On-Line Discussion Board Assignments Janice E.. Wardle, PhD. Wilmington University
Purpose of discussion board is to create a community - a team Promote critical thinking Take away for students Take away for faculty NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Purpose of Workshop continued The goal is to provide ways to encourage discussion among students and create an interactive and collaborative on-line community, Grading rubrics for discussion board assignments
What is a supplemental assignment An assignment that increases interest in subject matter An assignment that will motivate students for lifelong learning An assignment that will promote group communication An assignment that will provide networking opportunities An assignment that will invoke critical thinking Examples: Books fiction or non fiction, current articles, industry journals, video
Sample books Non- fiction - BiographyFiction
How to start your community Introduction Please introduce yourself to the class by creating a Webcam Video or Screencast that includes the following information:Webcam VideoScreencast Your Name Your Major Why you are taking this class and what you hope to learn. Any other information about yourself (e.g. hobbies or interesting facts) that will help your classmates get to know you better. Need help? Visit the Kaltura Media Tools PageVisit the Kaltura Media Tools Page v-kaltura- bb_bb60/LtiMashupPlayIframeWrapper?pla yUrl=/browseandembed/index/media/entryi d/1_v47ect4p/showDescription/false/show Title/false/showTags/false/showDuration/fa lse/showOwner/false/showUploadDate/fals e/playerSize/400x285/playerSkin/ /
Discussion Board Expectations Initial posts are due on Wednesday at Midnight EST and response posts are due on Sundays at Midnight EST. Students should read responses to any of their post when appropriate. Students are required to post a minimum of 3 times a week. After reading Chapter 1 from Beyond the Scoreboard and the interview with Roger Goodell, analyze a business strategy or event described in the chapter that you found impressive or flawed and explain your view point in a summary. You are encouraged to research articles that are related to the selected sports business strategy and post on the discussion board. Summaries are to be words. The discussion from students/classmates is to answer “So what did I learn about the business of sports”?.
Presentation on Discussion Board Post your Marketing Plan PowerPoint presentation here for the class to review. View at least 3 of your classmates' presentations and provide the following for each: Comment on one strength or weakness of the presentation. Identify what you learned from the presentation. Requirements: Final presentations must be posted by midnight Wednesday of Week 7. Responses to classmates' posts are due by midnight Saturday of Week 7. See the Sport Marketing Plan Rubric for information about how your presentation will be graded.
Presentations discussion or collaborate Students that are not participating in the Monday collaborate presentation. Must submit their case study presentation by Wednesday and respond to all power points by Sunday. Students are to provide feed back to each posted presentation. 1. Students are to address areas in the presentation which they learned new information. 2. Identify areas that could/should have been expanded upon 3. Feedback on the overall format and style of the presentation. As a reminder all comments are to be collegial and constructive. This is a collaborative effort in which the goal is not only to demonstrate what you have learned but to also hone and enhance your presentation skills in a cooperative environment.
Collaborate Once per block or twice per semester Hot Topic Career Goals Class issues IDEA
Discussion Board Participation Sample are three sports management classes with discussion board 2 graduate classes 1 undergraduate 1 class supplemental 2 general discussion board Each class had 10 students Caption
Two Content Layout with Table Grad students with supplemental reading write 33%more in discussion board Standard homework assignments students contribute significantly less Undergrads with standard homework post 50% less often and write 50% less. # posts/week Avg # words per post Supplemental reading/grad Standard homework/ grad Standard Homework/ undergrad
What did Students gain The next class with many of the same students, when given an assignment of article or book analysis. The percentage of students that chose to do a book analysis 68% Students were reading subject matter books on their own *Discussion board became the first assignment students completed each week.
