International Development Consultation Exercise (24 Feb-20 May) Meeting Global Challenges & Making a Difference: Aligning our International Development Policy with the Global Goals #scotIDconsults
Director for Culture, Europe & External Affairs Karen Watt #scotIDconsults
SG & the SDGs “The national and international dimensions to poverty and inequality…are interlinked… Scotland cannot act with credibility overseas, if we are blind to inequality here at home. And our ambitions for a fairer Scotland are undermined, without global action to tackle poverty, promote prosperity and to tackle climate change.” (First Minister, NIDOS Conference, Oct 2015) #scotIDconsults
What’s today about? Joanna Keating #scotIDconsults
Part 1: SG International Devpt Policy “Scottish Ministers are committed to advancing Scotland's place in the world as a responsible nation by building mutually beneficial links with other countries… As part of [its] International Framework, Scotland has a distinctive contribution to make in its work with developing countries recognising our global responsibility to work together to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).”. (2008) #scotIDconsults
£ 9M p.a. International Development Fund 7 Priority Countries: Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Pakistan, Bangladesh & 3 states in India 3 Development Programmes: Malawi Development Programme (150 years of shared history) Sub-Saharan Africa Development Programme (Shared history, Scottish expertise) South Asia Development Programme (Contemporary diaspora links) £6M Climate Justice Fund
Part 2: Why consult now? #scotIDconsults
10 year anniversary ( ) #scotIDconsults
Start of new Global Goals: 1 January 2016 #scotIDconsults
Open & honest conversation 24 Feb-20 May #scotIDconsults
Part 3: Consultation aims & purposes #scotIDconsults
To consider our: 57 projects57 projects in 7 countries7 countries, delivering across 8 themes8 themes which are stretching resources too thinly. How can we create an ID programme which: focussed targetedis more focussed and targeted? makes most impact in relation to budget? delivers commitment to Global Goals? #scotIDconsults
Need to consider: Geographical focus; Thematic focus; Development & funding models; Any other practical considerations; Beyond aid agenda All these issues interlinked tho… #scotIDconsults
Part 4: Feedback from consultation events to date: key themes #scotIDconsults
Geographic focus: Majority supporting SG proposal to cut down numbers of countries (academics only sector where a few dissenting voices on that) Benefits of fewer countries: reduction in overheads; increase knowledge & partnerships: who you know is just as important as what you know: people- people links approach, but across all sectors IDF must be driven by need identified in country: smaller number of countries enables SG to establish deep partnerships, to establish need Small number of countries more easily enables cross sectoral support between Scotalnd and that country Academics & public sector events: steer to SSA, with Malawi as pivotal point/hub Ease of working in a country is key: if can’t deliver then can’t meet need - security risks highly relevant therefore Malawi as hub/focal point would allow SG to support South-South collaboration & learning – but leave door open to other countries in the region even if not a priority country? #scotIDconsults
Thematic focus: Mixed views on whether to cut down themes: view towards less countries, open themes stronger Clear link between country needs and selection of themes required “holistic approach” / “programmatic approach” favoured by many, instead of current project based work Additional cross cutting issues (additional to gender, human rights and inclusivity): climate change; renewables Link SDGs strategically to themes? Needs to be authenticity in Scotland’s offer: drill down in areas of expertise. Capacity building now key Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration! SG to require this if necessary as part of funding process. Connectivity – ensuring joined up approach in-country, between our funded initiatives, what other Scottish bodies are doing, and other funders #scotIDconsults
Development / funding models: Tipping towards: longer partnerships - but - balanced with room for flexibility to also enable short term initiatives. Sustainability must be ensured But can take more risks with shorter term initiatives that might act as more of a catalyst: innovation fund? Riskier/short term funded via public crowd- funding and/or private sector? If taking risks, SG must also ensure support for public education in Scotland, to keep support for ID Some concern from NGOs re involvement of private sector, that should be managed carefully; other sectors much more in favour of PS involvement, esp for economic development. Private sector would provide additionality. Support for social enterprise links Capacity building key: use of public bodies: eg NHS Education Scotland Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration! Be more adventurous and innovative! #scotIDconsults
Beyond Aid/other issues: SG needs a coherent roadmap to bring people together across Scotland to work to a common purpose (public bodies at least): –Beyond Aid by SG also across all public bodies? –Harnessing for a national approach and contribution. Tap into existing networks in the south: to get the multiplier effect SG must disseminate results and learning better SG should bring people together more: the sectoral sessions have been really useful & welcome Collaboration across Scotland has definitely been increasing, but needs more of a push to harness for ID purposes Look at what Scotland can learn too through the partnerships Need to use technology and digital better in our programmes #scotIDconsults
Part 5: Format for today Back to you again! #scotIDconsults
GROUP10:15-10:3510:35-10:55 Group 1: Geographic Focus: Qs: 2 – 4b & 21 (criteria for choosing countries; enhancing partnership approach; which countries – current/new? Plus Beyond Aid) Qs 16 – 20 (harnessing expertise of: private sector; academic sector; capacity strengthening; trade & investment. Plus M&E) Group 2: Geographic Focus: Qs: 5a – 6b & 21 (Regional clusters: between countries / within countries; diaspora links & involvement. Plus Beyond Aid) Funding Models Qs 12– 15, & 20 (for strategic approach; for planned & flexibility; lengths of projects) Group 3: Thematic Focus Qs: 7a – 11b (which themes – for partnership & SDGs; alternative themes; whose expertise; harnessing local expertise; cross cutting themes) Geographic Focus: Qs: 2 – 4b & 21 (criteria for choosing countries; enhancing partnership approach; which countries – current/new? Plus Beyond Aid) Group 4: Funding Models Qs 12– 15, & 20 (for strategic approach; for planned & flexibility; lengths of projects) Geographic Focus: Qs: 5a – 6b & 21 (Regional clusters: between countries / within countries; diaspora links & involvement. Plus Beyond Aid) Group 5: Qs 16 – 20 (harnessing expertise of: private sector; academic sector; capacity strengthening; trade & investment. Plus M&E) Thematic Focus Qs: 7a – 11b & 21 (which themes – for partnership & SDGs; alternative themes; whose expertise; harnessing local expertise; cross cutting themes. Plus Beyond Aid)
Q&A/Discussion session Karen Watt, Director of Culture, Europe & External Affairs & Joanna Keating, Head of International Devpt with Annie Lewis (Chairing) #scotIDconsults
More info at: SG International Development webpages -dev/IDconsultation (gives all consultation documents together, incl summary document etc). -dev/IDconsultation online responses to be submitted via citizenspace by 20 May development-team/meeting-global-challenges/ development-team/meeting-global-challenges/ New ID Team #scotIDconsults