Roundtable discussion How can Future Earth build on these and add value? Roundtable discussion Current regional research priorities and coordination mechanisms.


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Presentation transcript:

Roundtable discussion How can Future Earth build on these and add value? Roundtable discussion Current regional research priorities and coordination mechanisms already in place for Global Environmental Change research in Latin America and the Caribbean. How can Future Earth build on these and add value? Dr. Lilliam Álvarez Díaz World Academy of Sciences (TWAS-Fellow) Merit Member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences

Focusing some issues: Gaps in the World and in the Latin America and Caribbean Region Democratization of Science (Social appropriation of S&T) (S&T for whom ?) (In which world ?) Science Education The importance of Basic Sciences Environmental Sciences: Ecology, Oceanology, Geography, Meteorology, Seismology, Climate Changes Physics, Mathematics: HARD SCIENCES

Focusing some issues: Research priorities and coordination mechanisms that already exist in the Region Research priorities: Adding value to existing initiatives Elements for a Regional Research Agenda in the framework for Future Earth Gender Issues: Empowering women, the Role of Women in Sciences

Defining Development and Progress: Recovering Human Dignity Food, Health, Housing, Education Cultural Identity Literacy Integral Culture Institutional Organization Including Women in social life Eliminating Discrimination Creating social structures that guarantee the participation of women Ethical Commitment of Scientists Social Appropriation of S&T Ecological Sustainability

La Tierra de Noche Gaps in the World Developed countries have : 20% of the World population 70% of the researchers 85% of all investment in R&D Publish the 85% of the scientific papers Publish the 85% of the scientific papers 90% of all existing patents Gaps in Education Gaps in the Health systems Gaps in the access to ICT Gender Gaps Poverty, hunger, children mortality, diseases

On other hand, 1/3 of the students (both men and women), who graduate in the “the third world” do not work for the development of their own countries……Brain drain……

S&T in the Caribbean Economically and socially heterogeneous HAITI AFRICAN DIASPORA

Social actors and their rol in the transit towards the sustainable development: The Political will of the goverments The school and the universities The school and the universities The community The community The Non-governnamental organizations, as the Scientific societies and the Academies The Non-governnamental organizations, as the Scientific societies and the Academies The familyWomen play a crucial role ! The family : Women play a crucial role ! The individual The individual Media: Media: The diffusion media have a fundamental role in the direction of the public opinion and have a considerably influence in the formation of new conceptions and culture (…vs. consumption habits and wrong life styles).

S&T undervalued Minimal Investment in Science Education Lack of connection between the scientific community and educational systems Lack of investment by enterprises in S&T and innovation Science Education...COMMON PROBLEMS IN LAC

Policies, organization and funding of the Educationonal systems Preparation and background of teachers Lack of materials Weak Coordination between formal and non-formal or informal science education Gender bias in general and in Science education Science Education...COMMON PROBLEMs in lac

Avoidinf Gender Bias in Science Education

GENDER GAP WOMEN IN SCIENCES IN THE WORLD: CAUTION ! : MEN WORKING XXI Century: Let us see the statistics In some countries of the world……. XXI Century: Let us see the statistics In some countries of the world……. TWAS News Letter, Vol. 21, No.2, 2009 *TWAS News Letter, Vol. 21, No.2, 2009

3/5 of the poorest people in the world are women and girls 70% of the 130 million of non-studying persons in the world are girls 2/3 of the 960 million of illiterate persons in the world are women Some Statistics:

When women do not participate in S&T or in the economic, political, and cultural life of a society, the development of a nation is delayed.

Women are not a minority: We are half of Humankind and the Mothers of the other half!

Empowering women is key to building a Future we want. Empowering women and girls with more choices and more freedoms is crucial to achieving a better future for all, Amartya Sen, Nobel laureate and a founder of UNDP’s Human Development Index


GAPS IN EDUCATION : Method: “Yo sí puedo”*, (Yes, I can): A Cuban Program to finish the Illiteracy * UNESCO Prize “Rey Sejon”, 2006


Research framework for Future Earth Co-designing the Regional dimensions of Future Earth Latin America and the Caribbean Solution-oriented: by listening to the needs – Priorities in R&D, priorities for sustainability Future Earth will seek solutions to the grand challenges of environmental change and development. Regional engagement, geographic and gender balance, capacity building, supporting new generations of researchers and networking are priorities. Integrated Research Themes: Dynamic Planet; Global Development; and Transformations toward Sustainability. Make projections for the future, and anticipate critical thresholds?

Existing initiatives and Research priorities in LAC,in which Future Earth could add value ICSU- ROLAC Committees Biodiversity Education in Mathematics Natural hazards IANAS- Programs Water Energy Science Education Women in Sciences Capacity building CYTED- Networks (Funds for movility) Industrial development Agriculture Health Biodiversity ICTs Energy Science, Tech and Society IIA, UNESCO, UNDP, IAEA, TWAS-ROLAC, OEA, BID, CCC, …….

What science is needed for the Future ? A Digital World. For whom ? An Hydrogen World. For whom ? Low Carbon cities ?. In the developing world? Which Science for Which World ?

Examples of priorities to work in the framework of Future Earth Networks and Virtual Scientific Centers I. Strenghtening R&D in hard sciences II. Sharing infraestructures and results for: Observing systems Data Systems Amazonia is crucial Earth system modeling – Amazonia is crucial Science of Sustainability Synthesis and assessments Social Sciences, S,T and Society III. Capacity development and Science education IV. Science Communication VI. Science-policy interfaces and interaction All with Gender perspective

To propose a Regional Science Committee in Latin America and the Caribbean: To provide scientific guidance and ensure that the science of Future Earth is of the highest quality and take on emerging issues. To propose to the Governing Council projects or other scientific activities, and new research themes in LAC For integrating projects and activities in the Region

Havana City