Snohomish County PUD Mr. Sparks
Culmback Dam Spada Lake
Henry M. Jackson Hydroelectric Powerhouse
Does wind have power?
… But can we capture that wind power to generate electricity? Can I get a volunteer?
What are these things? What do you notice?
Some turbines are really big!
Some turbines are really small!
Why would we want to build wind turbines today?
Today we are going to: Think, talk and work like scientists 10 teams - do 5 different experiments at the same time/2 trials at each table Present your findings Divide into 5 teams of engineering experts Design & build a turbine A water pumping contest
Q P M P D C The Scientific Method
Question Prediction Materials Procedure Data Conclusion The Scientific Method
A variable in a scientific investigation is something that can vary, or change. What is a variable in a scientific investigation?
Manipulated (changed) Responding Controlled There are three types of variables in a scientific investigation…
(also called the “changed variable”) It's the one we change on purpose. It's what we are testing. We can choose what the manipulated variable will be. There can only be one! Manipulated variable…
is the result our investigation gives us. It's our data. Responding variable…
the ones we must keep the same. There can be many controlled variables. Controlled variable…
The Manipulated variable is the of dog food The Responding variable is the dogs'. One Controlled variable could be same of food for each dog tested. “How do different brands of dog food affect the growth rate of dogs?” Sample Investigative Question…
The Manipulated variable is the brand of dog food The Responding variable is the dogs’ growth rate. One Controlled variable could be same amount of food for each dog tested. “How do different brands of dog food affect the growth rate of dogs?” Sample Investigative Question…
AlpoPurinaBlue MountainHaloPinnacle 1 lb/day
AlpoPurinaBlue MountainHaloPinnacle 1 lb/day.75 lb/day.50 lb/day.375 lb/day.25 lb/day
Alpo Purina Blue Mountain Halo Pinnacle 1 lb/day
You'll be experimenting with turbine blades today. Can you think of any blade variables we could manipulate to affect turbine speed?
Number of blades Blade pitch Blade mass Materials used Blade length Blade shape Surface area Blade Twist Distance from center of hub to end of blade Blade variables we could manipulate to affect electrical output…
With your team, fill in the first line of your paper with your team's manipulated variable. Hint: What does the title on your paper say you are testing? Also, check the data chart for the answer.
Teams 1 and 2 will test Number of Blades Teams 3 and 4 will test Pitch (angle) of the Blades Teams 5 and 6 will test Mass (weight) of the Blades Teams 7 and 8 will test Length of Blades Teams 9 and 10 will test Shape of the Blades Testing Teams What is your manipulated variable?
With your team, fill in the second line of your paper with your team's responding variable. Hint: The data chart shows the answer!)
Make your team's prediction. (be sure to circle the terms, “increase” or “decrease”) With your team…
1.Remember to fill in data chart. 2.Look for a trend (pattern) in the data. Compare your trend with your partner team? Retest if necessary. After you are finished testing your blades… 1.Put all materials back into your box. 2.Work together to finish writing the conclusion. 3.If you finish early, complete the answers to the questions on page 2. As you are testing your blades…
Inputs?Outputs? Is a wind turbine a system?
If the magnet or wire moves, an electric current will be generated! How does a generator generate electricity?
Your new job is to be part of an expert engineering team that must design and build the very best set of wind turbine blades. You cannot do this alone, therefore success depends on all you experts working together.
1.Listen to each other as you share your data and recommendations with your team. 2.Record your team's decisions on the giant poster. Use your data to make your decisions! 1.As a team, complete a design plan on the poster. 2.Get your plan approved by your teacher or me.ta 3.Build your blades according to your design. Remember, craftsmanship is important! Have an adult do your gluing! 4.Test/modify your prototype. 5.Record your test data, especially your maximum voltage output. Your engineering jobs…
Blade Competition
We will now use our turbines to generate electricity. That electricity will be used to power an electrical water pump. That pump will pump water into a graduated cylinder. Let's see which team can pump the most water!
Blade Competition Team #TimemL of H 2 O pumped
What creates wind?
Advantages of using wind to generate electricity? Disadvantages of using wind to generate electricity?
Renewable vs. Non-Renewable Solar Wind Biomass Hydro Ocean Coal Oil Gas Nuclear
Kinetic energy is the energy of MOTION Wind is…….. AIR IN MOTION Wind Energy is KINETIC ENERGY
Large Wind Turbines 450’ base to blade Each blade 112’ Span greater than tons total Foundation 20+ feet deep Rates at 1.5 – 5 megawatts Supply at least 350 homes
How is a wind farm part of the entire electricity-generating system?
Discussion Questions What variable has the greatest impact on power output? Can the data we collected today be related to full-scale wind turbines? How? What are some advantages and disadvantages of wind power? What is the one thing you will remember the most about today’s lesson?