Welcome Y12 UCAS Information Evening
Aims of tonight 1.What is UCAS? 2.How can you support your child with UCAS? 3.How do we support your child with UCAS? 4.What has changed at university? 5.What next?
What is UCAS? A centralised organisation. The application contains personal information, a personal statement and a teacher’s reference. Students choose 5 ‘choices’.
How can you support your child with UCAS?
AS Level grades or BTEC grades form the basis of your University Entry A Level gradeBTEC gradeUCAS points A*Distinction *140 ADistinction120 B100 CMerit80 D60 EPass40
The A level and BTEC grades needed
A LevelUCAS pointsUniversities A levels A*, A, A AS level B 430Warwick, Durham, Cambridge A levels A, A, A AS level B 410Oxford, York, Bristol, Liverpool, LSE, UCL, Nottingham, Leeds A, A, B340Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle, Exeter, UEA, Reading, Southampton, SOAS, Birmingham A, B, B320Queen Mary University, Roehampton, Leicester B, B, B300Essex, Keele, Northampton B,C,C260Birkbeck, Chichester, Wolverhampton For History BA
Types of Degree Single Honours Joint Honours Sandwich/Year in Industry Year Abroad Huge variety of subject combinations
How can you help with your child’s transition to University? 1.Look together at prospectuses online and league tables 2.Go to 3 open days. 3.Make informed ‘choices’ including both subject/location. 4.Over the summer, make sure they write a personal statement, approximately one page long (First draft deadline: Friday 4 th September).
How do we support your child with UCAS? Destinations Week – 30 th June- 3 rd July Full attendance all day – Support with researching their choices. - Teach them how to write a personal statement - Financial awareness - meeting TCS Alumni - Register with UCAS - trip to Surrey University on Friday (Top 10 Uni) Weekly tutorials in Y13
What has changed? Education Life Skills Improved career options.
Most Targeted Universities in University 123Nottingham1116Birmingham 226Manchester126Durham 31Cambridge1318Sheffield 42Oxford1421Loughborough 515Bristol1522Edinburgh 67Bath163London School of Economics 710Warwick1718Newcastle 829Leeds188Exeter 95London Imperial College1920Southampton 109London University College2042Strathclyde Ref: High Fliers Research Limited
The ‘Good All-Rounders’ 1 st or 2.1 degree from a top university Employers will accept ‘any degree subject’ Lots of work experience Plenty of extra-curricular activities Strong business and personal skills Graduates develop a real interest in the sector or industry they're applying to work in Ref: High Fliers Research Limited
The ‘Vocational Specialists’ Specific degree subject which prepares you for a particular career. Courses could be at any university in the country – what counts is their reputation with employers. Beware of plausible-sounding courses which don’t actually lead to employment area Huge range of opportunities for graduate but can be harder to research the options. Ref: High Fliers Research Limited
Making the Most of University Begin thinking about your future career options as soon as you start your degree. Get involved in plenty of extra-curricular activities. Try and organise work experience with different employers during your time at university. Develop as many business skills as you can. Do as much research as possible and preparing applications to employer early. Ref: High Fliers Research Limited
What next? Attendance and homework– students are studying their A2 courses NOW – they need to be in registration, all lessons and working hard. Attend EPQ Project - Proposal Submission Tuesday 7 - Wednesday 8 July Results and Y13 Enrolment Day – results will be available to collect from pm on 13 August. Students must enrol in Y13 once they have collected their results. Students must have a minimum of 2 Merits/Ds to progress to Y13.
Attend all lessons and complete all homework Choose A2 subjects to suit the course you’re applying for Begin your personal statement. Deadline 4 th September Begin your personal statement. Deadline 4 th September Attend the EPQ training on 7-8 July Research other routes if university is not for you Make the most of the summer holidays! Research ‘choices’
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 22 JUNE Registration and Lessons as usual Registration and Lesson Parents’ Info Evening Registration and Lessons as usual JULY0203 INSET DAY Destinations Week Alumni Inspiring speakers Research choices Destinations Week Financial Awareness How to write a personal statement Destinations Week Register and completion of UCAS application Destinations Week Trip to surrey university via coach No SchoolExtended Project Sixth Form Silent Study Room Extended Project Sixth Form Silent Study Room No School