3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Level 3 CYPW Unit Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People Tutor; Karen Sendall
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Unit aim The unit is designed to enable the learner to understand the importance of multi agency and integrated working and to develop the skills of effective communication for professional purposes. It includes and assesses competence in information sharing between those involved in work with children and young people. Learning outcomes 1. Understand integrated and multi agency working 2. Be able to communicate with others for professional purposes 3. Be able to support organisational processes and procedures for recording, storing and sharing information Unit Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted MULTI-AGENCY WORKING & INTERGRATED WORKING What’s the difference?.....
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted How can your given scenario be a barrier to multi agency working? Worksheet 2
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Potential Barrier to working Together Reluctance to intervene Information not shared Confidentiality Different organisational structures and working practices Lack of shared understanding Different professional cultures Professional status and professional pride Different professional priorities Poor communication skills Budget Disagreements on how to proceed Relationships between professional and ‘service user’
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Worksheet 1
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Benefits of multi-agency working Provides a forum to exchange ideas and experience to identify innovative service solutions Creates opportunities for future joint working Enables learning from each other to take place Creates opportunities for creativity, collaboration and understanding of different organisational strengths and cultures Changes practice within organisations Enhances organisational capacity and declining resources that in turn benefit the young person. Cements relationships and builds trust amongst all those involved Increases efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of service Improves knowledge & skills of practitioners Exposure to other practitioners allows individuals to expand their knowledge and expertise while providing support, dividing responsibility and cushioning the effect of any failures
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted What is the Common Assessment Framework? Worksheet 3
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted There are many external agencies that provide services for children and young people. How many can you think of?.... What is there function?... Worksheet 4
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Once upon a time… Zainul used to live in Bangladesh but he has recently moved to Bristol with his parents and older sister. Zainul is 5 years old and has arrived for his first day at primary school. His mother speaks little English and seems nervous as she leaves Zainul with his teacher.
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted First response The teacher, Mrs McLean, smiles at Zainul’s mother as she takes his hand and walks him over to where some other boys are playing. Zainul sits and watches but doesn’t seem to want to join in and makes no attempt to talk during the morning activities. Mrs McLean makes a point of making eye contact and smiling at him.
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Identify Mrs McLean suspects that Zainul and his family are probably feeling anxious about the move to the UK and may need help to adjust. She decides that the family would benefit from contact with other agencies and begins by observing Zainul’s interactions during the school day. Having identified his needs, Mrs McLean then considers the possible needs of the whole family.
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Act Zainul speaks little English – obtain dual language books and tapes from the library. Mrs McLean speaks no Bangladeshi – learn a few key phrases from another teacher. There are no GP details on Zainul’s records and the notes indicate that they have no family or friends in the area – offer to refer the family to the local Surestart Family Link Worker for support.
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Explain Having done this, Mrs McLean enlists the help of another teacher, who speaks Bangladeshi, to help translate her ideas. When Zainul’s mother collects him at the end of the day she is told in Bangladeshi that the school would like to support the whole family and the solutions so far. Mrs McLean then gives her details of a local organisation for Bangladeshis.
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Follow up Mrs McLean knows that she cannot make a referral to other agencies without the parent’s permission but also that the whole family will need to be supported for many months and may feel embarrassed at asking for help. She makes a note in her diary to follow up with Zainul’s mother in a few weeks time. to be continued…....
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Activity In groups discuss how you would continue this story?.... What else could Mrs McLean do to help support Zainul and his family? Case Study 1
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted What steps are required to make a CAF referral? Worksheet 5
3.6 Working together © Pearson Education Printing and photocopying permitted Referral stagesSteps 1 to 8 Complete referral form by the deadline given5 Identify the agency you want to refer to2 Make links with the contact person6 Gain consent of the appropriate person (parent/carer/child) 1 Specify the support needed to the agency7 Follow the referral procedure of this agency4 Find out what the service is able to offer3 Follow up to find out the decision made8 Worksheet 5