization areas for dairy sector Focused areas of harmonization: Regulations for animal feeds and forages (pastures) Procedures for animal registration and breed performance evaluation Delivery of Artificial Insemination services Procedures for movement of heifers and germplasm Standards for dairy processing Dairy sector: 44 regional policy options were agreed and prioritized and action undertaken nationally spearheaded by Technical Working Groups
Dairy processing 25 existing standards were reviewed and an additional 35 ISO standards on milk and milk products declared as Ethiopian standards Draft regional protocols for import and export documentation, permit issuance and testing of dairy product
From policy to action: the case of options for animal feeds and forages ActionTypeNotes Completing the institutional, policy and legal framework for animal feeds and forages Legal Ethiopia Veterinary Drug and Animal Feeds Administration and Control Authority established in 2011; Grazing Land and Animal Feed Resources Act No.13 of 2010 (Regulations) in 2012; and Kenya Fertiliser and Animal Food Stuffs Act Cap 345 revised in 2012 Harmonised protocol for feed import and export documentation and procedures Procedural Protocol developed by Tanzania TWG – not yet fully domesticated across countries Regional standards for compounded dairy feeds and forages LegalStandards for compounded dairy feeds proposed by Tanzania TWG based on the Grazing Land and Animal Feed Resources Act No.13 of 2010 (Regulations) in Standards for preserved hay and silage not finalised 7
ASARECA projects receive technical and financial support from European Union