Extension: Do you think socialisation is a stronger argument for gender development than biology? Discuss with somebody else what different social factors could influence gender role development.
Social contexts of gender role Social influences on gender role: for example, the influence of parents, peers, schools, media Pages
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able: To explain social influences of gender roles. To give examples to illustrate social influences on gender roles.
Social factors Parents Extension: Which of these factors do you think is most influential and why? Media Schools Peers For each of the four factors above, come up with at least one way in which they create a male and a female stereotype.
Your AO1 notes You do not need to know all four factors (although you can if you want!). We will look at two: 1)Parents and peers 2)Media (e.g. TV, magazines)
Parents and peers Discuss: Use what you know about the behavioural approach to come up with at least one explanation as to how parents, peers and media can influence behaviour. Extension: How does this tie in with what you know about cognitive theories of gender development?
Note taking (AO1) Use pages to make notes on: 1)How Operant Conditioning (positive reinforcement/punishment) can explain the influence of peers on gender. 2)How SLT (think of the terms from aggression) can explain the influence of parents, and media on gender. Give at least one example per ‘factor’. Give a summary of at least one study for each factor (Fagot et al., 1992, Morgan, 1982, Langlois and Downs, 1980) Extension: How valid are these studies at illustrating the role of social factors?
Check your understanding In groups you will be given one of the three social factors that we have looked at. As a group you need to create and practise a role play to illustrate this influence on gender role development. Extension: Extend your role play to include counter arguments for this explanation.
Learning objectives : You are now able: To explain social influences of gender roles. To give examples to illustrate social influences on gender roles.
Homework Due in one week: Assessment two: Plan and answer the following question: ‘Outline and evaluate evolutionary explanations of gender roles (8+16) You should time yourself (30 mins.) and hand in your plan (post it note size) with your answer. Preparation for next lesson: Think about what AO2/3 points would be relevant to the social explanation.