Agenda CNN Student News Political Developments and the decline of feudalism
Political Developments
Henry II’s Legal Reform Trial by jury (not lord) Judges and juries, not combat and ordeals Uses royal courts, but not church courts
King John and the Magna Carta Lost land in France, gained enemies in England Super high taxes Arrested opponents at will
King John and the Magna Carta Angry barons forced John to sign the Great Charter The king is not above the law common law, no special taxes, trials before jail- habeas corpus
King Edward I and Parliament The Model Parliament Included Commoners Low-ranking clergy Church Officials Nobles
Impact on Feudalism Strengthened royal authority over nobles Shifted power to the common people Magna Carta - rights and liberties even the king cannot violate
The Magna Carta
Step 1: Help John pay off the ransom for his brother Richard Step 2: Help John pay off foreign wars Step 3: King John imprisons his enemies and confiscates church property Step 4: King John pays knights for their service Step 5: Nobles draft a charter Step 6: King John signs the Magna Charter