Long Range Plan 2016 WG6 - Applications and societal benefits Report NuPPEC liaison members :Ioan Ursu, Jan Dobeš, Nicolas Alamanos Conveners: Marco Durante, Alain Letourneau
Meeting in Trento, March 10 Key questions, key issues, highlights since last LRP and recommendations in each expertise field Validate the structure of the document Validate the working plan All WG6 presentations will be available from a restricted access TIFPA webpage
Document structure (1/2) 1. Nuclear energy 1.1 Next-generation fission reactors (Nicola Colonna, Xavier Doligez, Maelle Kerveno, Adrien Bidaud, Alain Letourneau) 1.2 Fusion reactors (Eduardo Alves, Nicola Colonna) 1.3 ADS for nuclear waste transmutation (Vladimir Wagner, Alain Letourneau) 1.4 Miniaturized nuclear batteries (no expert, to be determined) 2. Medical applications 2.1 Particle therapy (Christoph Bert, Daniel Cussol, Michael Scholz, Marco Durante) 2.2 Imaging (Tobias Engert, Laura Harkness-Brennan, Christian Morel, Katia Parodi) 2.3 Radioisotopes (Sergey Dmitirev, Gilles de France, Ferid Haddad, Ulli Koester, Ismael Martel, Dana Niculae, Paddy Regan) 2.4 Radioprotection (Sebastien Incerti, MELODI representative)
Document structure (2/2) 3. Environmental and societal applications 3.1 Climate and earth science (Franco Lucarelli, Daniel Primetzhofer) 3.2 Environmental radioactivity (Paddy Regan, …..) 3.3 Space radiation (Carlos Granja, Vladimir Wagner, Marco Durante) 3.4 Cultural heritage, art and archeology (Zita Szikszai, Franco Lucarelli, …..) 3.5 Nuclear security (Olof Tengblad, Jacek Jagielski) 4. Cross-disciplinary impact 4.1 Astrophysics? (no expert) 4.2 Material sciences (Daniel Primetzhofer, Denes Nagy) 4.3 Atomic and Plasma physics (Thomas Stöhlker, Denes Nagy, Daniel Primetzhofer) 5. New technologies 5.1 Accelerators (Sergey Dmitirev, Alain Letourneau) 5.2 Detectors and data acquisition (Tobias Engert, Carlos Granja, Olof Tengblad, Nicola Colonna) 5.4 Simulation software (Sebastien Incerti)
Working plan Each lead writer should send one page for April 15th to the other section members Each lead writer will send to the whole WG6 the section draft by May 15 th Conveners will prepare the first document draft by June 15 th Next WG6 meeting scheduled on July 8 th
Open questions to NuPECC How many pages for the document ? References can be included ? New experts are needed how to proceed ? What is the « bounding » of nuclear physics for applications ? – Example: applications of AMS-02 experiment
1. Nuclear Energy Key questions: – How can Nuclear Physics contribute to the sustainability and acceptability of nuclear energy generation ? Key issues: – Accurate nuclear data and nuclear reaction models for the design of new generation fission- and fusion-reactors and transmutation process or new fuel – Material resistance to radiations for fusion reactors – Nuclear power sources for satellites and space crafts Recommendations: – Strengthen links between nuclear experimentalists, theoreticians, evaluators, reactor physicists and end-users for a shared work and common actions. – Support the upgrade and access for applications to large scale nuclear physics facilities while maintaining a solid network of smaller facilities – Keep the roadmap for ITER and material irradiation machines (IFMIF)
2. Medical applications Key questions: – What can Nuclear Physics bring in therapeutic applications ? – How can nuclear physics techniques improve diagnostics methods ? – What are the risks of low-level radioactivity ? – Are there ideal radioisotopes for imaging/therapy ? Key issues: – Assessment of the benefits of hadron-therapy (proton vs x-rays) – New methods for producing radioisotopes for medicine – What emerging radioisotopes in view of imaging/therapy – Improvement of the quality of imaging technologies decreasing the dose patient – Development of radiobiology studies – Toward a « theranostic » approach Recommendations: – Promote interdisciplinary research groups (networking and collaboration with clinical physicists) – Promote stduy of radionuclide production and the access to nuclear-physic installations – Develop affordable mass separation techniques to get high purity radioisotopes
3. Environmental and Societal applications Key questions: – How can Nuclear Physics help to understand and monitor climate evolution ? – How to monitor and predict radiation hazard in space ? Radiation effects in electronics, space radiation, dosimetry/protection of human spaceflight – How to improve non-destructive in-depth elemental analysis ? – How to improve dating techniques ? – Which new, or modifications of existing Nuclear Physics tools are needed to cope with new requirements regarding homeland security ? Key issues: – More compact AMS systems and more efficient sample preparation techniques for improved data sets of long-lived radionuclides in nature – Portable highly sensitive detector systems for ionizing radiation – Accurate nuclear reactions models – New developments in IBA techniques – An improved high intensity neutron generator – Space weather physics, forecasting (geomagnetic, solar particle events) Recommendation: – Wider cooperation for space radiation missions
Key questions: – How do materials behave under extreme conditions ? – Can we understand interatomic interactions at extremely short time scales ? – Can Nuclear Physics help to visualize dynamics of ion-beam processes where other techniques fail ? – To what extend IBA and IBMM methods be used for characterisation of organic materials ? Key issues: – Understanding and characterization of material properties – Controlled modification and nanostructuring of materials – How to increase depth resolution, sensitivity and accuracy of quantification ? Recommendations: – IBA & IBMM methods have to go in nanotechnology field – IBA methods more accesible for industry & industrial research 4. Cross-disciplinary impact
5. New technologies Key questions: – What is needed for major advances in particle accelerator and radiation detectors technology ? Key issues: – High-intensity accelerators – Laser acceleration techniques – Radiation hard, fast detectors with low material budget