Welcome class of 2020 Rolesville High School RAMS
Rolesville High School Graduating Class of 2020 Dean of Students: Mr. K. Douglas Counselor (A-D): Mr. S. Purvis Counselor (E-K): Ms. J. Arnold Counselor (L-P): Ms. P. Lucas Counselor (Q-Z): Ms. D. Wood SAP Counselor: Ms. D. Hendrix
Student Services Student Services is located on the 2 nd floor, between the Media Center and the Cafeteria. Information about Student Services can be found on the RHS webpage. RHS webpage
How Do I See My Counselor when I have Questions/Concerns Stop by Student Services before class, during Lunch, or after School and fill out a “Student Request To See A Counselor Form”. The Counselor will review the form and you will be seen. You can your Grade Level Counselor from your Wake County Student Address.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS You need 26 credits to graduate from Rolesville High School.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ENGLISH-4 Credits English I English II English III English IV ENGLISH-4 Credits English I English II English III English IV
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS MATH-4 Credits Common Core Math I Common Core Math II Common Core Math III 4 th Math Course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans. It is recommended by colleges for a student to take a math class in the senior year.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Science-3 Credits Earth Science/Environmental Science Biology Physical Science-includes Chemistry or Physics
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Social Studies-4 Credits World History American History I American History II Civics and Economics
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SECOND LANGUAGE It is not required for graduation, but a MINIMUM of 2 credits are required for admission to the UNC Public University System.
What Does It Take To Be Promoted To The 10 th Grade? You must pass: - ENGLISH I -TWO credits in Math, Science, or Social Studies -(3) additional courses TOTAL OF 6 CREDITS
Grading Scale A= B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F= less than 60
Quality Points GradeStandardHonorsAP A44.55 B33.54 C22.53 D11.52 F000
What Is RIGOR?
9 th Grade Counts Even one “D” can affect your GPA Colleges will look at your Cumulative GPA Each year you earn 8 credits Most colleges look for a GPA of 3.0 or above Don’t throw away your 9 th grade year!!
Monitor Powerschool to keep track of all grades in each of your classes.
Success In The Classroom *Know each teachers’ class rules. *Learn how to adapt to different teachers. *Have all materials when you go to class. *Always do your homework. *Participate in class. *Treat others with courtesy and respect.
Tips for Parents Monitor Powerschools Communicate with teachers Check teacher websites Ask your child what they did/learned in school each day
Getting Involved Get Involved-Join at least one club or sport this year! SPORTS: Remember … Schoolwork is ALWAYS important! For information on sports offered at RHS and eligibility, visit the school website under the athletics tab. CLUBS: Clubs can focus on academics, hobbies, leadership, culture, community service, and much more! If you are interested in starting a club at RHS, you will first need to find an advisor.
Driver’s Education Driver’s Education AGE: At least 14 ½ COST: $65 For information about Driver’s Education go to the *Forms can be picked up in the Main Office or Student Services (Please return to Main Office)
Career Services Career Services is located on the 3rd floor, Room Information about Career Services can be found on the RHS webpage.RHS webpage Sign up on Mrs. McPherson’s door or in Student Services for an appointment!
Career Planning
CTE Support Services CTE Support Services Services available to YOU! Learning styles inventory assessments Test taking tips Study skills and organization tips Extra help in a CTE class Mr. Carrington is located in Student Services, Room 2521.
CLASS OF 2020 CLASS OF 2020 Once a RAM, Always a RAM!