What do students gain Opportunity to use critical thinking skills Sense of community Passion for subject matter A peak into life long learning Attachment to University or college Friends/colleagues/networking
What do Instructors gain from Discussion board * References * Student interest for new courses or topics * Supplemental assignments reinforce textbook material * Supplemental assignments ties text book material to real- world
References and sources 1 week of Discussion board venues venues Guide.pdf Guide.pdf Glans, M. (2014, March 21). Research & Commentary: Taxpayer Funding of Sports Facilities. The Heartland Institute, Retrieved from documents/research-commentary-taxpayer-funding-sports-facilities. Easterbrook, G. (2013, February 10). How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers. The Atlantic, Retrieved from fleeces-taxpayers/309448/. Khan, Miriam (2016). ‘Concussion’ Doctor Brings NFL Fight to Capitol Hill. Retrieved February 10, 2016, from capitol-hill/story?id= capitol-hill/story?id= Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2016, from encephalopathy/basics/symptoms/con http:// Darren Rovell (2015) Court settlement proposes heading ban in bid to curtail youth concussions, Retrieved on November 11, 2015 from states/story/ /court-settlement-proposes-ban-for-heading-the-ballhttp:// states/story/ /court-settlement-proposes-ban-for-heading-the-ball 10 students -Average number sources provided by students per week -18 Kevin Draper (2015) U.S. Soccer Bans Headers For Players Under 11 To Resolve Concussion Lawsuit, Retrieved on November 11, 2015 from ?trending_test_b&utm_expid= YkETBcIMTk2uX1oytHipyg.2&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2FU.S. Soccer Bans Headers For Players Under 11 To Resolve Concussion Lawsuithttp://screamer.deadspin.com/u-s-soccer-bans-headers-for-players-under-11-to-resolv ?trending_test_b&utm_expid= YkETBcIMTk2uX1oytHipyg.2&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F Hoffman, L. (2011, October 6). Film Exec Gets 4 Years For Ripping Off NFL’s Saints. Law 360, Retrieved from Kiley, D. (2010, October 15). Hall of famer John Elway $15 million Poorer from Ponzi Scheme. (Luxist.com). Morath, E. (2010, June 29). Loan Guarantees Led To Brunell's Bankruptcy. (Daily Bankruptcy Review) Mayoras, A. & D. (2010 April 12). Steve McNair's widow facing estate tax nightmare. (Probate Lawyers Blog) Muret, D. (2012, August 6). Ford Field one of the NFL’s most versatile stadiums. Sports Business Daily. Retrieved from n n Rovell, D. (2014, January 26). NFL most popular for 30th year in row. Retrieved February 8, 2016, from Barkholz, David (1996). Stadium: Traditional financing still on tap. Crain’s Detroit Business, 12(40), 3.
Discussion board grading rubric EVALUATION CRITERIA 0 Unsatisfactory 0.25 Emerging 0.50 Satisfactory 0.75 Proficient 1.0 point Distinguished Participation in Discussion Does not enter discussion. Provides minimal comments and information to other participants. Participates infrequently in on-line discussions or ; and postings are irrelevant or superficial Sporadically provides comments and some new information. Interacts with only one or two participants by posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses Provides comments and some new information in a fairly regular manner. Interacts with a few selected participants by posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses Provides comments and new information in a regular and equitable manner. Interacts with a variety of participants by posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses. Content of PostingDoes not add to the discussion. Adds little to the substantive discussion but may contribute to the social aspects of the course. Postings consist largely of personal opinions or experiences. Reveals a restricted understanding of the topic limited to information that could be derived from prior posts. Makes significant contributions to the discussion. Reveals adequate understanding of the topic as evidenced by posts telling us something new. Postings are accurate, original, and relevant. Even better than telling us something new, they raise new questions that lead to further discussion from a variety of people. Reveals a solid understanding of the topic as evidenced by thoughtful responses and questions. Critical Thinking evidenced by Posting Does not enter posting. Provides no evidence of agreement or disagreement with existing discussion. Agrees or disagrees with existing discussion but provides no justification/explanation (e.g., text readings, resources). Agrees or disagrees with existing discussion and provides limited justification/explanation (e.g., text readings, resources). Offers a critical analysis of an existing posted idea or introduces a different interpretation to an existing idea. ResponsivenessDoes not respond.Logs onto Bb on one (1) occasion during the week and responds to posted discussion but does not create own comment. Logs onto Bb on one (1) occasion during the week. Posts own comment. Logs onto Bb on two (2) separate occasions during the week. Posts own comment and responds to one (1) other posted discussion. Logs onto Bb on three (3) separate occasions during the week. Posts own comment and responds to two (2) other posted discussions. Writing StyleDoes not write response. Limited ability to convey ideas noted. Below expectations of work at this level. Errors noted in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Able to present ideas. Comes close to expectations for work at this level. Some punctuation and spelling errors but no errors in grammar identified. Explicitly presents ideas. Work appropriate for this level of student. No spelling or grammar errors noted. A few minor punctuation errors identified. Highly skilled presentation of ideas. Engages reading. Work exceeds expectations for this level of student. Absolutely no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar noted. Additional Comments: Total Rubric Score = 5 points
Questions - Comments