목 차 토모테라피의 역사 토모테라피의 구조 및 특징 토모테라피의 발전
Co-60 원격치료기 선형가속기 선형가속기
선형가속기 감마나이프 사이버나이프 선형가속기 (다엽콜리메이트) 최신 선형가속기 토모 치료기
External Beam Therapy’s Evolution Radiotherapy History – C-Arm Gantries Commercial Availability Early 1900s 1955 1968 1988 1992 1995 1996 2001 2003 2005 2008 3D Treatment MLC Serial tomotherapy (1st commercial IMRT) IMRT CT Guided IG-IMRT (TomoTherapy) RapidArc IMAT C-Arms invented for diagnostic X-Rays CO 60 Clinac 4 EPID CBCT 2003 2005 2007 2008 Helical TomoTherapy 2003 Adaptive Planning DGRT Dose Verification StatRT Throughput and Reliability Enhancements Imaging History – Ring Gantries 1972 1983 1992 1995 2002 (commercialized versions) CT MRI Helical CT Helical Multi slice CT PET/CT use common In RT TomoTherapy evolved from CT scanners (newer style slip ring gantries). C-Arms evolved from classic diagnostic X-Ray machine designs. TomoTherapy is the new paradigm in IG-IMRT.
구조 터치스크린 조절판 직경 85 cm IMRT 치료 범위 : 40 cm X 160 cm 외부구조
구조 내부구조
Tomo Therapy 어떤 물체의 단층을 뜻하는 ‘토모(Tomo)’ 치료를 뜻하는 ‘테라피(Therapy)’
방사선치료기기 CT
특 징 MVCT (MegaVoltage CT) MLC Helical Treatment
MVCT adaptive radiotherapy 가능
MVCT 판정시 표시된 암덩어리 15회 치료후 모습 25회 치료 종양제거 모습
HELICAL 360˚ Helical
HELICAL 종양의 모양, 수에 관계없이 여러 군데 흩어져있는 암 덩어리를 한 번에 치료 가능
MLC (Multileaf Collimator)
MLC (Multileaf Collimator) Perfect IMRT
1m 10 cm 1 cm Circular Highly Irregular Complexity 치료범위 SRS Stereotactic Radiosurgery
1m 10 cm 1 cm 1 mm Circular Highly Irregular Complexity 치료범위 Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery Robotic Therapy
1m Highly Irregular Complexity 10 cm 1 cm Circular 치료범위 기존MLC Stereotactic Radiosurgery Conventional MLC Robotic Therapy
Highly Irregular Complexity 1m 10 cm 1 cm 1 mm Circular 치료범위 미니MLC Stereotactic Radiosurgery Conventional MLC Mini-MLC Robotic Therapy
1m 10 cm 1 cm 1 mm Circular Complexity Highly Irregular 치료범위 SRS Robotic 기존MLC 미니MLC TomoTherapy 치료범위 Complexity 1m 10 cm 1 cm 1 mm Circular Highly Irregular Stereotactic Radiosurgery Conventional MLC Mini-MLC Helical Tomotherapy Robotic Therapy Intensity- Modulated Protons
1 cm 1 cm 1 mm 1 mm 치료범위 Whole Bone Mantle Head and Lung Neck Prostate SRS Robotic 기존MLC 미니MLC TomoTherapy 치료범위 1m 10 cm 1 cm 1 mm Complexity Circular Stereotactic Radiotherapy Head and Neck Lung Prostate Mantle Whole Bone Highly Irregular Complexity 1m Circular Conventional MLC Mini-MLC Robotic Therapy Helical Tomotherapy 10 cm 1 cm 모든 종류의 암 다 치료 가능. 1 mm Highly Irregular
모든 종류의 암 치료 From 넓은 부위 치료 (TBI 등) To 좁은 부위 치료 (Head & Neck 등)
Conventional Linacs VS. TomoTherapy system
Conventional Linacs VS. TomoTherapy system
= + + Fast Binary MLC Continuous Rotation Helical Delivery MLC designed for IMRT 10 times less transmission and leakage then conventional MLCs; 10 times faster MLC Speed Slip-ring gantry designed for IG-IMRT. Continuous rotation with variable speeds (15 - 60 seconds) Tens of thousands of beamlets produced in standard treatment times =
기존에 시행해왔던 선형가속기를 기반으로 한 세기조절방사선치료보다 더욱 정밀하여 치료 오차를 획기적으로 감소시킨 장비이다 기존에 시행해왔던 선형가속기를 기반으로 한 세기조절방사선치료보다 더욱 정밀하여 치료 오차를 획기적으로 감소시킨 장비이다. 기존 방사선 암치료 장비의 장점만을 하나로 집약한 암치료기라서 꿈의 암치료기라 불리우며 현존하는 방사선 치료기 중 최첨단 장비라 할 수 있다.
Breast Cancer Treatment
Prostate Cancer Treatment
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