Presenter Name Organization Date “Customize as you need”
1. What Is Career Development 2. Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum [Change content according to your needs and context, e.g., industry, K-12, counselor, workforce education, etc] 3. GCDF Certification 4. CDF Curriculum 5. Organizations Related to CDF 2
Change jobs 11 times on average (between age 18-44, baby boomers) source: The number is increasing for younger generations. 3 1.What is Career Development
Self-examination Self-exploration Whole-life planning-NOT simply choosing an occupation ◦ *It is a giant puzzle that we refit throughout our lives and we get to change the pieces 4 1.What is Career Development
When your list is completed, please code each item according to the selected factors: 1.A dollar sign ($) beside any activity that costs more than $ The letter A next to things done alone; the letter P if done with other people, and AP if done alone or with people. 3.The letter D if data is involved in the tasks. 4.The letter T if some kind of object (equipment, tool, machine) is used. 5.The letter R if an element of risk is involved. 6.The letter N if not done in the last three years. 5 1.What is Career Development
Active participation Exploration: inward and outward ◦ Ongoing and from an early age A willingness to embrace new life and learning experiences ◦ *Making the most of unplanned events and being able to seize the day! 6 1.What is Career Development
Putting together a resume for a one time job search A particular event, class, computer program, or test that miraculously maps out your future. ◦ *However, it may involve all or some of these things. 7 1.What is Career Development
Teachers Guidance Counselors Parents Employers Career Specialists Work Based Learning Coordinators ANYONE ELSE in a persons life Most importantly: active and willing participants 8 1.What is Career Development
Know the Numbers: ◦ People in the US workforce – million ◦ Average job changes in lifetime – estimated to be “11” ◦ College graduates in 2012: 2.3 million ◦ High school graduates in 2008: 2.5 million ◦ Pre-K through 8 th graders enrolled in 2012: 39.1 million ◦ High school students enrolled in 2012: 15.7 million ◦ College students enrolled in 2012: 20.7 million Projections for 2020: ◦ Pre-k through 8th grade students enrolled: 41.6 million ◦ High school students enrolled: 16.3 million ◦ College students enrolled: 23.0 million 9 2. Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum
“A person working in a career services setting or who incorporates career development information or skills in their work with students, adults, clients, employees, or the public.” “A CDF receives in-depth career development training [120 in class & on line instructional hours] provided by a nationally trained and qualified instructor.” Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum
Many individuals currently providing career assistance are not professional counselors CDF was developed to provide standards, training specifications and credentialing for career services providers GOAL: to define and differentiate two levels of career practice Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum
Business / Industry School Counselors Staff, Counselors, and Managers at Career Centers Workforce Development [Government agencies – Federal, State, Local] Human Resources Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum
Government agencies (federal/state/local) ◦ Workforce Development ◦ Corrections Corporations [ large/small] Schools ◦ Colleges/Universities ◦ High schools ◦ Middle schools ◦ Elementary schools Private practice Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum
Career group facilitator Job search trainer Career resource center coordinator Career coach Career development case manager Intake interviewer Occupational and labor market information resource person Human resource coordinator Employment/placement specialist Workforce development staff person Academic advisor Need for CDFs and the CDF Curriculum
Receives 120-hours of NCDA-approved career development-related training in 12 core competencies, provided by a certified CDF instructor Is eligible to receive a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) credential, which is a certification through the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE), a subsidiary of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC).Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) GCDF Certification
Complete an approved CDF course that address the 12 CDF competencies ◦ Face-to-face (classroom only) or eLearning (Hybrid) format Satisfy a certain number of years of work experience related to the CDF competencies* Apply for GCDF certification through CCE GCDF Certification *The required number of experience varies depending on the applicant’s level of education completed
-The GCDF Connection, Fall 2005 newsletter GCDF Certification
18 3. GCDF Certification The total number of GCDFs Spring 2010Spring 2012Increase Bulgaria Canada7125 China Cypress099 Germany Greece Japan Korea Macedonia032 New Zealand550 Romania Taiwan039 Turkey International Total United States Total
There is an increasing need for career development services all over the world The economy has forced many to seek out services in locating a job or changing careers The Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) began the benchmark of offering a training based credential for Career Development Facilitators GCDF Certification
Helping Skills - Be proficient in the basic career facilitating process while including productive interpersonal relationships. Labor Market Information and Resources - Understand labor market and occupational information and trends. Be able to use current resources. Assessment - Comprehend and use (under supervision) both formal and informal career development assessments with emphasis on relating appropriate ones to the population served. Diverse Populations - Recognize special needs of various groups and adapt services to meet their needs. Ethical and Legal Issues - Follow the CDF code of ethics and know current legislative regulations. Career Development Models - Understand career development theories, models, and techniques as they apply to lifelong development, gender, age, and ethnic background CDF Curriculum
Employability Skills - Know job search strategies and placement techniques, especially in working with specific groups. Training Clients and Peers - Prepare and develop materials for training programs and presentations. Program Management/Implementation - Understand career development programs and their implementation, and work as a liaison in collaborative relationships. Promotion and Public Relations - Market and promote career development programs with staff and supervisors. Technology - Comprehend and use career development computer applications. Consultation - Accept suggestions for performance improvement from consultants or supervisors CDF Curriculum
Traditional Format ◦ requires approximately 80+ classroom hours and 40+ hours of field experience and/or homework eLearning (Hybrid) Format ◦ allows participants to work at their own pace ◦ requires a minimum of 24 classroom hours and approximately 80+ hours of field experience and/or homework CDF Curriculum
Continuing Education Units Undergraduate or Graduate Credit CDF Curriculum Use this slide only when applicable
The largest career development organization ◦ Mission: “NCDA inspires and empowers the achievement of career and life goals by providing professional development, resources, standards, scientific research, and advocacy” A founding division of the American Counseling Association (ACA) Provides service to those involved with or interested in career development ◦ Professional development activities, publications, research, public information, professional standards, advocacy, etc Organizations Related to CDF
25 5. Organizations Related to CDF
College and University Counselors Workforce Development Professionals, Including Corrections / Offender Workforce Development Counselor Educators and Researchers K-12 Counselors and Educators Graduate Students Private Practitioners Disabilities Service Providers Organizations Related to CDF
Mission: “To facilitate the employment of the college educated” “Connects more than 5,200 college career services professionals at nearly 2,000 colleges and universities nationwide, and more than 3,000 HR/staffing professionals focused on college relations and recruiting” Organizations Related to CDF
“Devoted to credentialing counselors who meet standards for the general and specialty practices of professional counseling” Organizations Related to CDF
The National Career Development Association The National Association of Workforce Development Professionals The National Employment Counseling Association The Center for Credentialing and Education State Departments of Education The United States Navy State Departments of Labor Goodwill Industries The Center for Education and Work (Wisconsin-Madison) Job Corps The GCDF credential is also recognized in many countries, including Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Romania, Turkey, and New Zealand Organizations Related to CDF “Customize for your local area”
© 2012 National Career Development Association Developed by Hyung Joon Yoon, Victoria K. Ripley, and Malka Edelman