Pilot programme to mainstream migration into national development planning in four countries. Development partners involved: o UNDP – support the processes in pilot countries o Swiss Development Cooperation – funding o Global Migration Group - collective support at the global level (14 UN agencies, IOM and the World Bank) Background
Why Moldova? Government demonstrated wish to more systematically factor in migration in its development planning to maximize the benefits of migration and minimize the negative impacts of migration on economic and human development.
Implementation o The project will be implemented under the leadership of the State Chancellery, as the Government’s body responsible for high-level policy making and coherence thereof. o IOM, given its expertise, has been requested to act as the Lead Development Partner and UN Focal Point Focal Point for the mainstreaming of migration.
Major goals o Mainstreaming migration into the national development strategy, i.e. Moldova 2020’s roll-out/implementation and sectorial strategies o Mainstreaming migration into the joint Action Plan for the UN-Moldova Partnership Framework , and increase coherence of UN work on this major policy issue and enhance its capacity to advise the Government on Migration and Development.
Activities o Comprehensive assessment of the migration management framework and policy coherence o Consultative events with various stakeholder constituencies along the thematic blocks of the Migration Profile analysis o Diaspora and diaspora engagement will be separately consulted on given its cross-cutting importance and the current context of Moldova’s decision to set up a dedicated Diaspora Agency o The development of a National Migration Mainstreaming Proposal and beginning implementation planning