STDEP Toolkits Workshop 11 May 2017
Context Three toolkits will be produced by October 2016 They will help to underpin the support given across the wider STDEP programme. These toolkits will focus on: Economic performance Public health Housing growth and planning
Context The toolkits will be produced during the summer mirroring delivery of the wider STDEP programme. We are looking for volunteers from LEPs to assist with their development Today’s workshop is all about feeding in your needs, ideas and recommendations to ensure they are fit for purpose Themes Design
The delivery team Coordination – Tim Burns, Sustrans Economic Performance – David Corner, Sustrans Public Health – Dr Adrian Davis, Independent Consultant Housing growth and planning – Tim Burns, Sustrans Design – Ben Millbank, Sustrans Support across all three toolkits: Tompion Platt, Living Streets Nick Dangerfield, TAS Partnership
Our early thinking For each area we will: Explain the issues and evidence base Demonstrate how we can meet need Signpost and share guides, tools and case studies Outline how sustainable transport in relation to economic performance, health and housing growth can contribute to Strategic Economic Plans and Local Growth Funding Link tools to wider STDEP support
Economic performance The aim of this toolkit is to: Demonstrate how investment in active travel and public transport contributes to increased local economic performance This toolkit aims to do this by:
Economic performance 1. Explaining the issues The current policy context and the role of sustainable transport in local economic growth How investment in sustainable travel reduces congestion and pollution, increases economic activity and creates sustainable local jobs The benefits for the local economy of improved employee health and reduced absenteeism How gains from inter-city connectivity can only be fully realised if within city travel can cope with current and future demand and supports vibrant and growing economic centres Providing past examples of how investment in sustainable transport has brought about local economic benefits
Economic performance 2. Demonstrating how we can meet need Keeping people and businesses moving and reducing congestion Supporting local businesses and high streets (quality of life and retail vitality) Direct and indirect job creation Helping people to access employment Leisure, tourism and support for the cycling industry
Economic performance 3. Signposting guides, tools and case studies Investing in cycling and walking: the economic case for action – report and toolkit (DfT) The value of cycling: rapid evidence review of the economic benefits of cycling – (Phil Jones + University of Birmingham) Assessing the productivity benefits of improving inter-city connectivity in Northern England (Frontier Economics for the National Infrastructure Commission) Evidence Review Transport (What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth) TDEP papers on What Works and Scheme Economic Impacts
Public health The aim of this toolkit is to: Demonstrate the value of investing in active travel and public transport in order to reduce ill health and its associated costs both to business and wider society. This toolkit aims to do this by:
Public health 1.Explaining the issue The cost to the economy of physical inactivity The current disease burden from road transport including mental health and wellbeing Wider health impacts including air pollution
Public health 2. Demonstrating how we can meet need The case for Action - the Active Transport for Healthy Living Coalition Investment in active travel and value for money including the DfT’s Claiming the Health Dividend – a summary and discussion of value for money estimates from studies of investment in walking and cycling. Workplace health and wellbeing including improving business efficiency (reduced absenteeism as a result of a healthier and happier workforce and staff retention), & CSR benefits The NHS’s new programme to financially incentivise staff health and Healthy New Towns Programme LEPs, The local growth fund and the Access Fund
Public health 3. Signposting guides, tools and case studies Public Health England – Active Travel Briefing (due out May 2016), and Obesity economic impact tool World Health Organization Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling Public Health Outcomes Framework – linking transport and health indicators North Bristol SusCom - group of major employers, located in North Bristol, promoting sustainable commuting for 40,000 employees Air Quality: international examples from European cities and beyond
Housing growth and planning The aim of this toolkit is to: Demonstrate the value of integrating active travel and public transport into local planning to support efficient, attractive and safe mobility in new housing developments and growth areas This toolkit aims to do this by:
Housing growth and planning 1. Explaining the issue How the design of our built environment informs mobility, and the consequences for the local economy and public health How the policy context and planning system informs this agenda, including features like spatial distribution, housing density, parking management, etc. Historical context of housing development in England and consequences for transport modes
Housing growth and planning 2. Demonstrating how we can meet need This section will focus on demonstrating how we can better align sustainable transport through housing growth. It will include focus on the following: Integrating spatial and transport planning Building in the right locations Planning the right developments Making the right connections Engaging the local community
Housing growth and planning 3. Signposting guides, tools and case studies Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and the TOD standard South Yorkshire’s traffic light grading of development sites London – Public Travel Access Levels and ARUP’s ActiveTAL CyclePoint in Leeds and Cambridge Nottingham – improving bus provision AllTransit – mapping access to services in America Houten – successful rural development without the car
The workshop Format Each table will discuss either economic performance, public health or housing and planning for 20 mins You will then be asked to move in a clockwise direction to the next table to discuss another theme (20 mins) This will repeat one more time enabling all participants to put across their opinions on all three themes. Table hosts will lead the conversation and ensure everything is captured. We will share feedback at the end
The questions We want to focus on three questions: 1.What are your barriers to investing in sustainable transport in relation to economic performance/public health/housing growth and planning? 2.What topics or resources would be most useful for you from a tool focusing on the economic performance/public health/housing growth and planning in relation to sustainable transport? 3.Thinking about the information collected above, once it’s been collected…? How will the information or data be used and who will use it? Do you have any suggestions for the media, design, and feel of the tools?