Curricular Mapping -Using templates for one45 software- Presbyterian College Curriculum Committee
General Instructions Two Excel spreadsheet “maps” will be turned in for each course – Exception: electives will not have to be mapped at this time – Exception: a course map ONLY will need to be submitted for courses which do not have regular sessions This includes IPPEs, APPEs, CAPSTONE I, and CAPSTONE II Course coordinators are responsible for ensuring complete and accurate maps are turned in for each of their courses by the due dates set by the Curriculum Committee Coordinators may decide to have faculty teaching in their course(s) fill in the spreadsheet template for the individual sessions they teach, but coordinators must collate the session maps and create the overall course maps May consider mapping sessions first and then the overall course – Because you will set your depth level (i.e.; introductory, reinforced, practiced) for each objective when you tie it to the Presbyterian Competencies and ACPE Required Elements to the highest depth level hit by your course Ideally, a quality improvement opportunity – See supplementary information on writing good objectives and taxonomy
Part 1 Mapping individual course sessions
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column A: Place your course number in each of the blocks all the way down the page. In other words, replace the words “Block 6” with your course number (example: 5102) Continue all the way down the page for as long as data needs to be entered in the sheet to the right of column A Each cell in this column must be populated or your course will not load into one45!
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column B: Record the type of session each session is using the word “lecture”, “lab”, or “recitation” Repeat process for each class meeting moving down the column
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column C: Record the title of each class session Note: you will need to repeat the class session title in column C for as many objectives as you end up placing in column G so you may have to return to this column as you complete your spreadsheet If class meetings have the same title, but are completely separate class meetings (not a lab with 2 sections), number them Example: “Activity: Drug Information Applications-Clinical Trial Critique 1” “Activity: Drug Information Applications-Clinical Trial Critique 2” If a lab or recitation course has two sections, DO NOT number class meetings separately to indicate two separate meeting times for the two separate sections – This will be counted as 1 total class session though it occurs in 2 sections since new material is not taught in one section that was not taught in the other
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column D: Record the date of each class meeting Repeat process for each class meeting Note: When this information is uploaded into one45, one45 will be able to automatically update this from year to year for you unless you change the order of lectures. Even then, you will be able to easily edit the order in the database. More info on that to come in the future.
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column E and F: Record the start time for each class meeting in column E and the ending time for each class meeting in column F
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column G: Insert each lecture’s objectives Only place one objective per row Note: you will need to repeat the objective if more than one Presbyterian 10 Competency and/or more than one ACPE Required Element will be linked to that objective Note: you will need to repeat the class session title in column C for as many objectives as you will place in column G
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column H: Tie each objective to at least one required element (Note: You will need to repeat the objective in Column G if more than one ACPE Required Element will be linked to that objective. If you repeat the objective in Column G, you will need to repeat the session title in Column C. ) Be sure to utilize the drop down menus to choose the required element and indicate at which level it is covered by the end of the course (See supplementary info on choosing between introduced, reinforced or practiced levels) Drop down menu
Mapping: Sessions Instructions for Column I: Tie each objective to at least one Presbyterian 10 Competency (Note: Again, you may need to repeat the objective in column G if more than one Presbyterian 10 Competency will be linked to that objective and you only have the objective listed one time so far in column G. For every time you repeat the objective in Column G, you will need to repeat the session title in Column C.) Be sure to utilize the drop down menus to choose the required element and indicate at which level it is covered by the end of the course (See supplementary info on choosing between introduced, reinforced or practiced levels) Drop down menu
Save using the following naming convention: PHRMcoursenumber_Px_Sessions (Example: PHRM5102_P1_Sessions) Submit to: Mapping: Sessions
Part 2 Mapping the overall course
Mapping: Overall Course Instructions for Column A: Place your course number in each of the blocks all the way down the page. In other words, replace the words “Block 6” with your course number (example: 5102) Continue all the way down the page for as long as data needs to be entered in the sheet to the right of column A
Mapping: Overall Course Instructions for Column B: Insert each course objective Note: you will need to repeat the objective if more than one Presbyterian 10 Competency and/or more than one ACPE Required Element will be linked to that objective
Mapping: Overall Course Instructions for Column C: Tie each objective to at least one required element (Note: Again, you will need to repeat the objective in Column B if more than one ACPE Required Element will be linked to that objective ) Be sure to utilize the drop down menus to choose the required element and indicate at which level it is covered by the end of the course (See supplementary info on choosing between introduced, reinforced or practiced levels) Drop down menu
Mapping: Overall Course Instructions for Column D: Tie each objective to at least one Presbyterian 10 Competency (Note: Again, you will need to repeat the objective in column B if more than one Presbyterian 10 Competency will be linked to that objective ) Be sure to utilize the drop down menus to choose the required element and indicate at which level it is covered by the end of the course (See supplementary info on choosing between introduced, reinforced or practiced levels) Drop down menu
Mapping: Overall Course Instructions for Column E: Use drop down as many times as necessary to populate a list of each of the assessment methods used throughout the course Drop down menu
Mapping: Overall Course Instructions for Column F: Use drop down as many times as necessary to populate a list of each of the pedagogical methods used throughout the course Drop down menu
Save using the following naming convention: PHRMcoursenumber_Px_course (Example: PHRM5102_P1_course) Submit to: Mapping: Overall Course