1.INTRODUCTION Objectives Intended Outcomes Activities Analysis Of Likely Challenges Mitigation Measures
2.OBJECTIVES: A RECAP Support Malawi Govt’s economic development goals Support Malawi Govt’s economic development goals Support & Build capacity of volunteers - Malawi and UK Support & Build capacity of volunteers - Malawi and UK Advance social and economic livelihoods of disadvantaged Malawians Advance social and economic livelihoods of disadvantaged Malawians Enhance the British understanding of Malawi development perspectives Enhance the British understanding of Malawi development perspectives
3.INTENDED OUTCOMES Human and material support given to Malawi Govt. Human and material support given to Malawi Govt. MIND act as link between Mwi govt & international agencies MIND act as link between Mwi govt & international agencies Malawians actively involved in volunteering activities Malawians actively involved in volunteering activities Seek to change attitude change towards volunteering Seek to change attitude change towards volunteering UK key stakeholders understanding the Malawi Diaspora volunteering UK key stakeholders understanding the Malawi Diaspora volunteering Recognition of MIND as a key organisation of Diaspora volunteering Recognition of MIND as a key organisation of Diaspora volunteering
4.ACTIVITIES Programme development Programme development Discussions with Malawi Government and other key stakeholders Discussions with Malawi Government and other key stakeholders Volunteer assessment, training and matching Volunteer assessment, training and matching Conferences on Malawi in the UK and overseas Conferences on Malawi in the UK and overseas Links with SADC & NEPAD, and British/ European organisations Links with SADC & NEPAD, and British/ European organisations Skills audit Skills audit Identification of specialists (organisational intelligence development e.g. Skills database) Identification of specialists (organisational intelligence development e.g. Skills database)
ACTIVITIES (cont’d) Staff recruitment Staff recruitment Liaison with UK based Malawians – societies (e.g. MAHECAS); faith-based Organisations etc Liaison with UK based Malawians – societies (e.g. MAHECAS); faith-based Organisations etc Building the capacity of local volunteers + Motivation Building the capacity of local volunteers + Motivation Develop awareness events e.g. seminars, presentations, conferences, exhibitions. Develop awareness events e.g. seminars, presentations, conferences, exhibitions. Information / Record gathering and documentation Information / Record gathering and documentation Networking with other diaspora organisations Networking with other diaspora organisations
5.LIKELY CHALLENGES & MITIGATION MEASURES 5.1Internal Organisational Issues: Structurally MIND is not fully developed a)Lack of Diverse funding Base / Fund Raising Capacity Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures –VSO to identify funding sources –Develop fund raising capacity –MIA to develop fund raising strategy and develop fund raising proposal application
5.2 Political Developments a)Lack of buy in by politicians b)Changed political landscape / priorities c)Regional political divisions Mitigation MeasuresMitigation Measures –Engaging new politicians + existing, elite / groups etc. –Avoid political alignment –Communication –Register and formalise engagement in Malawi
5.3 Economic (a)Misuse of resources Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures –Quality monitoring & evaluation 5.4 Sociological (a)Hierarchical system (gender; status) (b) Perception of volunteers
Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures –Ensure quality work + programmes –Volunteer management systems (process of recruiting volunteers; Quality monitoring & evaluation) –Development of communication plans –Use of media –Effective engagement of key stakeholders to encourage active participation through: meetings; promotional campaigns; feedback; one-to-one meetings; simple research and feedback; develop web forums to encourage feedback; quality programs. Learning from other partners –Visits to share & learning experiences