Modern World History Beginning of Muslim & Judeo- Christian Conflict
History Content Standards for California Public Schools
The Crusades The Crusades - Holy Wars fought between Christians and Muslims Battle for Jerusalem (Next Slide) Background: – In 600 AD, Muslim rulers took control of the city. They allowed Christian and Jewish pilgrims to visit Jerusalem. Also, Jews and Christians could live in Palestine as long as they paid their taxes. The First Crusade: – Around 1095, a new group of Muslims took control of Jerusalem. They closed the city to Jewish and Christian pilgrims. – The Pope sent 30,000 troops (knights and peasants) to recapture the city. Took the troops 2 years to travel there and after a two month siege they captured the city.
The Crusades
JERUSALEM – Three major religious groups all claimed Jerusalem as their holy city. – Christians - Where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and ascended to heaven. – Muslims - Where Muhammad ascended to heaven. – Jews – Where the national center of Judaism is and where the ancient temple built by Solomon is.
The Crusades 2 nd Crusade – 50 years after the first crusade Jerusalem is recaptured by Muslims. The Pope again sends troops. This time is unsuccessful. There are 9 total Crusades lasting over 200 years.
Israel Jews claim it is their home land dating back 3000 years. After World War II, the United Nations General Assembly voted to split Palestine in two. (Palestinian sate and a Jewish State). Although all of the Islamic countries and Palestine voted against it. On May 14, 1948 the state of Israel was established. (Size is very small, half the size of Costa Rica) – After the Holocaust, The United States and many European nations felt great sympathy for the Jews.
Arab-Israeli War The day after Israel was named a new nation the Arab League invaded Israel. (1 st Arab-Israeli War) Within months Israel won the war with the help of the United States. Arab League – Group of Arab (Islamic) states in Africa and the Middle East (Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria) Suez Crisis – Egypt takes over control of the Suez Canal (Aswan Dam) from Britain. Britain calls on Israel for help who quickly defeats the Egyptians. US and the Soviet Union pressure Israel to give the canal back to Egypt.
Arab-Israeli War Six-Day War (1967) – Tensions grew after Suez Crisis, Egypt and others felt empowered and with the help of Soviet tanks and aircraft were ready to attack. Israel knowing they were about to be attacked, struck first. They struck airfields in Egypt, Iran, Jordan and Syria and well as sent ground troops on 3 fronts. Won the war in 6 days. Lost 800, Arab lost 15,000+ Yom Kippur War – Egypt attacked Israel on Yom Kippur. Israel was caught by surprise and suffered heavy casualties. But, they launched a counter attack and regained all territory lost at the beginning of War. – Yom Kippur – Holiest day of the year for Jews. Day is spent fasting, praying, and in the synagogues.
Influence of Oil After WWII, the oil of the Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia)attracted both the United States and Soviet Union. Led to conflict in traditional Islamic values and modern Western materialism. The leaders of these countries became extremely wealthy they their cities blossomed with skyscrapers, banks and modernized factories. However, millions of the common citizens were still living in poverty. Iran - The United States helped put a secular (non- religious) shah into power.
Influence of Oil Government overthrown by militant Muslims and an Islamic State is Created (resents the US for helping the Shah). Encourages Muslims everywhere to overthrow their secular Governments. Iraq – Secular government run by military leader, Saddam Hussein. Iraq and Iran go to war in US secretly aids both sides because they did not want the balance of power to change. 1 million people die.
Afghanistan In 1979, the Soviet Union attacked neighboring Afghanistan. Led by rebel forces (armed with American Weapons) the Afghani people fought back. Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban are among the people the US armed. US armed them because they did not want the Soviet Union to gain influence in the Middle East and/or control the oil
Persian Gulf War In 1990, Iraq (led by Suddham Hussein) invaded Kuwait and seized all the Kuwaiti oil fields. Fears increased that they would also invade Saudi Arabia (one of the biggest suppliers of oil in the world). – Saudi Arabia was offered assistance/protection from two sources. United States & the United Nations Osama Bin Laden & Al- Quaeda
Persian Gulf War Saudi Arabia and the royal family chose the United States and the United Nations. Osama denounced the decision and said that Saudi Arabia (especially the cities of Mecca and Medina) should be defended by Muslims only.
Osama Bin Laden Son of a Saudi Arabian billionaire Devout Wahhabi Muslim Worked with Afghan fighters in the 1980s to defeat the Soviet Union (This is when Al-Queda was created)