The Olympics Jordan Urness GBS 233
The Olympics Today The modern Olympic games is the leading international sporting event Features summer and winter sports Thousands of athlete’s participate in a variety of competitions Held every 4 years with the summer and winter games alternating The Olympic Games are considered to be the world's foremost sports competition with more than 200 nations participating
The Winter and Summer Olympics Ceremonies
The Bid While an Olympic bid is made on behalf of all the people of a city, the majority are only indirectly consulted as to whether they want their city to bid for an Olympic Games and what they want to achieve in the process. A bid is usually framed in terms of some community benefit — such as urban renewal, improved transport or better sporting facilities — which it is claimed will counter the potential costs and burdens to the community. Public opinion polls are usually cited by the bid proposers as proof of public support for a bid.
The Risk of being the Host City It is impossible to know the true cost to a city of hosting an Olympic Games because there is no accepted way of assessing expenditure. To present Olympic expenditure in the best possible light host cities often hide certain items or shift them to other budgets. Presumably there is a fear that the disclosure of the full costs of staging an Olympic Games might diminish the degree of public support for this event and there is argument that being a host city is beneficial at all. The supporters of an Olympic Games argue that these benefits will outweigh any negative impacts such as overcrowding, increased costs and taxes and disruption due to Olympic-related building. There is also a fear that the Olympic games at some point will experience a terrorist attack
The Cities Preparation alterations in design of the city changes to the physical and the built environment the representation of a city and country and its culture improvements in air, road and rail transport increased costs and taxes changes in governance and public decision-making potential increased tourism and business activity the creation of new sporting venues which have potential for post-Games community use the involvement of the community as volunteers and torch-bearers
How the Olympics affects Businesses in the Host City The Olympics brings in tourism, which has a huge impact on local businesses in the Host city. Hotel rooms get booked, restaurants get crazy busy. Night clubs are packed, etc. The Olympics is money well spent when it comes to businesses because it brings people and people bring their money to spend while they enjoy the Olympic games.
For example… Based off of Britain’s Olympic experience in 2012 Speaking after Britain’s most successful Olympics for a century, the London Mayor said most people would think the estimated £9.3 billion cost was good value. Figures from Visa showed that tourists and day-trippers dining out boosted takings by 20 per cent, while theatres saw their ticket sales more than double in the second week. The capital also benefited from 5.5 million day-trippers spread across sites from horse-riding in Greenwich Park to rowing at Eton Dorney, with 2.7 million visiting the official Olympic Park. The Government estimates that Britain will get £13 billion of intangible “economic benefits” from holding the Olympics over the coming years.
In Conclusion Not only does revenue impact local businesses, but private and corporate as well. The Olympics lures in all sorts of people from all over the world with money in their pockets.
Works Cited "Ancient Olympic Games.", First Olympics in Olympia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr Cashman, Richard. "Impact of the Games on Olympic Host Cities." Letter to Aimed at University Students and Professors about Major Olympic-related Themes University Lecture on the Olympics Centre D’Estudis Olímpics (UAB) 12 International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB), Web. 16 Apr Mason, Rowena. "Boris Johnson: Olympics Were 'money Well Spent' as Tourism Boosts Business." The Telegraph, 13 Aug Web. 16 Apr "Olympic Games." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Apr Web. 16 Apr